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Justin Bieber's arrest by Celina (by Forget )

Before you exit out and say you don't care because he's *Insert insult here*, keep in mind that we still want to here your thoughts and why you feel the way you do. After all, he is only human and deals with a crazy life. Do you think that's a good excuse for his behavior? Here's something a Belieber has to say about all of this controversy, and I must say I do agree with it! Personally, I do not agree with everything he's done. However, I do feel like a lot of the hate he gets for the things he does is only because he's "Justin Bieber." How many other teens do you know of that do drugs, or like to party with girls? Sure, either way you may not praise them for it, but most of them don't get pages worth of negative, hateful comments for it..Whereas Justin is shunned and every positive thing he does is cancelled out by the negatives. Everyone has their bad times..except Justin's every flaw is magnified to the public.

Justin has filed not guilty to his DUI arrest despite everything that has happened. Crazy enough, a lot of new documents are surfacing, even from TMZ, a site beliebers know for bashing him. New pictures show the GPS records of the car Justin rented, the one allegedly used in his "drag race." Whether these photo's are true we cannot be sure of, but people are always quick to believe the negative things said about him, so I suggest giving this a quick look. 

Was Justin REALLY drag racing?

The image above is a bit fragmented,. I had to cut it in half so it could fit. Basically, this image is from TMZ and shows the GPS records of Justin's rental car. If this image is real, which it could be, this would not be good for prosecutors. First of all, it shows that he was only going a maximum of 27 MPH near the time of his arrest, which is actually under the speed limit. Documents were also obtained from the car that was supposedly used to hold traffic while he raced. Records for this car show that the car started moving at 4:06 AM and never stopped until Bieber’s arrest. Hard to hold up cars in the middle of traffic…if the car never stops? As I once said, you can’t be too sure if this is true because it is TMZ after all. However, just as easily as you may believe the negative things said about him, you should believe the positive things. It’s only fair. Click here for the full TMZ report.

It was also reported that he was drunk when arrested, while recent claims say his records were leaked and his alcohol levels were under the legal level, even for someone who's 19 and shouldn't be drinking! This basically means he probably didn't even touch a drink that night.

Justin after being released from jail.

If you have something to say, say it! Rant about it, praise him, anything..I think we all love a good debate. Just remember to be fair and back up your statements, there's nothing worse than an argument with someone who is obviously biased. While I am a fan, I take into account the fact that he could be guilty and these records could be false, but I also have hope in things that say otherwise. 

That's it for my article this week. If there is anything in specific you'd be interested in reading about, mail me, my username is Celina!

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Comment on the article Justin Bieber's arrest by Celina.
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TheEnchantress wrote on 08-02 02:49:
TheEnchantress wrote:
BEEEEEEEP  Okay I agree big time.  I am not so much of a fan of him it just he has to much pressure and hate on him. * I think * He feels like he needs to be a "bad boy" to get attention. *Cough* Even though he's and is going against the laws I still think he's just trying to get attention and make people happy *Cough* So really I just think the hate is building up so much on him he just *one again my thoughts * feels like he needs to do something for some props.
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Alenia wrote on 08-02 02:38:
Alenia wrote:
Okay... A few words.... First, I think he might NOT..... let me say that again, NOT  be guilty.... I saw this video on YT where JB's eyes change during court hearing...(evidence here) and I honestly think something's up with that.... Unless his eyes can freaking change, something's fishy.... Now, I HATE HIM WILL ALL MY HEART AND *instert more insults here*..... but, I know he's probably not guilty.... So, he shouldn't be arrested for it and he is human, but I still hate him. The end.
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Popskai wrote on 08-02 02:29:
Popskai wrote:
Plus, people make mistakes! Justin made one, Selena Gomez made one, Everyone does!

Please don't pick on him btw.
woot he just wants to make us happy and get (almost) everyone to like him.
He's a really great guy, but he's only, like, 19! Let's give him a second chance.

