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13 of the 24 stars earned


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Starbomb wrote on 27-07 20:08:
RoloLolo wrote:
Something is VERY wrong when your name isn't topping the most skilled list.
Haha, I've been slacking off a bit lately. :p
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MissLondon wrote on 27-07 19:36:
Something is VERY wrong when your name isn't topping the most skilled list.
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Starbomb wrote on 25-07 19:51:
Wren2012 wrote:
I love your outfit today
Thanks! :d
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Wren2012 wrote on 25-07 19:48:
I love your outfit today :d
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Starbomb wrote on 14-07 21:30:
Hungry wrote:
u look cute! ♥
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Starbomb wrote on 14-07 12:49:
Jalander wrote:
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Starbomb wrote on 13-07 23:08:
RoloLolo wrote:
Starbomb wrote:
RoloLolo wrote:
Yes, along with lizards too! It doesn't matter the size, it's a deadly killer in my book lol Same goes for butterflies too. Feel free to laugh at the latter, I am not ashamed.
I'm from Ga and I've never been to either of those states. I imagine the heat in Texas is crazy.
Although you're dieting, do you allow yourself a cheat day? And if so, what's your favorite cheat food/meal?
I'm like that at this sushi all you can eat restaurant. It's one of my fave things but also on the pricey side so I like to get my money's worth.
Although I've heard a lot of talk about it, I never had one.
What brought you to VP?
And I'm spamming the hell out of your gb...oops
I won't laugh--afterall, tons of people are afraid of spiders and they're tiny and most are harmless. My house has a bunch of moths every summer and while I'm not fearful, I do hate them flying around me and such.
My cheat days kinda come naturally... usually when I drink I eat ~everything~ but I managed not to last night (but my reward for drinking on an empty stomach was to throw up first thing this morning and I have a horrible hangover).  Or my father will want to go out to eat. He'll bring home Papa Johns every now and then or want to go to Popeyes, and since pizza and fried chicken are two of my favorite foods I can't help myself when they're around, haha. Sushi is my other favorite food and although my father says the sushi buffet is too expensive (around $30 per person), the Chinese/Asian buffet here has sushi and my first plate is always all sushi.
I saw a video on YouTube by Pet Simmer Julie and decided to check VP out. I used to play a lot of virtual pet games and at first I found VP kinda boring cause everything seemed to cost so much (female stuff anyway, most things on my female WL are still super overpriced and unobtainable to me), but I think I got the hang of it now.
And it's alright, I don't mind haha. I seem to have rambled on a lot last night in my drunken state. 
Sorry to hear about your hangover. There's a couple of things I've heard are good for them such as: coconut water, v8/tomato juice, chicken soup (seemingly a cure all for everything lol) and some otc product found at pharmacies. I've never tried any of them because I can never eat the morning after. I always know when I've overdone it...when I lie down and the bed starts spinning. That's the worst!
What are you typically like when you're drunk? I sing to people that I DON'T KNOW. Tequila has convinced me on some nights that I'm Madonna...karaoke bar, me on the floor singing, Like A Virgin. Yeah, still haven't lived it down yet.

Do you ever make your own pizza or like to cook in general? As for fried foods in general? Haven't met too many I didnt like. Ever tried fried green tomatoes?

Like many here, I found this site thanks to gsm. And maybe pm your female acct if you want? I might have a few things I could send your way. I'm trying to control myself from impulse buying things just for the same of having them. Thank God I'm not like that in rl. Although I do have a fondness for shoes, but that's another story.

It's ok, I enjoyed it..never got around to watching Netflix last night. Zzzzzzzzz 😴
I unfortunately don't have anything like that around the house, but I'm finally recovering I think (at almost 3pm, haha). I've been trying to drink and eat a bit and I think it's helping. Yeah, I hate when everything's spinning and you just feel so nauseous.
I get really chatty and friendly.... I post on VP a lot when I'm drunk, actually, haha. I used to go to the bar with my friend before she moved out of the country and we'd sing karaoke together, which is something I'd *never* do sober because I'm so shy. Madonna or any 80s/90s pop hits or Disney songs are my go to. Also as I've said my stomach becomes a bottomless pit... I can eat a disgusting amount of food after a few drinks. 

