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Designer Appreciation: Moss (by Private)

For April's Designer Appreciation, we sat down with Moss to get the inside scoop on how she designs, and to get to know her a little bit. Thanks Moss for the lovely interview, and who knows, there might be a little something extra in this article!

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?  

My name is Fran. I’m 21 years old and come from Norway. I’ve just finished my bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing, which I studied abraod in England for three years. 

I love to read, write my own stories and play games. My favourite book series are ”A Court of Thorns and Roses” by Sarah J. Maas and ”The Infernal Devices” by Cassandra Clare. And, my favourite games are ”Dragon Age: Inqusition” and ”The Witcher: Wild Hunt.” My VP name has a ton of potential meanings, but my username is actually taken from the game ”Moss,” which is about a little mouse named Quill. 

One day I hope to work in the publishing industry and to publish my own book (when I finish one in a billion years from now, lol).

I tend to keep to myself on VP and I’m not very active in forums, but please feel free to send me a message if you’d like to talk! ♡

Why/How did you start designing for VP? 

I was always interested in designing for gSm back in the days, but the designer tool was my worst enemy because of the strict pixel system. So, when I found VP last year and learned that *gasp* you could use photoshop!!! I immediately started designing. I then made my first design in May 2019. 

How long have you been designing for vp and when did you become a badged designer? 

It doesn’t feel that long ago at all, but I’ve been designing for nearly a year now. I became a badged designer in September 2019. 

Are there any differences being badged on a different server than you think being badged on this one would be like?

I can’t really say much about how the English D-team works behind the scenes, but it does seem to be quite different. For a starter, there’s a lot more designers on EN, which in turn allows them to follow a completely different schedule than the German server. It also seems like the English desigers have more of a ”community” between them because of the size of the team. I think both servers have their own appeal though, depending on what kind of designer you are.

How long do you approximately spend on designing one set?

Hah… I’m a really slow designer. I usually spend at least a week on a design, sometimes two. I don’t normally spend a lot of time in one day on designing, which is why it takes time. I’ll usually finish one item a day, or a couple small accessories. 

I could probably finish a full design in a couple of days if I wanted to, though! I have done before. 

Where do you get your inspiration? 

I think what sets me apart from a lot of the other designers on VP is the fact that I can’t draw. Yeah, I know, sounds silly considering I - well - make designs, but I actually can’t draw anything besides stick men and less detailed doodles (my favourite doodles are witch cauldrons and flowers). 

My point is, when I make designs I need extremely specific references. I need to see the colours, the folds, the light and shade. Most importantly, it needs to fit the VP base perfectly in terms of pose and arm position. 

So, I get all of my inspiration off of google, clothing sites such as PrettyLittleThing and Boohoo, and Pinterest. I usually can’t use instagram pictures and such because of the poses people make.

All in all, I’m not very creative at all, haha. I wish I could make designs from games, fantasy and my own imagination, and I hope that one day I’ll be able to as keep I learning more about folds and light and shade. 

Here’s an example of the kind of inspiration pictures I prefer: (

Show us your first design and your latest design!

What program do you use for designing? And do you use a mouse or a drawing tablet? 

I use Photoshop CS6 and Wacom drawing tablet. I also like to use the touchpad, especially when I’m making the flat colour version of the design. But, when I start shading I definitely need my tablet!

If you could be any kind of flower, which one and why?

I’d have to choose Sunflower. It’s my absolute favourite flower. Not just because it’s yellow (which is my favourite colour), but also because I’ve always associated Sunflowers with positivity and they remind me of the sun and happy summer days. The Sunflower is also my Focus Type when studying according to this beautiful, beautiful quzzie that I highly recommend! (It has to be done on phone tho!)

Again, thank you so much for the interview Moss. To show their appreciation, here are some lovely LE codes (remember to claim on main accounts only)! Enjoy!
M: L0velys3tbyM0ssM4le
F: L0velyS3tByM0ssF3M4l3s


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Comment on the article Designer Appreciation: Moss.
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Moss wrote on 27-04 14:46:
Moss wrote:
Melk wrote:
Ahhh Fran! 💕 you’re an amazing designer, i’m definitely a fan (both of your designs and you in general!!) 

great interview and layout 👏🏻✨
MEEEELK why u make me feel like dis I appreciate u sm 
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Moss wrote on 27-04 14:46:
Moss wrote:
Specter wrote:
so YOU'RE the one behind that gorgeous angelic set! thank you for your hard work
Hehe, yes that's me! thank you <3
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MasileinDE wrote on 27-04 11:30:
MasileinDE wrote:
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Private wrote on 27-04 01:53:
Rottomilko wrote:
Ahhh Fran! 💕 you’re an amazing designer, i’m definitely a fan (both of your designs and you in general!!) 

great interview and layout 👏🏻✨
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Private wrote on 26-04 20:24:
Specter wrote:
so YOU'RE the one behind that gorgeous angelic set! thank you for your hard work :d
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Private wrote on 26-04 19:01:
YSL wrote:
LOVE the layout! 
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Private wrote on 26-04 18:59:
Amren wrote:
Oehhh interesting to read! ^-^ And your designs are so prettyyy
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Private wrote on 26-04 17:40:
Rochellette wrote:
The layout is so cool!
Is nice to know a little about the designers
Thank you for the code
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Moss wrote on 26-04 16:57:
Moss wrote:
Atencia wrote:
I'm obsessed with your designs, Fran, and it's fun to see how far you've come in such a short time 

Lovely interview and layout, amazing job guys!
I love having you as a fan, hihi 
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Moss wrote on 26-04 16:56:
Moss wrote:
Baileyyrosee wrote:
I love Moss thank you NT & Moss 
Omg Thank you Bailey!  
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Atencia wrote on 26-04 16:46:
Atencia wrote:
I'm obsessed with your designs, Fran, and it's fun to see how far you've come in such a short time 

Lovely interview and layout, amazing job guys!
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Private wrote on 26-04 16:36:
Archangel wrote:
The layout is amazeballs! o: 
I get so impressed every time <3

Lovely article guys, and thanks for the code 
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Private wrote on 26-04 16:33:
Libertas wrote:
Lovely article Photo, Era and Moss ❤️
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Baileyyrosee wrote on 26-04 16:32:
Baileyyrosee wrote:
I love Moss thank you NT & Moss 
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Private wrote on 26-04 16:31:
Luminescence wrote:
Thanks NT for the great article and Moss for the lovely gift! <3
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Moss wrote on 26-04 16:26:
Moss wrote:
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Ausma wrote on 26-04 16:25:
Ausma wrote:
Nice to meet You, Moss! Interesting interview and nice layout! And thanks for items 
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Reaper wrote on 26-04 16:20:
Reaper wrote:
Oh nice, and love the layout it's cute
Also there is a small typo at the beginning there is just sh instead of she

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