Hello there, it is now the year 2022 and we have had Covid for a few years now.
This self-isolation thing is something that has helped me personally in discovering who I am. Even though I thought I knew who I was before covid, I've now discovered more parts of myself that I did not know of.
I have also learned several survival and independence things that I did not have availability to learn before covid as well as a change of environment. For example, I have learned to let go and care for myself. I am the only constant in my life. I have started to consider my future plans seriously without having others' opinions affect me.
Living life for myself has been something that I probably did not see as an option before covid. I'd always listen to others' problems and try to find their solutions while letting my own problems brew and grow worse. I was also a fan of escapism, so I watched lots of anime as well as read a lot of manga.
I have now found a way to balance myself and I have found a way to create a routine that works for me. I have always tried to mirror other peoples' way of living, which I can say without a doubt is not the way. The only way to start feeling secure in yourself is to explore yourself. You have to do it for your own sake! I used to think that studying and doing chores was something I had to do to help mum. I never found it to be for my sake. But nowadays I cook for myself and I clean for myself because I like it to be tidy! These are things that if you don't already feel this way, you probably will when you move out.
I have also started to be more selfish when it comes to things such as room decor, as well as not feeling guilty about throwing things that are of no use to myself or those around me. I have also started to understand what type of furniture I prefer, as well as what kind of colors I actually like!
Covid has given me time to explore my mind, my likes and dislikes. It's almost like dating yourself, getting to know, and falling in love with bits and parts of you. This is what self-love is like, I think.
I have also started to care for myself physically, some things I have started doing for example is:
- drinking water more often - an everyday skincare routine - doing a little bit of yoga each day - brushing my teeth - showering every day
I'm happy I've been able to do all these things. It's easy to forget how far you have come, especially when you are met with a huge setback.