                                If you agree, in your next comment say,
in red letters okay?  lollol

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Popskai wrote on 08-02 02:24:
Popskai wrote:
                                           This is just MY opinion:

Poor Justin. I don't know what to say! I think he is kind of guilty, but I am such a belieber! I'm just going with not guilty. He might have been double-dog-dared? Or maybe he was tricked or framed? I don't know.:cry I am a big BIG BIG belieber actually. I love all his songs.The truth is the truth, he knows if he did something wrong even if we don't.edisco
Justin Bieber: not guilty I think?
I have no clue! mystery.................. chinrub
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Private wrote on 05-02 18:54:
Lifedrive wrote:
Justin Bieber...I don't know what to think about that. He's a boy whose parents were young (18 and 19) when his mother gave birth to him and split up. So, you could guess they didn't expect him. I would say, he hadn't had it easy after that, normally teenage mothers can't handle that situation. Suddenly he becomes famous via YouTube. Okay, I don't know wether he was pushed, etc, but okay. He signed his contract with 13 or 14. That's the age where normal kids beginn to be a rebel, experience their first love, etc. He didn't have that.
So now he is turning into a 'bad boy'. Most of it will be PR BUT I kinda can unterstand that he doesn't want to be the nice guy to everyone. Who didn't shout at their parents in their youth/Who doesn't do that? Who didn't want to try things behind others backs or do other things? And as some of you already said, this is just so 'bad' because it is HIM. If it were some kind of manager having fun and coming out of jail after paying a caution, noone would care. With him, there even is news when he once would take a smoothie with...what do I know, strawberries instead of raspberries. So, why make such a big fuss about it.
Though, on the other hand you could also say he should be an example to others and that he is aware that that would be in the news when he does things like that.
So, I find it hard to have a real opinion on that.
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Motoko wrote on 05-02 09:05:
Motoko wrote:
It annoys me about the amount of attention and focus the media is giving Bieber. Yeah I know, what he did was wrong but with so much attention on Justin Bieber's arrest, that it had to be considered as 'Breaking News', it makes people forget about what is really happening in the world. (war, etc) To be honest, i really do not care that Justin Bieber was arrested...I just think it shouldn't something we have to make a big deal about. 

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Katstylish wrote on 05-02 07:47:
Katstylish wrote:
 i have tbh im am not much of a bieber fan but i do believe that his arrest has effected alot of his fans lives and there is this one girl named liliana guerrero in my class and she calls herself Mrs bieber i have never seen so many tears!!!#bieber
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LiIiana wrote on 03-02 23:23:
LiIiana wrote:
Justin is a little boy who is being influenced by people. Some people care, others don't.  Everyone does mistakes and he made a mistake! Big deal? Justin has been influenced by people like Wiz Khalifa, Lil Twist etc. He was probably peer pressured too. And CEN revealed that Justin was clear of drugs and under the maximum legal amount of alcohol level to drive. The 3 officers who pulled him over had been suspended. But this is where things go wrong. TMZ blamed it on his MOTHER.
How low lived it that?!!
I'm not a believer, nor a hater, but dont bring family into it!
I did call TMZ and shouted at them. A little.
A lot.
Justin deserves justice. Officers don't like him so they arrest him. It happens.
He's in jail again for assaulting a limo driver.
oh Justin. nono
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OwlInfestation wrote on 03-02 14:35:
OwlInfestation wrote:
I think Bieber goes by the motto: Any publicity is good publicity. 

+ If he wasn't drunk and he wasn't drag racing then he couldn't have been arrested and wouldn't have had to pay bail. 

