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How to put a code into your profile (Entry)2529-05-2013 03:45
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 ReportHow to put a code into your profile (Entry)
Many people seem to have trouble adding codes to their profile so I made this guide to help ya guys. 

Helpful Tips
First of all, in order for the codes not to be glitched and messed up make sure the profile size is about 700 pixels. 

Second, make sure you erase the rn's if you get the code in mail or the profile will get messed up.

Thirdy, I recommend go slow while doing this, if this is your first time, or you don't get it. You don't want to miss a step. 

How to enter the code of the profile to my profile? 
This seems to be the most troubling part so you might want to be extra careful on this step. Let's go back to the second helpful tips. 
To put the code in make sure you put it in the HTML part of the picture. You can find it to the left of the smiley icon. 
Make sure you have the WHOLE code copied, or else it won't turn out as you hope. 

~Go to your profile settings.
~Click the HTML button. (  
~If there's anything in the box, delete EVERYTHING. (
~Paste the WHOLE code in the box. (
~Click the green button. (Should say "Insert.") (
~Magic! Your profile is there. 

How to add writing to your profile.
This also seems like a hard thing for some people, too, but I don't blame you. I used to be making a lot of mistakes with this part myself. 

Pretend you have one box. 

Erase the letters until you get the statement to like this - TEX
After you have only that, press enter and start typing what you want to type. -Refer to previous image-
When you are done typing what you want to say, go back to TEX. Erase those letters - Make sure you press the backspace only 3 times or it will be glitched otherwise, if you press it more- and your profile is done.
If you have more than 1 box do the same for the other boxes! 

What editors can I use to make a profile?
Well, I would recommend pixlr editor. [] and you can also you GIMP. You need to download GIMP but pixlr is a online editor. I also heard sumo paint is pretty good and so is picmonkey.
Lots of editors also use this amazing program called Photoshop. However, unlike most online editors this one requires you to buy it. 
Even though, you can't use photoshop, there are still a lot of amazing programs out there that are free for your use.

My profile is overlapping! 
Some people have profiles and they complain about it overlapping. Let's go back to helpful tip number  1. Make sure the image isn't too big. Some people make profiles that are big, so you can either use it for another website or for another background. Make sure you resize it, so it will fit. If you don't know how big it is you can upload it to imgur and on imgur the link can tell you the size. I'm not sure about tinypic, but if it works, let me know. Also, when your resize your profile the profile might become a little blurry and the quality won't be as good. 

What can I use to resize it?
To resize your profile or backgrounds, you can use an online resizer.
Also, if you have GIMP it's pretty helpful because it canshrink your picture, or make it larger. I would recommend:
But you don't really need anything other then Imgur. It's the best. ;) 

I need more help!

Do you have still have questions, and you can't find the answer here? Well mail me, and I could maybe add a section of that to this blog. I really hope this blog have helped many of you, and that you can stop asking many people how to add a code to your profile. I have received many messages about how to code, and I was too lazy to explain it and add pictures. Hopefully, this will prevent you from asking many people how to code things because sometimes it does get a bit tedious explaining when a lot of people ask you. 

Writer's Note - Please don't copy ANY of this, as I have worked very hard to make this blog and crop all the pictures. - Will add more pictures soon -. If someone asks you a question about it, and you copy and paste this to them, please at least give me some credit. Also, please do not use my pictures unless you give me credit for it. 
Thank you! 

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Private wrote on 08-07 19:18:
Vintergatan wrote:
Oh I read the title wrong ._.
Umm I already understand how to put a code on your profile but I'm not sure how to make a code... I used to make profiles and codes on gsm but maybe it's different here? If it's the same as on gsm then what's the original code and what's the width?
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Popunzel wrote on 26-01 19:41:
Popunzel wrote:
Happle wrote:
Popunzel wrote:
Hi Happle. I've just made a coded profile and I was trying to add a scroll bar thingy into it but I have no idea how to because the html thing is just so confusing. We did code in school but I've completely forgotten how to do it. Please help <img src='/layout/nl/images/smileys/smile.gif' alt='<img src='/layout/nl/images/smileys/smile.png' alt=':)'>'>

I totally did not realize this comment was here. .-. 

