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15 of the 24 stars earned


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hey kid, can you please talk to me?
Karaoke star

i'm new and am in need of some friends. i'm pretty socially awkward so thumbs up for my lack of social skills.

anyways if you want to chat hIT ME UPPPPPPPPP
World famous

okay hi

im kind of new as well, been here since a few weeks or so idk and i want to get to know more people here as well so whatsup
Karaoke star

(you responded ahhh ty)
. . .

ahem... hey there, i'm doing good. i've only been on here for a couple days, too so that's cool i guess. how's your day?

Account deleted


my name's gin, i like some bands way too much and talk way too much about my problems.
Youtube star

yass, cheers to the newbies 

my name is helena, I'm 18 and from norway, whats up??
Karaoke star

more people (!!) aww hey guys

@Disintegration: hi there gin! i like a lot of bands too much as well... haha, like a lot... help me.

@Gagaz: cheers to you as well, helena! i'm doing well, thank you for asking. at least, if you can say spending half a day in front of a computer screen is doing well.
Youtube star

Is ur username based from the band bleached? I love them ! 
Anyways, hey I'm charlie 
Karaoke star

huh, that's a coincidence... but no it isn't. i'll check them out, though, i might like them (-'':, anyways nice to meet you Charlie!
Karaoke star

Account deleted

Hope ur day was nice:)
Karaoke star

Hello!  I'm new here too. I joined like 4 days ago. nice to meet u. 
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