But nice article ;)
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Girlinthemirror wrote on 03-02 14:12:
Girlinthemirror wrote:
TBH I don't care what happens to him. If he wants to do stupid stuff then let him. Its his life and he can throw it away.
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Private wrote on 03-02 10:58:
Danielle wrote:
Wether hes a teenager or not, hes a celebroty and a public figure and he needs to behave a certain way. Tons of people look up to him as a role model and hes not setting a good example. 
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Jettan wrote on 03-02 07:46:
Jettan wrote:
*Me sings I will always love you to Justin*
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Lizzi wrote on 03-02 06:40:
Lizzi wrote:
I am not a Bieber fan nor hater, so I really try to see the whole situation before making an opinion. I really think though, that JB needs to get his act together. This is the last straw, and if he goes to jail... well he can't go to jail in the U.S., they won't have a foreigner in their jails for too long. They'll send him right back to Canada if the charges are high enough. He has already gotten saved by his buddy Lil' Za after they found drugs in JB's home. He can easily get deported if thats' what the court decides. 
If he doesn't go to jail, he might want to take up a career in gospel music or something & see this as a rebirth, lol. I'm surprised Lil Wayne didn't do the same after his near-death scare with drugs (and in this case, it sickens me even more that Wayne continues to produce music that glorifies drug use. Seriously, wth!). It seems some people never do learn their lesson.. smh.
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Yasmane wrote on 03-02 02:02:
Yasmane wrote:
I think he should stay becuse he races badly and then he desterbs the elders  also he is a cheater i hate those
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BelleDeFilippo wrote on 03-02 01:58:
BelleDeFilippo wrote:
Well I dont know really whats going on, nobody does unless they are him. But I do think that the things he is doing is really going to affect his reputation, and I dont think his fans should be backing him up, it just incourages it. Im not a fan, but I dont hate him. I just think people would like him alot better if he wasnt hanging out with tons of girls and partying all the time. Thats just my opinion.
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PinkShotzz wrote on 03-02 01:32:
PinkShotzz wrote:
With me and Justin being the same age, I think he does those things because he's bored. There are many child and adult stars that are RARELY in the tabloids because they lead to choose a private life. Justin could do the same, but he just chooses not to, because he wants attention, maybe? Im not a fan, but im not against him.
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Zombiism wrote on 03-02 00:42:
Zombiism wrote:
All this or not. The things he HAS confirmed to have done? He is a lil git and should not be a celebrity. Being a celebrity you have influence over a number of people. Someone who abuses that power and acts like an idiot is not a good person to have over the influence of young people of which JB is. Nothing excuses what he has done and he should be ashamed of himself but he is not. I don't care who you are celeb or not I will judge you for similar actions and if he was not a celeb he would have been in trouble for his actions a long time ago.
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Private wrote on 03-02 00:41:
Epoch wrote:
Also, I'm just saying, but all of you have one celebrity you have a negative thought about. So I don't think it's a problem for others to have their reasons for disliking this one. That is all.
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Glados wrote on 03-02 00:39:
Glados wrote:
I think he has evaded many many deserved arrests. Yes, many teens do drugs and don't get in trouble, but does that make it not illegal? Although he's "only human" its still his choices and choices have consequences. I don't care if hes under pressure ect. he still makes these decisions and should not have exceptions made for him because he is famous and rich.
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Private wrote on 03-02 00:39:
Epoch wrote:
Here's the thing. Yes, I agree Bieber gets most hate because he's Bieber. But I am a proud Bieber hater, and yes, I do give pages of negative comments to people I know personally of how their actions aren't appreciated. But only when they're asked of me, which is also how I react with Bieber. One Direction also gets hate, but at least they haven't gone off the charts. Either way, Bieber's actions are uncalled for. I don't care if he's young. I don't care if he wants to have fun. I definitely don't care if he's rich, famous, and wildly popular. There's no way for me to not hate him whatsoever. If hHe was a decent person, I still wouldn't care for him, but at least then I wouldn't have much of a reason to dislike him. But I do. He's ungrateful for the things he has, if this is the way he wants to behave. He's going to get himself and those around him hurt one day, and the people he cares about aren't always going to be there for him, if there are any. He's irresponsible with the gifts he's been given, and is just downright disrespectful and rude. I hate on him like I hate on anyone else.

