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Picturesque Files: Edition 1 (by Account deleted)

Seeing as Summer is fast approaching for many of us I've decided to focus on S/S collection. Though, honestly, I wouldn't have the confidence - or the cash - to pull off some of the bold looks that strode out onto the runway. That's why a virtual world like VP is perfect for fashion lovers and you can experiment with all manner of looks; fantasy wings, bold colours and, as shown here, high fashion 'til your hearts content. 

Fashion always travels in circles and this season we saw monochrome, which stemmed from the 60's and designers like André Courréges, make a big comeback!
Marc Jacobs uses crazy patterns in contrasting black and white to make an impact on the catwalk.

Balmain is another designer who pulled out a stunning monochrome collection. You can create the same look without the huge price tag ((cheesy wink)) The shops are rife with black and white items which, when paired together, make cute replicas of Balmain's collection.

Happy Creating!
Did you know that there are over 2500 clothing items on virtual popstar? So many different things to dress up your popstar with! A few months ago we started getting clothing updates a few times a week and we've gotten so many awesome pieces created by our friends here on VP. What are some clothing pieces that are very important to the community, you may ask?

First of all, these 2 hairs released a few weeks ago for 30.000 pd which were only out for 3 hours are very special.

There is also the special flower basket only available if you purchase manager and you receive it through a manager gift, shown below.
There is also the special flower basket only available if you purchase manager and you receive it through a manager gift, shown below.
There is also the special flower basket only available if you purchase manager and you receive it through a manager gift, shown below.

There is also this skin that is worn a lot around the community.

So now you know a bit about some popular items on virtual popstar..but what about some really cute outfits, hmm? Here are some of the best dressed people on virtual popstar! Don't forget to comment your opinions!

"Pink Princess" - Felicity
Nominated by RavenWho

Pug - "Seagreen Sweetheart"
Nominated by Liesandgarbage

Shadowjess - "Shadowy Superhero"
Nominated by Grais

Retroscenery - "A Walk in the Woods"
Nominated by RavenWho

Courage - "Sunny Day in the Meadow"
Nominated by Liesandgarbage

bbbxochickxo101 - "Dark Diva"
Nominated by Happle

That's all for this weekend's virtual popstar news! Hope you enjoyed!
During the summer time our skin is our most worn accessory. I am going to provide you with a DIY/How To body scrub that will keep your entire body moisturized and satin smooth. For this easy how to you will need...
  • Turbinado, or raw sugar
  • Pure honey
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Lemon (optional)
If you're wondering, turbinado sugar is a form of brown sugar, but with bigger crystals. If you do not have this item just substitute it with plain white sugar, which is good for sensitive skin. Let's get into putting everything together..

Combine 1/2 a cup of Turbinado (or plain white sugar) into a bowl. To this you will now add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of olive oil, be sure to stir in between adding your products. Lastly, you will be adding 1 tablespoon of lemon. Lemon is great for lightening and brightening your skin, as well as any dark marks you may have. There is no specific consistency for this scrub, just adjust it to your liking.

I have been using this scrub for months, you can only imagine how happy I am to share it with you girls. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this scrub, feel free to mail me.
Hello everyone! Welcome to Ask Ash! This is the advice column of the century! :) If you have any questions or need advice mail the EditorialTeam and you will appear in our next newspaper!

Q: Three of my best friends are leaving for college, and I am a year behind them. I'm scared I won't ever talk to them again. What should I do? -Hopeless Hayley

A: There is nothing wrong in telling your friends how you feel! :) If they are as caring as friends should be they will make sure they get to stay in touch with you!
Q: Hi, Ash. I am having issues with anxiety and I am scared to tell my parents. How did you tell your parents? -Worry Wart

A: Having anxiety is not an easy thing. I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I worry all the time. I suffered from panic and anxiety attacks for the longest time before I told my mom and dad. I felt like they would be so upset with me. But, they weren't. It took them a long time to find out what was wrong but once you tell them you will feel so much better!

Q: My parents are making me choose between a sport and band. What should I do? -Extra curricular Typhoon

A: If it is too much to do both choose the one that makes you happiest. Follow your heart in this one!

Q: I'm having issues getting made fun of because I died by hair black and cut it all off at school. I don't know what to do?

A: Are you happy with your hair color? If you are don't listen to the other kids at your school! Tell someone you are being made fun of and go from there. They are jealous!

Thanks for sending your questions in! Please send them to EditorialTeam model!
Hello my dear friendlings of VP! I am Arifa and today I will be doing a step by step tutorial on how to make this cute and funky ice cream keyring! 

This little accessory is made from salt dough which is composed of 3 ingredients: Flour, Salt and Water. These are typical household baking products so it makes this tutorial even easier! 

You will also need:
A paperclip
Acrylic Paints
PVA glue
and some creative spirit!

Make sure you keep your surface clean by protecting it with either newspaper or a plastic bag.

The measurements for the ingredients are simple and easy to remember. You will need 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of salt and around a quarter of a cup of water. This makes quite a lot of salt dough, so you can keep the rest in a container for later use, or simply halve all the quantities to create half the amount. 

Without further ado... lets get started!


Firstly, you're going to want to have the flour and salt in one bowl. Add water, a little at a time to get the dough's consistency just right. You want everything to bind into a sphere of dough. The salt helps to do this. If your mixture is runny, add more flour and if its the complete opposite (very crumbly) then add more water to the mixture.

Once you have a big ball of salt dough, you want to start moulding the three different parts of your cute little ice cream! To create the cream, roll your dough so that it becomes a long sausage and start creating a conical shape using a spiraling motion. You want to make sure as you spiral upwards, the shape of the cream should become narrower. When creating the cone, create a short fat sausage and only roll inwards with your hands, to the end. The beginning of the ice cream cone should be wider than the end, which should be pointy. Don't forget to add a cute little chocolate flake! When you have your three different parts, you want to push your paperclip into the back of the cream. This paperclip is going to be the hook in which a keyring hoop will be able to fit onto. 

