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BackstagePass - April
Queen of Queens

Dear VP-ers,

On the 1st of April, we will start our BackstagePass (BSP) with a set from Klavier.

Under ‘FAQ, BackstagePass (clickhere)’, you can learn how to collect all the items of this set by either doing certain activities, using your Golden Keys or paying for them with your

Some days are free, whereby you don’t need to do any activities, while other days require some action. But most important to remember is that if you want to collect the item by doing the daily
activity, you need to do it on the day itself. Catching up can only be done with your Golden Keys or with credits.

Should you experience issues during this trial, please comment in this forum thread and we will look into

The VP team

exciting! if all goes well with the april trial will the wardrobe update start? 
Queen of Queens

Afrocentrick wrote:
exciting! if all goes well with the april trial will the wardrobe update start? 
That's the plan... all depending on the income VP generates. After the core expenses are paid, all remaining income will go towards further developments and the wardrobe is next in line...

VP-Etjen wrote:
Afrocentrick wrote:
exciting! if all goes well with the april trial will the wardrobe update start? 
That's the plan... all depending on the income VP generates. After the core expenses are paid, all remaining income will go towards further developments and the wardrobe is next in line...
Ah, i see! Are credits the only way to generate income or are there other metrics that contribute that we can help with? 
Queen of Queens

Afrocentrick wrote:
VP-Etjen wrote:
Afrocentrick wrote:
exciting! if all goes well with the april trial will the wardrobe update start? 
That's the plan... all depending on the income VP generates. After the core expenses are paid, all remaining income will go towards further developments and the wardrobe is next in line...
Ah, i see! Are credits the only way to generate income or are there other metrics that contribute that we can help with? 

At the moment, credits are the only way... but I have been asked before if I could add a "donation" button whereby people could donate and then 100% of that money would completely go to development. 
If people think that this could be a good idea to speed things up, then I'll look into it. 
Princess of Pop


VP-Etjen wrote:
Afrocentrick wrote:
VP-Etjen wrote:
That's the plan... all depending on the income VP generates. After the core expenses are paid, all remaining income will go towards further developments and the wardrobe is next in line...
Ah, i see! Are credits the only way to generate income or are there other metrics that contribute that we can help with? 

At the moment, credits are the only way... but I have been asked before if I could add a "donation" button whereby people could donate and then 100% of that money would completely go to development. 
If people think that this could be a good idea to speed things up, then I'll look into it. 
With a goal and a few incentives, i think a donation button could be good! It's worth a try anyway
World famous

what about the last set/items ? r they just fucked forever? what if it breaks again (it will)? fuck klavier's set too ?

also no one cares about bsp or wants it no one ever asked for this this is a bad addition to the site
International star

World famous

you didnt even bother to ask klavier if she was ok with her actual hard work being used on a feature everyone here hates
National star

i wish u were easier to communicate with i had so much hope for u nnow its just poop
Princess of Pop

this situation is making me so angry i wish you didnt treat designers like shit but oh well what to expect from a person who kicks someone from the team for no reason huh
International star

VP-Etjen wrote:
Afrocentrick wrote:
exciting! if all goes well with the april trial will the wardrobe update start? 
That's the plan... all depending on the income VP generates. After the core expenses are paid, all remaining income will go towards further developments and the wardrobe is next in line...
can you pay me
National star

atheory wrote:
VP-Etjen wrote:
Afrocentrick wrote:
exciting! if all goes well with the april trial will the wardrobe update start? 
That's the plan... all depending on the income VP generates. After the core expenses are paid, all remaining income will go towards further developments and the wardrobe is next in line...
can you pay me
^can u pay him what he's owed before u randomly kicked him out
Princess of Pop

are this new owner now shit like the previous owner? 💀💀💀
Princess of Pop

atheory wrote:
VP-Etjen wrote:
Afrocentrick wrote:
exciting! if all goes well with the april trial will the wardrobe update start? 
That's the plan... all depending on the income VP generates. After the core expenses are paid, all remaining income will go towards further developments and the wardrobe is next in line...
can you pay me
yes etjen can you pay him what he earned before you suddenly kicked him from the team with no explanation :) 
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