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Below are the last blogs of this player. You can also post comments or subscribe.
Inc(a)tober -22028-10-2022 18:27
Inktober -21407-10-2021 16:09
Night-stops!705-02-2020 18:55
Happiness ~706-10-2019 14:55
My cats, chapter 3 : Zukie1904-08-2019 01:39
My cats, chapter 2 : Nessie709-04-2019 18:19
My cats, chapter 1 : Bailyse318-01-2019 14:34
~ My designs ~5023-11-2018 14:36
All hallows eve204-11-2018 09:12
Halloween outfits 2018623-10-2018 10:20
The spirit of autumn!1221-09-2018 11:36
All about loving autumn1218-09-2018 15:40
Jawsurgery journey402-03-2018 22:43
Jaw surgery countdown!1721-11-2017 14:58
- My official outfit thread! -2910-09-2017 14:19
Autumn design!703-09-2017 14:15
The story of Anastasia1301-09-2017 12:50
~.* Living my dream *.~617-08-2017 20:15
Prom 2nd of June 2017908-06-2017 10:34
Outfits in colors124-05-2017 13:43
Countdown!124-04-2017 13:26
My love for this boy!1616-03-2017 12:06
Valentine special!3002-02-2017 12:18
Emotional inspired outfits!1402-01-2017 19:43
BT: Day 4, 12DoC2020-12-2016 16:26
BT: Day 2, 12DoC2420-12-2016 16:26
Compliment blogpost!1528-11-2016 12:27
Are you ready? *sneakpeaks*2725-11-2016 23:27
Drawings by others!416-11-2016 17:10
❅ Winter is here! ❅2707-11-2016 12:42
✞ Paranormal experiences! ✞ 1602-11-2016 20:19
Halloween-inspired outfits!1307-10-2016 11:58
Let me introduce myself!1729-09-2016 22:59
Autumn Vibes!528-09-2016 10:06
Stay Positive!1728-09-2016 09:29
Gosupermodel-outfits!1521-09-2016 21:41
Outfits! 1918-09-2016 10:47
The greatest fears..613-09-2016 09:28
Newest drawings!1012-09-2016 13:55
Drawings by me!4206-09-2016 10:04
Kittysitter! 1303-07-2016 18:54

 ReportMy love for this boy!

My love for You!

Warning! Extremely.. Silly and personal text!

Have you ever just felt that it is just so right? That someone, somehow, makes you feel pretty,
makes you feel wanted and liked for who you are? This guy does and Imma tell you our story!

We have been friends for 4 years. 
I've always felt that magical sparkle between us though.
Back in 2012 we were almost a couple, we were in love. But I chose another guy before him and we
lost our contact with each other for like a half year. That was the time I realized that I should apologize.
So I did. And he forgave me, forgiving angel as he is.

We've always had some kind of contact, mostly via facebook and snapchat. And once in a while we met 
and had fun, like go skating in the winter, hang on the beach on the summer.. But just as friends! I've 
always have a boyfriend, for 4 years. 2 different though. Anyway when I broke up with the guy I chose 
over Simon (my bf) I fell in love with Simon again. Totally, smashed my head in the floor for him. (not literally lol)
But he was currently in love with someone else. Some girl who actually didn't want Simon to meet his female
friends. But so he did anyway without telling her because she could kill him otherwise. I remember how much
I hated her, I still do now afterwards since I've gotten to know how she treated him. She didn't want them to
be an official couple, like on facebook and so on because of different reasons. And she could say in the middle
of movies that she wanted to sleep with the guys in the movie so Simon wanted to tease her as revenge and jumped
a bit closer to his friend Thea and just said "hello" and his girlfriend smacked him in his face and was so angry. 

Anyway. Simon and I went by inlines a lot back in the days. He actually bought them just so he could go out with
me with them. It was really cute.. even as a friend it means so much to me. <3

And so 2016 came by the corner.. and in the end I fell in love with him again. So I broke with my boyfriend
and wanted to try this, otherwise I wouldn't know what I wanted. And I would do that choice over and over again,
just to be happy, and to be with the guy who truly makes me happy!

We have the same silly humor. We can laugh in hours for something dumb he has or I have said.

It is now even set. We're moving in together!!
Both him and I love cats, and light pink. So everything's gonna be pink in our apartment ; )

And I'll show you some pictures of what makes him so special!

He bought matching underwear for us both! 

He's a great kisser and loves to photograph just like me!

... even when I'm sleeping. x)

We make ice together!

He tries my pyjama ...

We have the same sense of humor...

... which is horrible! xD

He even lets me do silly hairdos to him! 

He likes to put on facemasks together c:

I love his smile!! 

He makes me complete! 

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Allie wrote on 31-03 11:25:
Allie wrote:
Tezzica wrote:
I'd like to see pictures of this apartment.
Your sweetness is too precious. omg.
the house looks like this:

it's an old bank actually. My best friend is really jealous because she loves houses with history. xD I can't wait to live there *-* (unfortunately I have no picture from inside. But it's like 3 meter up to the roof so it's high and aaah!!)
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XMilkyWay666x wrote on 30-03 19:01:
XMilkyWay666x wrote:
this was the sweetest thing ever (l)
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Allie wrote on 30-03 15:33:
Allie wrote:
Thank you everyone for your kind comments! <3
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Allie wrote on 30-03 15:33:
Allie wrote:
Avarice wrote:
That's too sweet for words! I am always glad to see true and pure love in relationships. 
I hope you two will stay forever and nothing would stand in the way of your love! 
PS: Please send me some of those ice (dongs) cubes
*gives you penisice*
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Allie wrote on 30-03 15:33:
Allie wrote:
Oh my you two are just so cute omg 
This warms up the corners of my cold heart hahaha
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Private wrote on 30-03 09:24:
Ainsley wrote:
omg this is beautiful <33333
you guys are so great together !! x
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Viivotin wrote on 30-03 09:12:
Viivotin wrote:
AHH!! thats great
and youre both so cute
im not crying.
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Julia wrote on 30-03 08:42:
Julia wrote:
Oh my god this is so sweet ahhhh 
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Private wrote on 29-03 22:20:
Libertas wrote:
Aw, this is so cute! My heart did just melt!! <33
I'm jealous of those Stitch underwears tho lol 
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Filth wrote on 29-03 21:35:
Filth wrote:
This is so friggin adorable I cant 
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Private wrote on 29-03 21:30:
Claire wrote:
oh god this is so cute i am dying
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Koolaid wrote on 29-03 21:19:
Koolaid wrote:
Oh my you two are just so cute omg 
This warms up the corners of my cold heart hahaha
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Private wrote on 29-03 21:17:
Targaryen wrote:
this is so cute aaah
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BloodFreak wrote on 29-03 21:15:
BloodFreak wrote:
Aw, you two look so cute together!
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Baileyyrosee wrote on 29-03 21:13:
Baileyyrosee wrote:
This is so cute 
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Private wrote on 29-03 21:13:
Misjel wrote:
Niceeeei :3333
*ok didnt read the teeeext but the pics r cute cute*