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Starbomb (by Account deleted)

About the Band
Are you ready to smash!? No!?
Are you confused? Yes?
Great, let's begin.

Starbomb is a comedy band formed in 2013 that specializes in songs about video games. The group is made up of three members, Dan Avidan and Arin Hanson of Game Grumps, and Brian Wecht. The three of them come together to make a mishmash of strange and endearing songs that I've come to enjoy quite a bit in the past few months. 

Brian does the instrumentals, Arin raps, and Dan sings. They often get other YouTubers or special people in the video gaming community to partake on a track with them. Smash from the Album Player Select features vocals from Markiplier and Minecraft is for Everyone features a line from the creator of the game himself, Notch. 

As much as the group is there for the shits and giggles, they do take it seriously and put forth their best work to entertain others. 

I encourage you to check out the videos posted below, they're great!
As of now the band has 2 albums out. One self-titled, Starbomb and the other, Player Select. And in December 2015 when the video for "The Simple Plot of Metal Gear Solid" was released, Arin stated they were working on a third album. 

Both of which reached #1 on Billboard's US Comedy Album charts. 

Starbomb came out in 2013 and consists of 13 tracks which parody games like Pokemon, Mortal Kombat, Metroid, Animal Crossing and many others.  

  1. Intro
  2. I Choose You to Die
  3. Luigi's Ballad
  4. It's Dangerous to Go Alone
  5. Mega Marital Problems
  6. Rap Battle: Ryu vs. Ken
  7. Crasher-Vania
  8. The Book of Nook
  9. Sonic's Best Pal
  10. Regretroid
  11. Kirby's Adventures in Reamland
  12. The Simple Plot of Final Fantasy 7
  13. Outro

Player Select came out in 2014 and consists of 14 tracks which feature parodies of Super Smash Bros, Super Mario, God of War, Minecraft and many others. 

  1. Intro
  2. Smash!
  3. Robots in Need of Disguise
  4. The Hero of Rhyme
  5. Toad Joins the Band
  6. The New Pokerap
  7. Glass Joe's Title Fight
  8. Mortal Kombat High
  9. Inky's Lament
  10. God of No More
  11. Atari Mystery Hour
  12. Minecraft is for Everyone
  13. The Simple Plot of Metal Gear Solid
  14. Outro
Arin Hanson (Egoraptor) x

Arin Hanson is an internet personality, a flash animator, a cartoonist, voice actor, songwriter and rapper. Dabbling in all of those things, he's go a lot of room to create content for the internet. And he has! Hosting the channel Game Grumps that focuses on Let's Plays of video games as well as a personal channel, Egoraptor where he puts up his own animations and views about games and whatever else.With the songwriting, you get what we've discussed here today, Starbomb. 

Dan Avidan (Danny Sexbang) x

Dan is a comedian and internet personality, but most significantly, he's a singer-songwriter. Music is his passion and he's taken it serious with indie bands from 2003 to 2008. 

In 2009 with Brian, he formed the duo band, Ninja Sex Party and have 3 studio albums together with the project.

In 2013 when Arin's previous co-host left the show, Dan joined Arin on Game Grumps and Starbomb was also born with his help.

Brian Wecht (Ninja Brian) x

Brian is something you special. Honestly. Brian is a comedian, keyboardist, musician and a theoretical physicist. 

He's the second half to the Ninja Sex Party duo - being Dan silent sidekick and the keyboardist in the Starbomb band. He's a funny guy and even though usually silent. 

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Comment on the article Starbomb.
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Private wrote on 30-09 23:03:
DAD wrote:
i come on after weeks and see my favorite band YES
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Closure wrote on 30-09 00:17:
Closure wrote:
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ChoiSooyoung wrote on 29-09 22:35:
ChoiSooyoung wrote:
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Sherb wrote on 29-09 22:20:
Sherb wrote:
second comment, bc im geeking out rn. this just makes me so happy :,) ugh i don't think there's been a day in the past three years where i didn't watch game grumps. I watch them for HOURS, i fall asleep to their sonic boom or wind waker series, it legitimately feels like they are my friends which is CRAZY. i know this has more to do with their music, but they are lovely people. and danny's voice. DANNY'S VOICE. thought i'd share one of my favorite NSP covers which was featured on "under the covers" c: 
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Sherb wrote on 29-09 22:15:
Sherb wrote:
YESSS YESS YESSSSSS!!!! GAME GRUMPS!!!!! DANNY, MY LUVVV. UGH ninja sex party should be next, but brian's dick jokes might be a little too.... not PG lmao love this though 
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Pinkcherry wrote on 29-09 21:57:
Pinkcherry wrote:
I honest to God had a dream about going to a Starbomb concert last night, lmaoooo. There's a Spotify playlist with all the albums by Starbomb and NSP that I listen to often when I'm playing the VP flash games too. Thank you for this article, I hope other people will become their fan!

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