I forgot I even asked that lol. I don't need to know anymore lol
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Happle wrote on 26-01 03:25:
Happle wrote:
Popunzel wrote:
Hi Happle. I've just made a coded profile and I was trying to add a scroll bar thingy into it but I have no idea how to because the html thing is just so confusing. We did code in school but I've completely forgotten how to do it. Please help <img src='/layout/nl/images/smileys/smile.png' alt=':)'>

I totally did not realize this comment was here. .-. 
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Popunzel wrote on 23-10 18:20:
Popunzel wrote:
Hi Happle. I've just made a coded profile and I was trying to add a scroll bar thingy into it but I have no idea how to because the html thing is just so confusing. We did code in school but I've completely forgotten how to do it. Please help :)
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Popunzel wrote on 21-10 21:35:
Popunzel wrote:
Happle wrote:
Popunzel wrote:
If you know, please could you tell me how to get it on a transparent background?

On pixlr, I know that there's this box that you can check for a transparent background

Ok thanks
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Happle wrote on 21-10 21:33:
Happle wrote:
Popunzel wrote:
If you know, please could you tell me how to get it on a transparent background?

On pixlr, I know that there's this box that you can check for a transparent background
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Popunzel wrote on 21-10 21:31:
Popunzel wrote:
If you know, please could you tell me how to get it on a transparent background?
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Popunzel wrote on 21-10 21:27:
Popunzel wrote:
Happle wrote:
Popunzel wrote:
Happle wrote:
Read the helpful tips. xD 

Ik I realised that like 1 second after I posted this lol. Btw I'm trying to make one on gimp and it's not working. I don't know how to add a text box on there...(Knowing me you've probably said how to do it and I'm just too blind to see it)

Gimp has layers so. <img src='/layout/nl/images/smileys/smile.png' alt=':)'> 
I don't really know how to work gimp as I used to use it but open a new file sheet, that's blank and transparent. 
Then make it whatever color you want to but like make the opacity like less than 80 so it's a little see through. 
Then crop out part of it and copy & paste that
Then free transform the box you just pasted on your profile and move it to your size, and then save it and you have a box. <img src='/layout/nl/images/smileys/smile.png' alt=':)'> 

Um ok thanks. Slightly confusing but I'll try. :)
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Happle wrote on 21-10 21:26:
Happle wrote:
Popunzel wrote:
Happle wrote:
Popunzel wrote:
How big should I make it? * X * (Something by something?) For example 200X300

Read the helpful tips. xD 

Ik I realised that like 1 second after I posted this lol. Btw I'm trying to make one on gimp and it's not working. I don't know how to add a text box on there...(Knowing me you've probably said how to do it and I'm just too blind to see it)

Gimp has layers so. :) 
I don't really know how to work gimp as I used to use it but open a new file sheet, that's blank and transparent. 
Then make it whatever color you want to but like make the opacity like less than 80 so it's a little see through. 
Then crop out part of it and copy & paste that
Then free transform the box you just pasted on your profile and move it to your size, and then save it and you have a box. :) 

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Popunzel wrote on 21-10 21:21:
Popunzel wrote:
Happle wrote:
Popunzel wrote:
How big should I make it? * X * (Something by something?) For example 200X300

Read the helpful tips. xD 

Ik I realised that like 1 second after I posted this lol. Btw I'm trying to make one on gimp and it's not working. I don't know how to add a text box on there...(Knowing me you've probably said how to do it and I'm just too blind to see it)
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Happle wrote on 21-10 21:15:
Happle wrote:
Popunzel wrote:
How big should I make it? * X * (Something by something?) For example 200X300

Read the helpful tips. xD 
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Popunzel wrote on 21-10 20:44:
Popunzel wrote:
How big should I make it? * X * (Something by something?) For example 200X300
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Happle wrote on 06-08 01:43:
Happle wrote:
Tezzica wrote:
Happle wrote:
Tezzica wrote:
You should have your images show.. instead of clicking. I'm surprised this doesn't "how to code"

Tinypic works wonderful. Photobucket does too.

