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Search for Friends < Virtual Popstar
copying massacre's thread
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(original here)

i know i already have a make friends thread, but i really liked massacre's idea and wanted to do the same thing!! just ask questions and i'll answer them

already answered:

which of all totally normal and daily objects grosses you out the most?
those magic eraser sponges. of all the things that trigger my sensory issues, that's the absolute worst and if i do use them at all, i have to use gloves or else i'll be scrubbing my hands with warm soap and water for hours afterwards

do you actually love virtualpopstar?
i have a sort of mixed response? i absolutely adore the community for the most part, and the teams definitely carry the majority of the site

however a lot of the community can also get on my nerves and i feel like there's a lot keeping the site from it's full potential (more on that on how i feel about kaj)

do you like kaj and his personality?

whooooo time to have a field day on this one

to put it bluntly, kaj's personality is the kind i least like. i feel like he's done too much in the past for me to truly trust him with the site, and he needs to stop covering things up with lies and just own up to a lot of his mistakes (also stop dipping into his other businesses to fund vp because that's just Bad)

that said, i have to give him credit for trying to increase his professionalism and that a lot of the site issues have been fixed at an increased rate, so hopefully the drama that happened this summer has taught him something

do you like rowan's designs?

god yes, rowan is one of my favorite designers both as a person and as an artist- they approach everything with such a genuine kindness and honesty (which is refreshing on a site that prides itself on drama and cattiness) , and if they ever wanted to be a badged designer they would be one of the first people i would nominate

if you could be admin for a day, what would you do?

assuming all changes were permanent,

-stricter regulation on code claiming
-stricter regulation on side accounts
-release a lot of old account's names
-fix as many of the translation errors i could find
-unban some people (not gonna say names b/c i don't want to start an entirely new debate)

what other games would you recommend?

not sure what you mean by games? assuming avi sites, the only other one i'm really active on is gaia (i tried recolor and as much as i love the avatar creator the community there isn't exactly one i want to hang out with)

who is your favorite designer?

along with rowan, i love shadowjess, leetaemin, and careless (not sure what his new account is)

item of your dreams?

all objectheads, and the lab coat from dollzmania (it's currently in submission limbo right now so *fingers crossed*)

what do you think of kpop and anime?

on its own it's fine, but if someone irl were to ask me if i liked kpop and anime i would consider that a huge red flag since the only times i've ever interacted with kpop/anime fans they wound up only wanting to be friends with me so that they could have a ~*gay best friend*~ and ask about teh yaoiz
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which of all totally normal and daily objects grosses you out the most?
National star

(the same i asked massacre hihi)

do you love virtual popstar actually?
do you like kaj and his personality?
do you like rowan designs bc they're life hihi?


if you could be admin of the vp for one day what would you do?
what other games would you recommend?
who is your favourite vp designer/creator?
item of your dreams that you really really want to get?
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what do you think of k pop and anime?
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