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 Report⊰ Baba Vanga - World's Future Predicted? ⊱

Global warming... Never ending wars still occupying Earth... Brexit... Donald Trump as a president... What is this world coming to? Well, there is a woman who might just know - Baba Vanga.

Baba Vanga

Who is she...?

Baba Vanga, or Grandmother Vanga, was a blind Bulgarian woman born in 1911 in Strumica, Yugoslavia (today where Macedonia is). She was an herbalist, a mystic and -  a clairvoyant. She was said to harbour paranormal abilities and had an ability to predict things about the future that had yet occurred. You may and may not have heard about her before, but her predictions have shaken the lives of millions.

Folklore says that she got blind at age 12 during a tremendous storm, which some described as a 'freak tornado'. She had been flung into the air before darting into a field because of a strong wind pull. It is not known what happened after that, but apparently she was found days later by her family. Her condition was gruesome, and her eyes, which had gotten injured, were shut and covered with dirt and dust. As they were too poor to afford specialist care to her eye she had to live her whole life blind.

Vanga eventually got married (then known as Vangelia Gushterova) and lived most of her life in Rupite in Bulgaria. She passed away the 11th of August, 1996, aged 85. Before her death she had a church, St. Petka, built and donated to the Bulgarian people, which today is visited many times a year by a numerous amount of people.

One of her last prophecies was that a 10 year old girl in France would inherit her gift, and that people would soon hear about her...

A young Baba Vanga.

Church of St. Petka.

Future predictions...

Vanga predicted many things about the future, and it is said that she didn't even share all of them. But here are some of her more known foretellings:

2016: “Muslims” will invade Europe, which will “cease to exist” as we know it. The following destruction will last for years, driving out populations and leaving the entire continent “almost empty”. (Yikes... And the year is almost over. Well, I suppose that a lot can happen in a few weeks... Of course "cease to exist as we know it" can be interpreted in several ways.)

2023: The Earth's orbit will change. 

2025: The population of Europe will reach almost zero.

2028: Mankind will fly to Venus in hope of finding new sources of energy. (In case you need google at this point, Venus is the second planet from the Sun (Earth is the third planet).)

2043: Europe’s transformation into an Islamic caliphate will be complete, and Rome will be named the capital. The world’s economy is prosperous.

2046: Body organs will be cloned, and it'll be the easiest treatment method.

2084: Nature will be reborn. (? ? ?)

2100: An artificial, man-made sun will light up the dark side of the planet. (Funfact# Scientists have worked on creating an artificial sun with nuclear fusion technology since 2008.) 

2111: People become robots. 

2130: With the help of the aliens civilizations will be able to live underwater.

2256: A spaceship will bring a new terrible disease into Earth.

2262: Planets will slowly change orbits, and Mars will be threatened by a comet.

2288: Traveling through time and new contacts with the aliens.

2354: An accident on one of the artificial suns will result in drought.

2480: Two artificial suns will collide and leave the Earth in the dark.

3005: A war on Mars will change the planet's orbit. 

3010: The moon will be hit by a comet, and Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock and ash.

3797: Everything on Earth will die, but human civilization will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.

5079: The end of the universe.

.. Oh boy... Again, these are only some of her predictions.

Real or fake?

Sounds like a bunch of bogus? Well, maybe, but Vanga's predictions have scored before. 

For instance, she has predicted global warming and the 2004 Tsunami. She also predicted the attack on the Twin Towers, aka 9/11: “Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush and innocent blood will gush". The "American brethren" could be a reference to the two towers, the "steel birds" a reference to the planes and the "bush" a reference to George Bush (who then was the president of the US). 

Another example of a prophecy of her's that has come true is the sinking of the Russian nuclear submarine, the Kursk, in 2000: “At the turn of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will be weeping over it". Before it had happened it was at first thought that Vanga referred to the Russian city Kursk, but as it turned out, it was the submarine Kursk (which had been named after the city). 

And lastly... She also said that USA's 44th president would be African American. Guess who the 44th president is? Here's a clue. And guess what more, she said that that president would be the last one. Dun dun duun. And these things mentioned are only a few of her prophecies that has come true. 

Personally I find her predictions very intriguing. Though a small part of me thinks "Aliens? Really?" or "There's no way that'll happen!", I can't quite help myself from having faith in her divinations. That said, I find myself worrying a little bit more about the future than I maybe did before. Haha. 

But as far as we can tell, no one can really know what the future might bring. Anything can happen. There is no telling that these things predicted will actually happen, and neither is there no telling that these things won't happen. All that we can do is to cross our fingers and hope for the best... May the odds be ever in your favor! 

⊰ What do you think about Baba Vanga's predictions? Real or fake? Exciting, scary or just plain silly? ⊱

⊰ Thank you for reading! ⊱

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Koolaid wrote on 12-12 17:53:
Koolaid wrote:
This is so interesting omg
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Private wrote on 12-12 17:39:
Ara wrote:
Djinn wrote:
3797: Interstellar??
It seems so haha
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Djinn wrote on 12-12 16:59:
Djinn wrote:
3797: Interstellar??
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Private wrote on 06-12 23:56:
Ara wrote:
Sashaangel wrote:
I heard stories about her from my mom in my younger days but forgot as I grew up. Thank you for reminding me about her again. But the version I heard from my mom (I think she saw it on some kind of russian tvprogram) was that Vangas abilities actually came from a touch of god when she got sucked up in the tornado.  I know... I thought that this was ridiculous too!
Something fishy sure happened in that tornado... I mean I'd be a sceptic, but I can't help but think 'what if?' . For all we know, this could be true. It really is interesting, it has made me consider more whether God, or higher powers, maybe really do exist. I wonder what religion Vanga had, and how sure she was of it? She did have a church built, but was she really Christian? Or did she maybe believe(/know) something else? The questions...
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Callum wrote on 06-12 23:42:
Callum wrote:
im scared omg
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Private wrote on 06-12 23:38:
Masami wrote:
People become robots.sounds cool
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Private wrote on 06-12 23:38:
Teito wrote:
I heard stories about her from my mom in my younger days but forgot as I grew up. Thank you for reminding me about her again. But the version I heard from my mom (I think she saw it on some kind of russian tvprogram) was that Vangas abilities actually came from a touch of god when she got sucked up in the tornado.  I know... I thought that this was ridiculous too!
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Private wrote on 06-12 23:24:
Ara wrote:
I wonder if I'll live long enough to see any aliens?