Things happen and sometimes, life gets in the way of VP. Right now, the News Team is going through a period of inactivity. The NT, in contrast to bears, go into hibernation during summer. However, that shouldn't stop the flow of articles!
Thus, we bring you: Guest Writers! Do you have an article or piece of writing that you'd like to show off to the community? Now's your chance!
What do I have to do, you ask? Well, you just need to fill in the form to the right, and send it off to NewsTeam, along with your article!
Is there a time limit? Nope! Take your time. We're accepting submissions all summer!
Send a message to the NewsTeam account with with these answered questions and your article.
- What is the title of your article? - Do you want to be anonymous? - Do you need a layout? - If no, please link your image. - If yes, how many text-boxes do you need? Do you want a specific theme/color? Any other requests, such as a gallery or cursor? - Anything else we need to know? (Such as a specific day you'd like it uploaded etc. ?) - Please put your writing below. (Be sure to indicate what text goes in what text-box)