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stubborn: for hailee and strawberry [rp]

Tony stiffened up a bit when he felt her arms around him, but quickly returned the gesture. "No problem." He followed her out of the back room and returned to his spot behind the counter. He finished out the rest of the orders, making sure to keep an eye on Tensley. He easily ignored the grab-happy women who came up to the bar and avoided their advances all while handing out their drinks. Eventually, the night came to an end and he plopped onto a bar stool, tiredly, as he watched the last of the customers stumble out of the building. He looked over at Tensley, "still up for those schedules or should we hold off until tomorrow?"


Minx followed Brooks instructions with ease, only spilling few drinks due to her own drinking and natural-born clumsiness. Taking a few shots here and there, she filled up the last glass of the night, and watched the burly man chug down his last beer before shuffling out the doors. The place was a mess, but Minx didn't care. She'd do it tomorrow, again. Leaning her suddenly heavy head on her hand, she watched Brooks. "You're kinda cute," she slurred, "too bad we work together." A frown formed as she headed to the office to get the paperwork logs filled out and to get her own things together.
International star

Tensey locked the doors, this was the moment that she loved the most it was so quiet and no one was overly drunk. She looked at him and smiled softly, "No honestly my bed is calling me. It's been such a long night, and honestly I can just work things out with it. I mean I'll make it happen." She took off her little apron and hung it up, she grabbed her phone from where she had left it behind the bar, of course her father had messaged her checking in on her. She sent him a brief message and looked up at Tony who was doing a few things. Part of her wasn't ready to leave yet as she wanted to spend more time with him "Are you hungry? I'm most likely going to grab a bite to eat if you want to join?" 
Brooks rose his eyebrows when she made the comment about him being cute, he knew that she had way too much to drink and probably didn't mean it. While she was gone he started cleaning up, he knew she was just going to leave it for the morning and he wanted to help out. He watched as she stumbled back out, "Uh do you have a ride home?" He asked, knowing that he wasn't going to let her leave if she was planning on driving. 

Tony nodded his head, he figured she wouldn't go over the schedules. It was a rather busy night and he was exhausted just from making drinks non-stop. He assumed she would be, too, considering she was rushing back and forth all night. He began capping bottles and wiping up spills so they wouldn't be sticky the next day. Hearing her question, he looked up, "uhh," he thought for a moment. You really shouldn't, he told himself. "Sure," he smiled at her as inner him cursed at him for going against the smarter decision. "Let me grab my things," he disappeared into the locker rooms and grabbed his hoodie and such before reappearing on the floor. "Who's driving?"


Minx scribbled down who was in charge of what and where, then swiveled the chair behind her. Remaining seated, she reached up to open the closet and pulled out her bag from the shelf. She tore off her work shirt, as it had way too many spills for comfort, and pulled on her cropped hoodie once again. She grabbed her keys and bag before stepping out of the office, locking it behind her. She focused on her feet as she came back out to the main part of the building, looking up to see Brooks cleaning. "Leave it," she sighed, "I'll do it tomorrow." Minx leaned against the door frame. "Yeah," she held up her keys, "though I think it might be a bad idea." She looked confused at her keys as she mumbled out the last bit. 
International star

Tensley smiled when he agreed to going for a bite to eat with her, she often went by herself so it would be nice to have a bit of company. While he was grabbing his things, she threw her hair into a messy bun and slipped on her sweater and slung her bag over her shoulder. "It really doesn't matter to me." She walked to the front doors with him, "I can guarantee that my car is a complete mess. So you can drive." She laughed and walked over to his car with her and got in. "I usually go to that 24-hour burger place on the main strip, I don't know if you're okay with that?" She wasn't sure if he had any dietary restrictions, it was the first time that the two of them were hanging out together. 
Brooks debated if he should offer her a lift, or just call her a cab. He knew he had really opened up to her that night, and it was nice, but he really needed to start isolating himself once again. "Come and hop in my car, I'll give you a lift home." He grabbed his things and walked over to her and grabbed the bags she was holding. "Focus on getting yourself to the car." He chuckled and walked out, it was still raining, but luckily he was parked pretty close, he helped her get in and then started up the car. "You're going to have to direct me because I have no clue where you live."

Tony nodded, "that's more than okay with me." His stomach growled angrily and he sheepishly grinned, pointing at it, "he's also okay with it." He opened the door and plopped into the seat, shoving the key into the ignition and turning it. The car roared to life and, buckling himself in, he pulled out of the now empty parking lot and headed towards the burger place. He'll distance himself tomorrow, he decided, he'd have to. He didn't speak much during the car ride, keeping the low volume music on to help fill the silence. They eventually arrived and he paralleled parked in front of the restaurant, turning the car off and getting out. Tony held the door open for Tensley, walking in behind her and chose the seat by the window. "Damn, I'm starving," he mumbled to himself, looking over the menu.


