Ever since the baffling takeover of VP two months ago, where Kaj seemingly left the website in the hands of someone named Etjen and quietly moved on to greater pursuits, there is one question that has been burning on everyone's minds: Who is Etjen? Or, who is this mysterious figure who appeared out of nowhere to buy the sinking ship known as virtualpopstar.com? As the self-proclaimed most essential team on the site, we in the News Team were determined to get to the bottom of this, and thus began our search for answers. After weeks of careful investigation, interviewing people, digging in the archives, and using our best journalistic abilities, we finally came to a conclusion. Our research has shown that the only possible explanation is: Etjen is Kaj's alter ego. It is just as simple as it sounds. How else would you explain the “purchase” of a site like this? We all know user numbers are dwindling, as they have been for many, many months now. The TikTok contests have failed miserably in pulling people over to VP, instead dumping them all on the website I am now allowed to mention the name of, but will not. There is barely any money to be earned by keeping this site afloat, so why would anyone be so stupid as to invest in it?
Not convinced? Okay, let me break it down for you. Kaj was the laughing stock of the website, rightfully blamed for the lack of updates, and always mocked for his English. His appearances in threads were never well-received – no wonder he wanted to leave. The invention of Etjen as the brand new, incredibly anonymous, owner of VP enabled Kaj to make the exit from the site that he so desperately wanted. Remaining in the shadows also allows him to avoid criticism. And of course, his reluctance to step foot onto the website is completely necessary: Just one sentence of that characteristically broken English would be enough to expose him, which means he needs to stay hidden. Also, the parallels between the two owners are clear: They are both supposedly male. They both do business online. *Crickets chirping* Well, anyway, alter egos do not have to bear any resemblance to your real identity, so...
Finally, let us not forget the “coincidence” of Shadowjess quitting as admin at the exact same time. Just another move to make it seem like the website is undergoing a real transformation, when in actual fact, it is just the same old product in a slightly new packaging. Still not convinced? Well, go on. Keep believing that the almighty new owner is here to save VP. The News Team is not the place for fake news, so move along please. Of course, all you ardent supporters out there are very welcome to continue reading our material. Or join the team yourselves, so that you can also be a part of the group who makes sure to always give you the latest breaking news. Until next time, goodbye!