Number of members that used your promotion link and reached YouTube Star.
Fashion Star V.I.P
Consecutive days new look
The Socializer brass
Posts on others forum/blog/guestbook
Marathon Master brass
Number of consecutive days online
World Dominator gold
Number of completed tours
12 of the 24 stars earned
Vacation mode
If you are absent for at least 48 hours, you activate vacation mode.
Vacation mode
How long do you want your vacation to be?
Cost (per day): popdollar
Cost (Total): popdollar
During the vacation mode, you can’t play the game. You won’t lose any fans due to inactivity either
Also you won’t receive your daily pocket money. The holiday starts 3 hours after activation and runs for the specified number of days.
Submit your vacation
The vacation mode is activated
Your vacation will start on 01-01-1970 01:00
To cancel your vacation mode, click here.
(Cost: popdollar. Paid reservations cost can’t be refund)