BunnyButts wrote:
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Hypoxic runs away from the Cornucopia.
DAD finds TeaBag hiding in the cornucopia and kills him.
SweetLapis grabs a backpack and retreats.
Elowyn, Juniper, Levana, and December share everything they gathered before running.
Wenka and VanityVogue fight for a bag. Wenka gives up and retreats.
Azriel grabs a shovel.
Luminescence runs away from the Cornucopia.
Leo, Beauyidul, AnimeisLife, and Ouch share everything they gathered before running.
AtlantaG1912 scares Nesta away from the cornucopia.
Bones severely injures BunnyButts and leaves her to die.
Octocat grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.
Ella runs away from the Cornucopia.
Vissy grabs a sword.
Maxwell runs away with a lighter and some rope.