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Designer appreciation: September (by Private)

We’re now onto the last week of September, so who better to interview for this designer appreciation than our lovely designer, September? It was a pleasure getting to talk to Lily, as her username is on this server, and I truly hope you will all enjoy this little read!

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I'm a 22 year old girl living in Sweden in an apartment with my fiancé and cat. I love watermelon, bumblebees, cats and creepy stuff. Right now I got into my local University and am studying to become a teacher for 6-9 year old kids. It's my biggest goal right now in life. Except getting married and having a child of my own one day of course. 

Why / How did you start designing for VP?

I don't really know to be honest. I guess it started with that I made this design filled with cats because I generally wanted more cats to the game and realized how fun it was.

How long have you been designing for vp and when did you become a badged designer?

I have been designing for almost exactly a year now actually. I got badged later on, the 28th of November, on the Dutch server.

How long do you approximately spend on designing one set? 

Not less than 6 hours, but it always depends. I'd say between 6-18h/set.

How much time do you spend on designing on a weekly / monthly basis? 

I usually do 6-10 designs a month, which isn't really required of me. The last couple of weeks have been insane with the studies in between, so I will probably not be able to keep up with that anymore. But I guess it would be like 40h/month at least.

That is a lot of designing! What motivates you and keeps you going?

People's appreciation the most, I think. But also that i really like to do it.

Where do you get your inspiration for new designs?

A lot from Facebook. Scrolling through and seeing ads on fashion, especially Dresslily, Zaful and SHEIN. But sometimes just in my normal day outside. 

What program do you use for designing? And do you use a mouse or a drawing tablet? 

I've always used a mouse and Photoshop.

Do you have a set that means something special to you or that had a special story behind it when you created it?

This is based off a drawing I made the same day my cat passed away. The specific cat she is holding is supposed to look like my old cat. I cried while making it because the bond I had with him cannot be described really. I truly miss him.

And lastly, here is September’s very first vp design compared to her latest. It’s inspiring how much her designs have and are continuing to improve!

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Comment on the article Designer appreciation: September.
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Private wrote on 30-09 13:14:
Beibe wrote:
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Private wrote on 29-09 21:36:
Marcelien wrote:
got very big "after ever after" pocahontas vibes from the latest designs. "can you paint with the red colors in these men?". super pretty design tho! massive transformation, omg!! ur very good<3 looooove the ones where u hold cats, loooove it
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Djinn wrote on 29-09 15:10:
Djinn wrote:
Wow, I love the Pocahontas one! Keep up the good work! c:
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Kaaos wrote on 26-09 20:19:
Kaaos wrote:
Lily wrote:
Kaaos wrote:
Lily wrote:
It did 💗

The skin is so horrible tho. Thank you so much. 
And thanks to the rest of you as well. Means a lot 💗
Oop sorry for being unclear lol what i meant was the outfit directly above the cat pics, the one with the melon shirt. Thanks for linking though, i appreciate the thought either way
Oh, my apologies. No it hasn't been released. It's in ET's possession 💗
Alright, good to know! Thanks for answering! <3
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Private wrote on 26-09 18:19:
Amren wrote:
Aah your designs are amazing. And you draw with your mouse? Like how omg, respect for that ;o
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Allie wrote on 26-09 09:45:
Allie wrote:
Kaaos wrote:
Lily wrote:
Kaaos wrote:
Has the first of the outfits on the bottom of the page been released at some point? Ive never seen it before but it's really damn pretty

Also those cat pictures are so adorable it's illegal
It did 💗

The skin is so horrible tho. Thank you so much. 
And thanks to the rest of you as well. Means a lot 💗
Oop sorry for being unclear lol what i meant was the outfit directly above the cat pics, the one with the melon shirt. Thanks for linking though, i appreciate the thought either way
Oh, my apologies. No it hasn't been released. It's in ET's possession 💗
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Allie wrote on 26-09 09:44:
Allie wrote:
Luna wrote:
We're happy to have her around! She's very talented. I do have a question though- why hasn't her designer name changed to Lily?
🥰 I want it to be September because that's the name I have on the Dutch server where I'm badged 💗
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Private wrote on 26-09 08:56:
Nina wrote:
Wow, the improvement she made within a year is enormous! Keep designing, your work is absolutely beautiful! :)

Great interview and lovely layout. Really love the idea of getting to know our designers. :)
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Kaaos wrote on 25-09 23:24:
Kaaos wrote:
Lily wrote:
Kaaos wrote:
Has the first of the outfits on the bottom of the page been released at some point? Ive never seen it before but it's really damn pretty

Also those cat pictures are so adorable it's illegal
It did 💗

The skin is so horrible tho. Thank you so much. 
And thanks to the rest of you as well. Means a lot 💗
Oop sorry for being unclear lol what i meant was the outfit directly above the cat pics, the one with the melon shirt. Thanks for linking though, i appreciate the thought either way
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Private wrote on 25-09 23:03:
Vig wrote:
Woot! Your designs have evolved so much, keep up the good work 👍
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Luna wrote on 25-09 17:54:
Luna wrote:
We're happy to have her around! She's very talented. I do have a question though- why hasn't her designer name changed to Lily?
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Private wrote on 25-09 17:33:
Gengar wrote:
i've always loved Ellie ♥

she is such talented and an awesome person.

this world need more people like her, really.
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Allie wrote on 24-09 23:37:
Allie wrote:
Kaaos wrote:
Has the first of the outfits on the bottom of the page been released at some point? Ive never seen it before but it's really damn pretty

Also those cat pictures are so adorable it's illegal
It did 💗

The skin is so horrible tho. Thank you so much. 
And thanks to the rest of you as well. Means a lot 💗
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Private wrote on 24-09 23:01:
Limited wrote:
omfg, that cat 😍
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Antisocial wrote on 24-09 22:52:
Antisocial wrote:
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Private wrote on 24-09 22:03:
Emiliaaaaaaa wrote:
wow!!! Lily is really cool!!
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Kaaos wrote on 24-09 21:38:
Kaaos wrote:
Has the first of the outfits on the bottom of the page been released at some point? Ive never seen it before but it's really damn pretty

Also those cat pictures are so adorable it's illegal
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Moss wrote on 24-09 21:30:
Moss wrote:
The amazing Lily <3
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Private wrote on 24-09 21:22:
Raquelle wrote:
She’s improving all the time, it’s so lovely to see.
you go girl!
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Private wrote on 24-09 21:22:
Hazelnut wrote:
Amazing Lily!! Also lovely layout and those designs are to die for! 
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Private wrote on 24-09 21:20:
Rochellette wrote:
So nice! She's so cute like her designs and so creative. We truly appreciate Lily!!!
Nice interview and cute layout.
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Private wrote on 24-09 20:47:
Aimz wrote:
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Private wrote on 24-09 20:09:
Nanami wrote:
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Atencia wrote on 24-09 20:03:
Atencia wrote:
And a huge thank you to @Lily  for letting me interview you 

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