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Designer Appreciation ~ An Interview with Jisatsu (by Account deleted)
Aaaand we are back with another NT Designer Appreciation! This month shall be focused upon appreciating the amazing work of Jisatsu!
Me and Jisatsu sat down for a chat and to discover more about the mind behind the designs. I hope you enjoy what is in store and make sure you show your love and support and thank Jisatsu for their designs!
Hey there! Thank you so much for doing this interview with me. I can't wait to get started.
I'd love if you could introduce yourself a little bit. What's your name and what are some of your hobbies? My name is Kim and my hobbies are drawing (including designing), listening to music, writing short stories, photography and sleeping. ^^'
Nice to meet you :3 I bet your drawings are awesome. Ooo I didn't know you wrote stories, I'd love to read them sometime. Aah sleeping is the best hobby of all
What inspired you to start designing for VP? I saw people who posted their designs and i thought it might be fun to try. I quickly wanted to improve so i could be as good as them and now I'm here~
That's amazing. I've always loved seeing other people's designs but I'm too terrible to make it myself, so I admire your determination.
Have you always had a passion for art? Definitely! I still remember my elementary teachers kicking me outside the room because I drew too much xD
Aah that's adorable ! It's great to hear you kept it up despite getting into all that trouble for it.
Of all of the art mediums, which is your favourite and why? Traditional art is my favourite, because I can simply work more easily. Digital art is awesome too, but my laptop isn't the best so it's sometimes very exhausting to draw or design.
What program + equipment do you use for designing? I'm using a graphic tablet (Perixx Peritab, wouldn't recommend it tho) and Paint tool sai. For beginners, without a graphic tablet, I would recommend though, because it's very easy to use and great for learning the basics, such as "traditional" pixel-art.
How do you become inspired for your work? Usually tumblr inspires me, sometimes friends or my own wardrobe. Also I sometimes like to design characters from my favourite shows (looking at you, Sailor Moon and Steven Universe) ^^
That's awesome ! Aaah you're a cartoon fan?! What are some of your favourite cartoons/anime? Any particular characters from them? Well obviously Steven Universe and Sailor Moon are my favourites (Steven Universe because of the unique characters, lgbtq+ representation and pastel-everything and Sailor Moon for nostalgia), but other favourites of mine are Gravity Falls, Yuri on Ice!, Elfenlied, No Game No Life, SAO and Grabriel Dropout, I'm actually planning on making VP-Versions of a few characters!
Do you have a favourite designer on VP of whom you look up to? I absolutely admire Mullone, she was also my main role-model in the beginning. Also I look up to plastic and Ratskeleton. Their work is really cool and creative, I can see why you admire them so much. They each have such individual styles too.
What advice would you give to beginner designers? Don't give up and don't listen to haters. Don't be frustrated when something isn't working out as you want it to. Just do something else instead and try it again later. Also I would suggest to do rough sketches on paper at first, for me it seems to be more easy to do pixel-art when i have a normal version of it which I can use as a help.
But also some advice for those who design since a long time: Don't listen to people who don't like your art style. Of course no one can design just the same and diversity is good!
I think your advice is amazing. I know for myself I give up waay too easily and tend to just stick to what I know - 10/10 do not recommend doing that. I like that you draw out a version of it on paper. It must make it much less frustrating to have part of your vision exist already. I really agree about diversity, too. Otherwise, we'd all just be robots and that wouldn't be fun at all. Exactly. I've often been told and still am told that my designs aren't good and many people seem to have a problem with the way I design, but it's all about personal preferences. Me too doesn't like many designers which happen to be admired by many, but that doesn't make them bad designers at all.
What are your favourite sets/items that you have designed so far? My absolute favourite items I've designed so far are those four:
I think they look very realistic (or at least kind of realistic), but I worked very hard on them. I didn't work that long on the following set, but, even after a long time, this is still my 3rd favourite set from me, simply because of the unique eyes and I like how I shaded the hair and clothes.
Wow, they're all amazing. I hope they all come ig soon. I especially love the white dress - if it's flowy, I'm immediately drawn to it haha. The amount of detail you've put into all of those items is incredible !! It must take you so long to design them!
What was your first design forVP? This is awkward haha. I saw clothes made by dollzmania with that "dot"-technique. Looking back I'm cringing.. a lot.
Aaah it's so cutee and it's a Superman shirt !! It's really cute and you were great back then. It's amazing to see your progress though and how your style has changed. The skin is really adorable too - it'd be great to see you redesign it or update it :3
I can't wait to see what you have in-store for us in the future. I know whatever it is, it shall be amazing. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions and for sharing your talents with the community. Be sure to leave Jisatsu some love in the comments or in her guestbook ! <3