ThugWorkout wrote:
Gabbie nodded her head, "god yes, I am so fed up of talking about whatever's on the agenda in heaven, it's just dead people and shunning people to hell. I'm really not interested. Maybe I'm a bad angel." She laughed quietly, taking another sip of her drink, she coukdnfeel her mothers eyes boaring into her but she chose to ignore it for now. Gabbie was allowed to make friends, there was no rules against that. "I'd like therm, actually. And you only live next door so maybe we can hang out our windows and I'll howl at you." She teased, pulling out her phone and taking his number. "That's so sweet.." her heart was melting at this point. "I.. I wanna be the highest form of angel there's is. There's god.. and then I want it to be me."
D laughed to himself, rubbing his stubbly jawline with his hand. "I am pretty, thank you for that." He clinked their beer glasses together before taking a long swig, God he needed it, it was definitely calming his nerves talking to the pretty lady in front of him. "So you want to start your own thing? Do it, go for it. I mean apart from being shunned by your family and disrespected forever, what have you got to Lose?" He asked, raising an eyebrow looking away for a second. "I'm already high up without having anyone by my side. All I need is a companion, and I have.." he counted on his fingers, ".. about three more family members to fend off, and then I'm there." He was proud, he was most likely one of the youngest to want alpha so badly. "I do win a lot, yeah. I have a big build as my human form so my wolf form is even larger."