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ON-THE-GO Snacks (by Rosalie )

Hey guys, Hailee here!

And can I just say, it feels so good to be writing again! Today, I'm going to share a few of the snacks I like to bring with me when I'm at University. For those who don't know, I spend most of my day on campus, and I like to bring a variety of snacks to munch on while I'm gone.

When it comes to picking snacks, I try to pick things that I know will fill me up! I'm very bad for once I start snacking, I won't stop! Before I know it, all my snacks are gone, and I still have hours left on campus.

Let me know what you guys do for snacks, or even if you're going to try some of these recipes out!
*I usually go to a bulk food store to buy my ingredients*

What you'll need:

- Your choice of nuts (Peanuts, Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, Pecans)
- Your choice of dried fruit (Cherries, Blueberries, Strawberries)
- Your choice of seeds (Pumpkin, Sunflower, Flax)
- Your choice of sweets (Chocolate Chips, Marshmallows, M&M's, Peanut Butter Chips)
- Your choice of grain (Pretzels, Popcorn, Granola, Cheerios)

- Combine all of your ingredients in a large bowl.
- Give it a good mix, ensuring that everything is mixed up in your bowl.
- Store them in individual snack bags, or containers depending on your preference!

*I usually try to keep this mix for a week or so, I tend to make smaller batches at a time, so I don't waste any of it. Also, you can make the mix customizable to your liking!*
What you'll need:
- 1 1/2 cups or rolled oats
- 3/4 cup of peanut butter
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 1/2 cup of chocolate chips (or raisins)
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon

Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl.
- Using your hands, knead mixture until everything is combined.
- Once the mixture is combined, put it in the fridge for about an hour.
- Roll into 1 inch balls and store until ready to serve.

*This recipe makes about 12 servings, and I usually just put them in a Tupperware container until I'm ready to bring a few to school!*
What you'll need:
Large Mason jar
- Hummus
- Carrot sticks
- Celery
- Crackers of choice


- Layer your hummus in first; I like to be very generous when doing so. But, you can put in as much as you want.
- Start taking your carrots and celery sticks and start putting them into the hummus.
- Once all your veggies are in place, I like to layer a few crackers on the top!

*This by far, is really easy to put together. Just be careful when handling your bags as the jars can break very easily!*

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Private wrote on 23-10 04:07:
Ainsley wrote:
love ur energy bites!! will try bc i actually have all the ingredients yayyyy
will use cranberries instead tho (:
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Babygirl45 wrote on 19-10 15:39:
Babygirl45 wrote:
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Babygirl45 wrote on 19-10 15:33:
Babygirl45 wrote:
omg people goig crazy
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Private wrote on 19-10 11:37:
EndHelene wrote:
Rosalie wrote:
omg crying I managed to write "made by" in norwegian, sorry folks but yeah "Laget av" means made by 
Hahah XD I didn't even notice :p (Fellow Norwegian here, hei)
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Rosalie wrote on 18-10 22:11:
Rosalie wrote:
omg crying I managed to write "made by" in norwegian, sorry folks but yeah "Laget av" means made by 
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Rosalie wrote on 18-10 22:08:
Rosalie wrote:
Mew wrote:
I really have to try these! Such a good article also love the layout. ♥
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Hailee wrote on 18-10 19:23:
Hailee wrote:
Devilcake wrote:
the energy bars seems neato to bring too school, but i cant since they contain nuts *sobs*
aw sad I'm sure you could try to find a version that doesn't have nuts in it. 

Or just make them as an after school snack
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Private wrote on 18-10 19:04:
Devilcake wrote:
the energy bars seems neato to bring too school, but i cant since they contain nuts *sobs*
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Hailee wrote on 18-10 19:02:
Hailee wrote:
Mew wrote:
I really have to try these! Such a good article also love the layout. ♥
Thanks ! Let me know if you try them !
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Hailee wrote on 18-10 18:27:
Hailee wrote:
TarranttHightopp wrote:
Wait, but I don't go anywhere??
Make them, and eat them at home !
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Sunhii wrote on 18-10 18:26:
Sunhii wrote:
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Hailee wrote on 18-10 18:26:
Hailee wrote:
TarranttHightopp wrote:
Wait, but I don't go anywhere??
Make them, and eat them at home !

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