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wrote on 13-10 07:06:
May02 wrote:
My heart goes to out to everyone in Florida. I'm so happy to know that you've been safe and I hope that it continues to stay that way until the disaster passes. May your strength never waiver ♡
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Private wrote on 12-05 21:20:
Vig wrote:
No it’s fine haha, I don’t mind if it’s a gb comment or mail.
Oh? I would love to make a look for you! Any particular items you want in it or to make the look around?
yeah still in healthcare, still a lab tech. That was a time, also those were years when Texas weather got so horrendous like I became less active from the first Ice storm cause me and some coworkers had to stay at a hotel nearby to get to work. It gave me the experience I have now so, I lived through it and prepared for the future. I try not to overload myself though. Yeah nursing is a beast in it’s won way, but Congrats on graduating soon! Glad you found a different passion and maybe it’ll come in handy with your future job. Anything lined up?
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Private wrote on 12-05 02:03:
Vig wrote:
Same, I just came back to see who is on these days and felt like making looks. Life’s been good, busy with work as usual. Hope you’ve been well yourself. Anything new?
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Private wrote on 01-05 03:26:
Vig wrote:
Remembered to come back and drop a hello~
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wrote on 10-09 22:06:
Baybee wrote:
You look so cute!
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wrote on 17-05 02:28:
Basil wrote:
just logged in for kicks and giggles, hope you are doing well icon and that 2023 is bringing you the blessings you deserve!
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wrote on 15-05 04:14:
Callum wrote:
3am and randomly thought of u
so just logged on this shit hole to say i hope everything is good w u
< 3
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wrote on 30-04 18:01:
Noir wrote:
Ahhh why?!?!?! Thank you so much!