wug wrote:
ad0xa wrote:
Like when we talked about childhood. I remember my thoughts like I had the vocabulary that I have now. But I obviously didn't. But I could still form pretty complex thoughts.
That's very exciting tbh
Snusmumrikken wrote:
I think so too.ad0xa wrote:
Well the picture is the first thing. Then you can also like "play" it as a video.
It's weird tho bc I have some memories in first person but a lot of them are actually in 3rd person. With a sort of "blurry" me positioned somewhere in it.
Well, if I understood it right this kind of proves that there are some kind of underlying universal grammar in our heads ah
Well the picture is the first thing. Then you can also like "play" it as a video.
It's weird tho bc I have some memories in first person but a lot of them are actually in 3rd person. With a sort of "blurry" me positioned somewhere in it.
Like when we talked about childhood. I remember my thoughts like I had the vocabulary that I have now. But I obviously didn't. But I could still form pretty complex thoughts.