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14 of the 24 stars earned
Record label profile

Join record label

Record label name: Denmark
Owner: Private
Moderators: - Soeljo
- Vicingus
- Eifos
Founded: 30-12-2012
Number of members: 26
Number of active members (last 72h): 2
Combined number of fans: 59.747.143
Country: USA
Number of successful tours: 104
Latest successful tour: 29-10-2017



Welcome to the Danish record label; Denmark

I would prefer that only Danish people apply, because we will be talking Danish.
But everybody is welcome to join if they want to regardless of that~


- I den Danske RL vil vi forsøge at have tours hver dag, men hvis du ved du ikke får det klaret så lad være
med at acceptere for så kan vi andre ikke få fans + pd hvis vi ikke når op på mindst 60% fuldført.
Tours vil dog kun blive forsøgt hvis der er 5 eller flere online.

- We will try to have tours everyday, but if you know you wont be able to complete it, dont accept.
A tour will only be started if theres currently 5 or more online.

- Hvis man ikke har været logget ind i 2 måneder bliver man smidt ud
af RL'n da jeg ikke vil have inaktive personer til at fylde den op.
- If you haven't logged into vp for 2 months you will be kicked. I don't want inactive people filling up the RL.

# Name Level Fans Country Online
1 Private World famous 53.907.080 Japan Japan Offline
2 Eifos World famous 2.297.363 South Africa South Africa Offline
3 Lolley World famous 1.108.548 Japan Japan Offline
4 BriannaW World famous 1.027.708 Milan Milan Offline
5 Vicingus Popstar 619.952 Paris Paris Offline
6 Soeljo Popstar 587.050 Spain Spain Offline
7 Shouyou National star 50.192 China China Offline
8 Izabell Youtube star 28.538 USA USA Offline
9 Raflysetiawann Youtube star 19.660 USA USA Offline
10 Zille Youtube star 16.441 Peru Peru Offline
11 DizzyUnknown Youtube star 13.571 USA USA Offline
12 Xelicra Youtube star 11.435 Hollywood Hollywood Offline
13 Prox Youtube star 10.662 Indonesia Indonesia Offline
14 Private Streetmusician 7.524 Germany Germany Offline
15 JoonPabo Streetmusician 7.519 China China Offline
16 Private Streetmusician 6.764 Peru Peru Offline
17 Jespar Streetmusician 6.543 Netherlands Netherlands Offline
18 Vixietoria Streetmusician 6.286 South Africa South Africa Offline
19 Teardrop Streetmusician 4.478 New zealand New zealand Offline
20 HineStar Streetmusician 3.223 USA USA Offline
21 Quackson Streetmusician 1.660 Egypt Egypt Offline
22 Kafto Streetmusician 1.480 Milan Milan Offline
23 NotYourBaby Streetmusician 1.261 Great Britain Great Britain Offline
24 Sigrid0654 Karaoke star 921 Spain Spain Offline
25 Capricorn02 Karaoke star 785 Portugal Portugal Offline
26 Lamine Karaoke star 499 Indonesia Indonesia Offline