I'd like to cook but I live with my father and he buys mostly frozen food like hot pockets and tv dinners and junk food in general. I stick to things like fruits and salad (my salad is more like a stir fry with lettuce instead of noodles or rice since I cook my veggies and use hot sauce instead of salad dressing--it's super tasty!) and the occasional tv dinner or burrito. Fried foods are so good but definitely something I can't eat too often. I've never had fried green tomatoes but since I love tomatoes I'm sure they can't be too bad!

I only heard of GSM after finding VP. I wish I had known about it when it was still around but I joined VP around the time GSM shut down I think, cause I remember seeing threads about it. My female is PinkCherry, haha, I wasn't sure if I had told you this is my male acc but I guess I hadn't. I definitely impulse buy sometimes as well.... I'm trying to empty out most of my female stuff but most of the stuff I'm trying to sell is high ig stuff that apparently noone wants. Though this acc is my main now so I don't feel too stressed out about female stuff as much. I feel like I wear a lot of the same stuff over and over anyway, truth be told.
I sadly only own about 7 pairs of shoes irl and 4 are Converse All Stars. Despite me liking clothes and fashion, I usually dress like a 12 yr old boy irl, haha. I'm too lazy to dress up just to go to the grocery store.

Ahhh, gotcha. I got some watching done last night and today. Admittedly I don't really binge watch though. My short attention span seems to not allow it.
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MissLondon wrote on 13-07 21:18:
Starbomb wrote:
RoloLolo wrote:
Starbomb wrote:
A fear of frogs? There are a lot of small ones around here, but I've not eaten them a lot. I'm from Colorado and I've never been to the south, unless you count Texas.  Southern food looks good.... I love fried food, but as I'm trying to lose weight I don't eat them much anymore. The 24 hr buffet sure sounds great but after the first buffet I was like "how can I stuff any more food in me?"  Especially when each buffet is good so even on the first one you grab everything that looks good to you.
I probably did, but Salem was just Salem and I think I had a regular cat as well, but I don't remember for sure. I remember shortly after that I found Neopets and I was so addicted for years.
Yes, along with lizards too! It doesn't matter the size, it's a deadly killer in my book lol Same goes for butterflies too. Feel free to laugh at the latter, I am not ashamed.
I'm from Ga and I've never been to either of those states. I imagine the heat in Texas is crazy.
Although you're dieting, do you allow yourself a cheat day? And if so, what's your favorite cheat food/meal?
I'm like that at this sushi all you can eat restaurant. It's one of my fave things but also on the pricey side so I like to get my money's worth.
Although I've heard a lot of talk about it, I never had one.
What brought you to VP?
And I'm spamming the hell out of your gb...oops
I won't laugh--afterall, tons of people are afraid of spiders and they're tiny and most are harmless. My house has a bunch of moths every summer and while I'm not fearful, I do hate them flying around me and such.
My cheat days kinda come naturally... usually when I drink I eat ~everything~ but I managed not to last night (but my reward for drinking on an empty stomach was to throw up first thing this morning and I have a horrible hangover).  Or my father will want to go out to eat. He'll bring home Papa Johns every now and then or want to go to Popeyes, and since pizza and fried chicken are two of my favorite foods I can't help myself when they're around, haha. Sushi is my other favorite food and although my father says the sushi buffet is too expensive (around $30 per person), the Chinese/Asian buffet here has sushi and my first plate is always all sushi.
I saw a video on YouTube by Pet Simmer Julie and decided to check VP out. I used to play a lot of virtual pet games and at first I found VP kinda boring cause everything seemed to cost so much (female stuff anyway, most things on my female WL are still super overpriced and unobtainable to me), but I think I got the hang of it now.
And it's alright, I don't mind haha. I seem to have rambled on a lot last night in my drunken state. 
Sorry to hear about your hangover. There's a couple of things I've heard are good for them such as: coconut water, v8/tomato juice, chicken soup (seemingly a cure all for everything lol) and some otc product found at pharmacies. I've never tried any of them because I can never eat the morning after. I always know when I've overdone it...when I lie down and the bed starts spinning. That's the worst!
What are you typically like when you're drunk? I sing to people that I DON'T KNOW. Tequila has convinced me on some nights that I'm Madonna...karaoke bar, me on the floor singing, Like A Virgin. Yeah, still haven't lived it down yet.

Do you ever make your own pizza or like to cook in general? As for fried foods in general? Haven't met too many I didnt like. Ever tried fried green tomatoes?