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B1urryPicture wrote on 03-02 00:39:
B1urryPicture wrote:
Here's what I have to say about Justin.
I don't think his actions should be unnoticed. I get that he has paparazzi following him and he is basically under a microscope but that is absolutely no reason for beliebers to say that people should leave him alone. There are tons and tons of stars who have the same and possibly even more publicity and remain amazing role models. Raven Simone, Jennifer Lawrence, Niall Horan, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, and Vic Fluntes are just a few great people in pop culture.

My second point is that he should definitely be put in jail, even if the DUI is proved to be wrong. he's done MANY illegal thing that his lawyers have gotten him out of being arrested from. Some include: faking an asthma attack, underage drinking, child pornography, egging a house and severely damaging it, and he wiped his stage floor with the Argentina flag. Everyone who tries to defend him by saying 'He's only 19, he can make mistakes' needs to get a reality check because he has probably done more illegal things in 19 years than I will do in my lifetime.

I have no pity for him whatsoever. 
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Private wrote on 03-02 00:35:
Celina wrote:
Arifa wrote:
Im sorry but that image right there just makes me laugh all the time lollol

Making fun of my guy? #stoparifa2014 nono
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B1urryPicture wrote on 03-02 00:35:
B1urryPicture wrote:
Here's what I have to say about Justin.
I don't think his actions should be unnoticed. I get that he has paparazzi following him and he is basically under a microscope but that is absolutely no reason for beliebers to say that people should leave him alone. There are tons and tons of stars who have the same and possibly even more publicity and remain amazing role models. Raven Simone, Jennifer Lawrence, Niall Horan, Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, and Vic Fluntes are just a few great people in pop culture.

My second point is that he should definitely be put in jail, even if the DUI is proved to be wrong. he's done MANY illegal thing that his lawyers have gotten him out of being arrested from. Some include: faking an asthma attack, underage drinking, child pornography, egging a house and severely damaging it, and he wiped his stage floor with the Argentina flag. Everyone who tries to defend him by saying 'He's only 19, he can make mistakes' needs to get a reality check because he has probably done more illegal things in 19 years than I will do in my lifetime.

I have no pity for him whatsoever. 
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Private wrote on 03-02 00:35:
Celina wrote:
Nikkeyiboo wrote:
"Personally, I do not agree with everything he's done. However, I do feel like a lot of the hate he gets for the things he does is only because he's "Justin Bieber.""

So true! What a wonderful way to say it. They have grown up trying to be perfect with the camera on them 24/7. They have no time to breathe so when they screw up..its baaaad!

Your comments complete my life. I couldn't agree more. 

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NewsTeam wrote on 03-02 00:28:
NewsTeam wrote:
Hope you guys enjoy the article. Midway through writing this, I realized how nice it would be to maybe start having little debates? Of course it was too late to redo everything, but I consider this a topic people have a lot to say about so I'll comment my opinion.

I am a belieber (obviously) but I swear to try and be fair. Like the comment I included in my article, I do think he has done some bad things and what not, but who are we to judge or care? I try and put myself in his shoes and think about all the people who continuously warn him about the fame getting to his head, but are the same people who wait for his failure. I think he's lost and lonely, he constantly says he finds it hard to trust anyone which is usual in that business. I think he has a lot of pressure on him and needs to learn how to deal with it. As far as the countless amounts of things being said and brought to surface within the past few weeks..well, there isn't much I can say. I think this is a really rough patch his career is going over and I can only hope he comes out stronger and better on the other side, just like I would wish for anyone of you. None of us are perfect.
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Charlize wrote on 03-02 00:22:
Charlize wrote:
#JustinBieber needs to just chill for a sec. He needs to take some time to work on himself. People need to give him some slack. He is a teenager after all. If he was famous, no one would care.

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