Now pop it in the oven for atleast 10 minutes at around 180*C/356*F, checking every few minutes. You can only proceed to the next step if the salt dough parts of the ice cream are hard. Allow them to cool as this will help them harden as well.

After that, start sticking all of the ice cream parts together using some strong glue. 

Hey presto! we have our ice cream! Time to paint it!

I've decided to use acrylic paints. If you happen to have only poster paints, then mix some PVA glue with the poster paint. voila! you have good old acrylic paint! I'm going to make my ice cream really original by sticking to a normal fresh whip and a chocolate flake, but you can do whatever flavour you want- whether it be mint, chocolate or choose since you're the artist! Do be careful when painting to not overdo the painting process as the paint will start to peel off and you'd be left in a pointless situation where you're going to have to start again!

When the paint is dry, start adding some diagonal, crosshatching lines using a brown pen to give the texture of an ice cream cone. Try adding some funky detail on your ice cream to give it a bit of oomph! How about sprinkles? Or even better, Strawberry sauce? Yum! 

You have been able to create a cute addition to your boring batch of keys! Hurrah!

I hope you enjoyed this little DIY article and share your responses in the comment box below! I would love to see some Ice Cream Keyrings done by my fellow friendlings of VP!

         Oreo Cookie Truffle Balls

Background - My brother’s girlfriend brought these over one day a couple months ago, and after getting the recipe from her, I have been making them nonstop ever since! They are both easy to make as well as delicious.
Prep time: 30 minutes
Total: 1 1/2 hours
Servings: 40-50 
What you will need:
- 2 packages (8 ounce) of melted semi-sweet baking chocolate
- 1 package (8 ounce) of softened cream cheese
- 1 package (16 ounce) of Oreo cookies 
-  Take 1/4 of the cookies and crush them up either by using a food processor or simply placing the cookies into a resealable plastic bag and moving a rolling pin over them. Reserve these cookies for later use. 
- Crush the remaining 3/4 of cookies into fine crumbs and place into a bowl. Add the cream cheese and mix until well blended in.
-  With your mixture, roll them into balls using the palms of your hands (latex gloves are recommended to keep the mess down) into balls about 1-inch in diameter. If the mixture is too soft to work with place in refrigerator to slightly harden.
- Dip the balls into the melted chocolate. Place on a baking sheet covered with wax paper. Sprinkle them with the crumbs reserved in the 1st step.  
- Refrigerate for 1 hour or until firm. Store the leftovers, covered, in refrigerator.

Enjoy! Your finished product should look a little like something seen in the picture below.

Courtesy of Editorial layouters: Ailurophile, bbbxochickxo101, & Evedna...

To get one of the profiles, go to our team model 'EditorialTeam', and check out her blog titled 'Picturesque Files: Profiles' ~ There you will find a picture preview of the profiles, and the code to go along with it.

**For anyone who doesn't know, the best way to enter the code for the profile is to enter it using the 'HTML' button, found in the profile tools below your profile.**

Click here to go to the free profiles blog

Look forward to our next week surprise! :)

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Comment on the article Picturesque Files: Edition 1.
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Jasmine13579 wrote on 22-07 10:42:
Jasmine13579 wrote:
Love it !! liked the way how u combined all the sections !!! Specially like D-I-Y and "how to "..  Fashion journalism was also amazing !! Absolutely fantastic guys !!! Great Job !!
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AnaAngilena wrote on 21-07 01:51:
AnaAngilena wrote:
Hi Guys Thank you for all your charming comments!!!! <img src='/layout/nl/images/smileys/smile.png' alt=':)'>
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Mstrmedoo0 wrote on 21-07 01:17:
Mstrmedoo0 wrote:
and Thank you for all your charming comments
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Mstrmedoo0 wrote on 21-07 01:16:
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A7lem wrote on 20-07 23:09:
A7lem wrote:
i like it! :) ;)
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Private wrote on 20-07 20:02:
Celina wrote:
Glad you all like it!
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Sunny wrote on 20-07 19:18:
Sunny wrote:

One word. AMAZING.

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Private wrote on 20-07 19:15:
Shadowjess wrote:
I love the fact, that you've all come together to create this article. It's a lot more informative this way and it gives the articles a more 'full' look as well.
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KenzieJean wrote on 20-07 18:07:
KenzieJean wrote:
I love the Fashion Journalism page. Along with the recipe page. Although my favorite is the Ask Ash page.:) i am a sucker for those articles!
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Madi wrote on 20-07 18:03:
Madi wrote:
Thanks guys!
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Happle wrote on 20-07 17:46:
Happle wrote:
I love the new layout and the way you guys organized it! 
Pug - I love the pictures and everything! Very interesting! 
XOX0 - Love the outfits you put out. Thanks for keeping us in the loop with what's rare. 
Rafaella1 - This is really cool. I never knew that. I probably won't ever try it out though. ;)
Kismet - Great answers. I'll be sure to keep them in mind. I think I'll need them in the future. 
Amh - That is so cute! I probably won't try to do this but it's a really cool Do It Yourself. 
Madi - Yum. I'm not much of a person who works well with food. But it sure does look yummy!
Editorial Layouters - The profiles are just amazing! I love them! 
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Forget wrote on 20-07 17:36:
Forget wrote:
:) Thanks for the positive comments so far! I hope you all have an awesome weekend! <3
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Zee wrote on 20-07 16:47:
Zee wrote:
Great work. This is much better compared to when the NT was in place, this is more organised although the layout could be more colour-schemed and more professionally with a set tone.

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