BunnyButts wrote:
Just in case we get a bunch here are some opening comments
Dont say where or how you found this, this is reverse fight club
Hello welcome!
Check out Siri's amazing blog post
Angelica has this lovely money guide
Angelica's guide to codes
Nina also has these great guides
[Guide] Codes 101
[Guide] Fashion Contest in depth

Some fast points to get you started
Want to change your face?
buy a new skin
clothes - marketplaza or fashion shop - accessories - skins
This Thread is not for begging, its made to help you get started
- We know this site looks old, its not getting updated tho so : (
- Many users at age 16+ ranging around the 20 ~ 28
- Don't start fights with users of the site
- Don't bump old threads! most aren't relevant anymore but if you have something to share feel free to start your own thread!
- I am in fact the supreme leader of the site
- Also spamming isn't very fun, wait a couple minutes before bumping a thread!
Also think the site is dead? ... well kinda but check back at 2pm central europe time to about 12am Central eastern time
Now that those are through some other questions you might ask are how is everyone so cute looking! Lots of time
you can find cute stuff from the fashion shop or marketplace! People also have selling threads running that you can check out! (you have to be at least a youtube star tho!)
if you stay long enough, win some comps get some codes and collect credits!
(if your crawk, lab, or talent win all the comps and get mega rich)
Basic coin conversion is 1 cr = 1000pd and 1 pp = 250 cr
Watch average prices in the market place and threads so you don't pay too much
Code Guide by Angelica
Codes are generally found in shouts, on social media, in news articles and sometimes it's code hunts. When it is code hunts, the codes will usually be in old forums from the given team or on profiles, blogs and guestbooks.
Also generally Newsteam post their articles in the last days of the month, event team post codes on Friday and social media team post codes on Sundays! If someone with a badge bumps the thread, it is usually because one of the teams they are on posted a code!
Welcome stay a while maybe I mean only if u want to idk
See all these cute clothes and want to learn how to make your own?? Here are Misjel Approved threads for u
Tutorials & advice - Masi helps you design
D : Design bases, Uploading, Non-D Rules
Tutorial: Uploading Designs!
everyone else feel free to do tips or general un spoken rules down below
(also support Blog Team and News Team if u like to read & learn they got the sickest post)(p.s) majority of the site don't like begging, uhhh you might get blacklisted if you beg

Dont say where or how you found this, this is reverse fight club
Hello welcome!
Check out Siri's amazing blog post

Angelica has this lovely money guide
Angelica's guide to codes

Nina also has these great guides
[Guide] Codes 101
[Guide] Fashion Contest in depth

Some fast points to get you started
Want to change your face?
buy a new skin
clothes - marketplaza or fashion shop - accessories - skins
This Thread is not for begging, its made to help you get started
- We know this site looks old, its not getting updated tho so : (
- Many users at age 16+ ranging around the 20 ~ 28
- Don't start fights with users of the site
- Don't bump old threads! most aren't relevant anymore but if you have something to share feel free to start your own thread!
- I am in fact the supreme leader of the site
- Also spamming isn't very fun, wait a couple minutes before bumping a thread!
Also think the site is dead? ... well kinda but check back at 2pm central europe time to about 12am Central eastern time
Now that those are through some other questions you might ask are how is everyone so cute looking! Lots of time
you can find cute stuff from the fashion shop or marketplace! People also have selling threads running that you can check out! (you have to be at least a youtube star tho!)
if you stay long enough, win some comps get some codes and collect credits!
(if your crawk, lab, or talent win all the comps and get mega rich)
Basic coin conversion is 1 cr = 1000pd and 1 pp = 250 cr
Watch average prices in the market place and threads so you don't pay too much

Codes are generally found in shouts, on social media, in news articles and sometimes it's code hunts. When it is code hunts, the codes will usually be in old forums from the given team or on profiles, blogs and guestbooks.
Also generally Newsteam post their articles in the last days of the month, event team post codes on Friday and social media team post codes on Sundays! If someone with a badge bumps the thread, it is usually because one of the teams they are on posted a code!
Welcome stay a while maybe I mean only if u want to idk
See all these cute clothes and want to learn how to make your own?? Here are Misjel Approved threads for u
Tutorials & advice - Masi helps you design
D : Design bases, Uploading, Non-D Rules
Tutorial: Uploading Designs!
everyone else feel free to do tips or general un spoken rules down below
(also support Blog Team and News Team if u like to read & learn they got the sickest post)