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<div align="left"> <div style="overflow: auto; position: relative; width: 224px; height: 358px; top: 66px; left: 35px; margin-right: -224px; margin-bottom: -358px;">Hey! To be honest I don't really have anything to say on here...but remember that if you want to be my friend, don't hesitate to send me a friend request. I accept all requests!</div> <div style="overflow: auto; position: relative; width: 189px; height: 167px; top: 61px; left: 406px; margin-right: -189px; margin-bottom: -167px;">So......what do we put for extras anyway?</div> <img src="http://oi61.tinypic.com/jz71a0.jpg" alt="" /></div> |
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