I'm a huge trouble shooter when it comes to layout maker... 

I would but when I made this guide, I noticed that a lot of pictures get like removed or something so that it doesn't show the image so I just decided to give the link. Also, some people might not even need the picture so it gives them less things to scroll through. & Finally, I feel like it takes up too much space. xD
I use Imgur. d: 

There is a glitch when you insert a picture sometimes. Space is wonderful. I don't really like the set up for Imgur. edisco

Yeah, I feel like tinypic loads really slow so yeah. d:
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Happle wrote on 06-08 01:29:
Happle wrote:
Tezzica wrote:
You should have your images show.. instead of clicking. I'm surprised this doesn't "how to code"

Tinypic works wonderful. Photobucket does too.

I'm a huge trouble shooter when it comes to layout maker... 

I would but when I made this guide, I noticed that a lot of pictures get like removed or something so that it doesn't show the image so I just decided to give the link. Also, some people might not even need the picture so it gives them less things to scroll through. & Finally, I feel like it takes up too much space. xD
I use Imgur. d: 

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Happle wrote on 05-08 22:14:
Happle wrote:
Sunny wrote:
i swear i directed like 5 people to this blog when i got annoyed explaining. 

Hehe. xD
I get really mad explaining as well. 
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Sunny wrote on 05-08 22:12:
Sunny wrote:
i swear i directed like 5 people to this blog when i got annoyed explaining. 
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Happle wrote on 17-06 03:24:
Happle wrote:
Teardrops wrote:
This will come in handy for a lot of people! (:

I agree. 
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Teardrops wrote on 17-06 03:18:
Teardrops wrote:
This will come in handy for a lot of people! (:
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Happle wrote on 01-06 18:20:
Happle wrote:
Kismet wrote:
Thanks! This helped me!

You're welcome.

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Happle wrote on 30-05 03:41:
Happle wrote:
Jasmine13579 wrote:
Happle wrote:
Jasmine13579 wrote:
ohh ya.. fine then.. i thought that as a preference you would put resized small pictures in this blog...  but then too its fine !

I decided not too, because the image sometimes dissapers. 

oh ok ! well good job !

Thank you. 
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Jasmine13579 wrote on 30-05 03:39:
Jasmine13579 wrote:
Happle wrote:
Jasmine13579 wrote:
ohh ya.. fine then.. i thought that as a preference you would put resized small pictures in this blog...  but then too its fine !

I decided not too, because the image sometimes dissapers. 

oh ok ! well good job !
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Happle wrote on 30-05 03:38:
Happle wrote:
Jasmine13579 wrote:
ohh ya.. fine then.. i thought that as a preference you would put resized small pictures in this blog...  but then too its fine !

I decided not too, because the image sometimes dissapers. 
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Jasmine13579 wrote on 30-05 03:37:
Jasmine13579 wrote:
ohh ya.. fine then.. i thought that as a preference you would put resized small pictures in this blog...  but then too its fine !
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Happle wrote on 30-05 03:35:
Happle wrote:
Jasmine13579 wrote:
very helpful for those who don't know !! good job ! but dear you have written a writer's note in which it says u have added pictures but to picture is there

Thank you.  I tried. 
What do you mean? I added links to pictures which I cropped, if that's what you're talking about. 
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Jasmine13579 wrote on 30-05 03:33:
Jasmine13579 wrote:
very helpful for those who don't know !! good job ! but dear you have written a writer's note in which it says u have added pictures but to picture is there