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BackstagePass (Update 2024-03-07)



The BackstagePass is a ‘Battle Pass’ based setup whereby you can collect a complete set, and perhaps some other prizes, by simply logging in every day and unlocking or claiming the unopened boxes.




Open a box by doing the ACTIVITIES:
At times a box will SIMPLY OPEN. A few 
boxes will simply open by merely clicking on themIf you have logged in for 5 days in a row, you get rid of 1 request to perform an activity… or … the more you sequentially log in, the more boxes simply open. 


Quite often, the box does NOT simply open. 

When the box does not simply open, a pop-up appears with a request to perform a certain activity.  These activities are there to increase the community involvement of players but also to encourage you to level up since by doing some of the activities you could win fans. 


Activities could range from writing a blog post, commenting on the forum, travelling to a certain country, doing a performance, or taking dance lessons, to visiting a certain number of pages on VP.


In the future, these activities might be randomised, which means that not everyone will be asked to do the same on the same day. This prevents, for instance, that VP will suddenly see an influx of 150 forum posts on a specific day.



Open the box with your CREDITS:


If you don’t want to do the activities, you can open the box by using your credits. This will be cheaper in the beginning but becomes more and more expensive towards the end of the month because the value of the individual items will also increase.


Note that you can only open a box after you have opened the previous one. So, you cannot skip any boxes. For instance, to open the box on Day 10, you must have opened the 9 previous boxes.


If you haven’t logged in for a few days, then you can still ‘catch up’ and open the boxes, but only with credits and no activities are offered.



Open the box with a GOLDEN KEY:


A key on a purple backgroundDescription automatically generated
   A third way to open the box is by using your Golden keys!

   The Golden Key opens a box without the need to do the activity or to open it with Credits. 


   You can acquire Golden Keys by:


(Currently active):

  • Acquire or extend your Diamond Membershipand you will get a Golden Key. Note that this only happens the moment you acquire a DM as the system can currently not track whether you already are a DM.
    1. 1 Gkey if you acquired the DM for 7 days 
    2. 3 Gkeys if you acquired the DM for 30 days 
    3. 5 Gkeys if you acquired the DM for 90 days 
  • 1 Golden Key if you’ve consistently logged in for 100 days in a row.
  • 1 Golden Key if you have acquired all the items (unlocked all the boxes) during the previous month either by logging in, doing the activities or with credits. So together with a full set, you will also get a Golden Key that allows you to unlock a box during the next month.
  • 1 Golden Key if you have gone up a level. For instance, if you were a YouTube star and have become an International Star or if you are a Bathroom Singer and have become a Karaoke Star during the last 30 days.
  • Level ‘King of King/Queen of Queen and King/Queen of Pop automatically get 1 Golden Key.
  • 1 Golden Key if you have reached the “top 10 all time’ by playing a mini-game.
  • 1 Golden key for every set you have designed and sent in. Note that your set needs to be approved by the Designer Team first.


Not all the above will work during the trial and in the near future, we will be adding different ways to collect Golden Keys. 

What does the question mark mean in the last few boxes?



     Though we will try to find sets with enough items to cover a full month, at times we will not have enough items to fill all the days and some days are left open.

     Instead of an item, the box will show a 'question mark'..







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