Nina wrote:
- Remove inactive team members.
If someone is having a busy period in their life and is not available to contribute to VP for months, instead of being a placeholder, they should resign and give their place to someone else. A team with active members is more effective.
- Re-work the event rewarding system.
It's been mentioned, but too few are rewarded compared to how many people enter an event.
- Remove Credits from the system
Maybe with having more auctions?(Christmas is coming, maybe something with that theme?) Or shop updates with many, many, many CR-worthy sets. Or even some kind of gamble, where people can lose many credits. >.< There are too many Credits in the game, we have to save the economy. A non-payer, newbie user has no chance here.
- Re-work the teams's rewarding system
Not all team members should get the set of an event, only those who worked on it. I don't believe 15 people are needed to come up with a raffle. And then, there's a 30 ig set, from which 15 belongs to the team. Absurd. Less people can make an event successful too, so making smaller groups and each of them holding their events and getting their rewards for it should work.
- Reward all the teams
Some teams get thousands of credit worth items, some get nothing. Eg. there should be more reward for the Youtube team members. Their job is so time consuming, yet they don't get too much for it.
- Do not over limit male items
Currently, with the over limited sets and items, everything is super rare and low ig for them. Why would someone change to a male, or start a male character, when they basically can get nothing for their money? I think everyone should be allowed to have 1 male and 1 female account and instead of making everything like 10 ig for them, it should be the same as for females, some higher ig things and same lower ig items.
- Record Label related events
They're so out of the game currently. Some kind of competition between the RLs would be nice. Without coding, at least some posting events, or the RL with more people showing up and completing a task wins something. Like the RL with more people being on the list of HoF wins or something like that.
- More "level" restricted sets.
The leveling part of the game is kinda abandoned. Apart from having a nice title, you get nothing. Previously, there were some items, that could be used only if you reached a certain level. It would be nice to have more of those. It would encourage the leveling, and higher level people could have exclusive items.
- Rewards for leveling up
It requires coding, I'm afraid. Though, I can imagine it working via topics and codes too. If you reach a certain level, you could claim a special code and get an exclusive set. The set should be unsaleable, so only those, who reached the level would have the set, making it more special.