Sherb wrote:
Rot wrote:Toriel wrote:Rot wrote:Where did you get that cat? I had one of those irl and it sure looks like modified copypasta to me. The texture of the fur looks like a photo of a Meowchi that was kind of lazily painted over.
I think if Tasty Peach Studios had authorized this they would have at least made sure the end product was up to their quality standards.
oh my gOD fuckin tasty peach studio and their high standards. sick of it. idk who made it, but it's for an event coming up that i'm helping with. i really hope its not a copypasta, i haven't really eye balled it too much yet.
Oh, I see.
The good news is that even if it is pasta, kaj doesn't care and TPS probably wouldn't waste their time on some small fry avatar website that can't even turn a profit, so it'll probably stay in-game at least.
this website needs to go GLUTEN FREE!
...i'll see myself out now, thank you, i'll be here all week.