Minx nodded, letting him take her things. "Okay," she agreed, "smarter idea." She did what she was told, watching her feet and focusing on not falling over as she moved towards the car. Gripping his arm, she carefully climbed into his car and buckled herself in. Minx laid her head back, watching Brooks climb into the drivers seat. "I can do that," she bit her lip. "Well, you're going to turn right here, and then make a left at the light," she told him. Minx propped her elbow up by the window and leaned her head against it, "I think I overdid it, again."
International star

sorry @StrawberryAvalanche I guess I forgot to 'post when I replied' xD
Tensley sat in his car quietly, she wondered if things would go back to the way they were. Back to where he barely spoke any words to her, she hated those days, they often worked together so it made for a quiet night for the two of them. She got out from his car and sat down across from him. "I know, honestly this place is so great." She closed her menu as she already knew what she was getting. Most of the staff knew her, it was only one of the places that stayed open late and she often had late nights due to work. She wasn't sure if she should talk to him or not, so she chose to sit there quietly, before finally speaking up. "Thanks for coming with me..."
Brooks decided to keep the music low, if he had been by himself he would have been blasting it with his windows down. He wasn't sure how drunk she was, so he followed her directions as the two of them sat quietly in the car. He chuckled softly when she mentioned over doing it, "Well I mean I tried to advise you that you had a little too much to drink but you didn't care and kept taking shots." Soon the two of them were in front of a large house. "This is where you live?" He was a little shocked, he lived in a crappy one bedroom apartment that was in a pretty sketchy part of town. "Do I need to walk you to the door? Or are you fine?"

Tony shrugged as he looked over his menu, always indecisive when it came to food. "It's no biggie," he told her as he shrugged. He stayed quiet as he chose what he wanted, then shut the menu gently. He told the waitress his drink of choice and what he wanted then looked at Tensley after the woman walked away. "So, uh," he started, "how's working for your dad?" He was always curious how that went, considering what he knew of the man and his own lack of relationship with his father. Tony thanked the waitress as she came back with his iced tea, taking a sip before sitting the glass down.


Minx shook her head, "no, no," she told him. Waving her hand, she opened the door and looked back at him. "I'm good," she told him. Well, more so was trying to convince herself she was. She reached for her bag, flinging it over her shoulder, and stepped out. Minx gripped the door, as the ground began to act like ocean waves. "Hey, Brooks," she called, worried for herself, "I might need some help." Minx bit her lip, "I'm sorry," she apologised. "I need to watch it with the drinking," she chuckled a bit.
International star

Tensley bit her lip when he mentioned working for her father, it had its perks and flaws. She thanked the waitress for bringing her a milkshake, she sipped on it and shrugged. "I mean, I like that I can make my own hours, but it sucks having to do a lot of the work by myself. I mean, I get paid bare minimum and do double the work." The two of them had never talked about work, in fact, the two of them hadn't really spoken much. This was probably the most time the two of them had spent together. "Like, I just make enough to pay for my rent, and I really don't live in a nice area." She noticed his face change when she mentioned living on her own 
Brooks waited there as she attempted to get in, he would feel bad if he left and something would happen. He knew he would never let anything bad happen to her. He shook his head when she mentioned needing help, he shut off the engine and rushed out and put his arm around her and helped her in. It felt so weird to be in her house, he guided her up the stairs and into her room and on her bed. "Uh, do you need anything else before I head out?" He felt really weird being alone with her and wanted to leave if he could. 

Tony's brows raised, "you don't live with your father?" He was surprised, "I'd expect him to have you live with him and do his laundry and what not." He was only half-kidding, he wouldn't at all be surprised if he actually did do that. The man didn't even run his own business at this point. "Why not just quit and find a better paying job?" It seemed like the smart thing to do, but then again it is her fathers business. He took another sip, watching the waitress place their food in front of them. He picked up a fry and bit it.


Minx belly flopped on her bed. Attempting to kick her shoes off. "Just a glass of water and some aspirin, please," she told him, her voice muffled by her pillows. She waited for him to return with what she asked for, the room spinning. It felt like an eternity before he finally returned and she sat up to take the medicine. Wiping the water off her mouth with her sleeve, Minx laid back down and letting out a breath. "Thank you," she muttered as her eyes closed. She grabbed his hand as she thanked him, her small handle barely grasping. Her breathing eventually evened out and she was knocked out. 
International star

Tensley shook her head, "No I really didn't want to live with him, we don't really have the best relationship..." She didn't really know why she was opening up so much to him. "Uh, it's pretty much just business when it comes to him, he really doesn't check in other than that." She was glad the food was there, she was starving and just wanted to eat. She picked up her burger and took a bite from it. She knew it was going to get messy, but she really wasn't shy about eating in front of guys. "I mean, I made a promise when my mom passed to help take care of my father, so yeah..." 
Brooks nodded his head and left to get her what she would need, he came back and noticed how gone she was. He felt bad leaving, he wasn't sure what to do. He noticed a chair in the corner of the room, he pushed off a pile of clothing and sat in it, he knew that she was out cold but he wanted to stay and make sure she would be okay. He closed his eyes for a moment, before he knew it, it was morning and he woke up to find her sitting up in bed confused. "Oh, uh sorry, I wanted to make sure you were okay..." His voice trailed off.
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