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Procrastination (by Private)

the action of delaying or postponing something.

Procrastination is something I'm sure we've all done. Some more than others. I've personally procrastinated a lot, especially on assignments for school. It's a natural thing that happens to the best of us since there are so many things that are available to us that can provide distractions. Such as smartphones, computers, and tablets for example.

Some say that procrastination reflects a part of selves such as self-control. Which could be more or less true, since if you give in to procrastination, you lose your sense of self-control. You start to do the most random things to distract yourself. You could end up watching Youtube videos that randomly come up on your feature feed. I would know since I do that regularly myself.
Tips to deal with procrastination

There are ways to help stop your procrastination. Some suggest that if you have a big project to work on, create specific sub-goals. When creating these sub-goals you should specify the starting time and ending time. By creating these sub-goals it will make the project seem less intimidating and it will allow you to work on parts of the project as time goes on.

Also, remember to remind yourself that finishing the task now will benefit you in the future. It's important to remind yourself of the importance of the task as it will give you a drive to actually do it.

When creating these sub-goals you need to also implement mini-delays. Mini-delays allows you to procrastinate a little in order to make sure you don't stress. However, make sure you allow yourself a starting time and ending time for your mini-delays. It will defeat the purpose if you continue delaying and not focusing on your goals.

And last but not least, reward yourself for completing the sub-goals but also for completing the project. Giving yourself rewards will not only make the work worthwhile but also motivate you to continue doing your tasks.

I hope the mini tips will help you as I will surely try implementing them myself!
Did you know?

That procrastination has been dated back to ancient Egypt, Rome, and 18th century Europe?

Do you procrastinate? If you do how do you deal with it? If you don't, how do you avoid it?

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LiaLa wrote on 09-10 20:32:
LiaLa wrote:
I'm going to procrastinate instead of reading this tbh
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Private wrote on 09-10 20:26:
JlNX wrote:
*reads while procrastinating*
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Hailee wrote on 09-10 18:01:
Hailee wrote:
I procrastinate with everything tbh D:
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Cookie600 wrote on 23-08 16:52:
Cookie600 wrote:
I procrastinate a lot. I have a book to read and a project to do in 6 days but probably wont bother til the last day rip
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Dottis wrote on 23-08 09:23:
Dottis wrote:
Quinzelle wrote:
I procrastinate a lot, mainly on college work/revision or getting up/going to sleep. For work, I hate that I do it as it would be much easier to finish things earlier but I always get things done - sometimes better than people who finished it with plenty of time etc, so I end up not doing much to change it :/
I was going to say almost exactly the same.
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Jisatsu wrote on 22-08 19:15:
Jisatsu wrote:
i procrastinate a lot and cant stop it whatever i try
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Private wrote on 22-08 12:01:
Elizaveta wrote:
I procrastinate too so for don't do that I make me missions "the daily missions" haha. But to be honest sometimes the "daily missions" change into "week missions"... :$
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Airways wrote on 21-08 19:50:
Airways wrote:
I procrastinate, and I don't do anything about it. If there is homework I'll just do it the day before or the day it is supposed to be finished. I always finish everything just before deadline.
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Private wrote on 21-08 06:31:
JaleRayzel wrote:
This T_T
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Baileyyrosee wrote on 20-08 18:33:
Baileyyrosee wrote:
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Private wrote on 20-08 08:16:
Vintage wrote:
Thank you Baileyyrosee for the amazing layout!

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