Like many here, I found this site thanks to gsm. And maybe pm your female acct if you want? I might have a few things I could send your way. I'm trying to control myself from impulse buying things just for the same of having them. Thank God I'm not like that in rl. Although I do have a fondness for shoes, but that's another story.

It's ok, I enjoyed it..never got around to watching Netflix last night. Zzzzzzzzz 😴
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Starbomb wrote on 13-07 20:29:
RoloLolo wrote:
Starbomb wrote:
RoloLolo wrote:
Now i have had those! I didnt enjoy them tho...or maybe it's because I have a insane fear of them too lol 
Anyway, I tend to think of them as a southern "delicacy". Where are you from?
24 hrs?!?! I'd probably never leave, just camped outside waiting for the next round. Breakfast, lunch, dinner..I'm there!!
Now that's dedication! Did you have names for them too?
A fear of frogs? There are a lot of small ones around here, but I've not eaten them a lot. I'm from Colorado and I've never been to the south, unless you count Texas.  Southern food looks good.... I love fried food, but as I'm trying to lose weight I don't eat them much anymore. The 24 hr buffet sure sounds great but after the first buffet I was like "how can I stuff any more food in me?"  Especially when each buffet is good so even on the first one you grab everything that looks good to you.
I probably did, but Salem was just Salem and I think I had a regular cat as well, but I don't remember for sure. I remember shortly after that I found Neopets and I was so addicted for years.
Yes, along with lizards too! It doesn't matter the size, it's a deadly killer in my book lol Same goes for butterflies too. Feel free to laugh at the latter, I am not ashamed.
I'm from Ga and I've never been to either of those states. I imagine the heat in Texas is crazy.
Although you're dieting, do you allow yourself a cheat day? And if so, what's your favorite cheat food/meal?
I'm like that at this sushi all you can eat restaurant. It's one of my fave things but also on the pricey side so I like to get my money's worth.
Although I've heard a lot of talk about it, I never had one.
What brought you to VP?
And I'm spamming the hell out of your gb...oops
I won't laugh--afterall, tons of people are afraid of spiders and they're tiny and most are harmless. :p My house has a bunch of moths every summer and while I'm not fearful, I do hate them flying around me and such.
My cheat days kinda come naturally... usually when I drink I eat ~everything~ but I managed not to last night (but my reward for drinking on an empty stomach was to throw up first thing this morning and I have a horrible hangover).  Or my father will want to go out to eat. He'll bring home Papa Johns every now and then or want to go to Popeyes, and since pizza and fried chicken are two of my favorite foods I can't help myself when they're around, haha. Sushi is my other favorite food and although my father says the sushi buffet is too expensive (around $30 per person), the Chinese/Asian buffet here has sushi and my first plate is always all sushi.
I saw a video on YouTube by Pet Simmer Julie and decided to check VP out. I used to play a lot of virtual pet games and at first I found VP kinda boring cause everything seemed to cost so much (female stuff anyway, most things on my female WL are still super overpriced and unobtainable to me), but I think I got the hang of it now.
And it's alright, I don't mind haha. I seem to have rambled on a lot last night in my drunken state. 
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MissLondon wrote on 13-07 07:22:
Starbomb wrote:
RoloLolo wrote:
Starbomb wrote:
Same, haha, I didn't drink much in Vegas but the buffets are so huge and varied that anyone could enjoy them. And I think Quail tasted like chicken... I know frog legs definitely do (I think they are exotic to me as well). But Vegas has a "24 hours of buffet" deal that sounds good except after the first buffet you are so stuffed you can't stomach more.
I can relate to that! I remember I'd take them to my grandparents' house and they'd wake me up at like 4am and I'd have to feed them or whatever.
Now i have had those! I didnt enjoy them tho...or maybe it's because I have a insane fear of them too lol 
Anyway, I tend to think of them as a southern "delicacy". Where are you from?
24 hrs?!?! I'd probably never leave, just camped outside waiting for the next round. Breakfast, lunch, dinner..I'm there!!
Now that's dedication! Did you have names for them too?
A fear of frogs? There are a lot of small ones around here, but I've not eaten them a lot. I'm from Colorado and I've never been to the south, unless you count Texas.  Southern food looks good.... I love fried food, but as I'm trying to lose weight I don't eat them much anymore. The 24 hr buffet sure sounds great but after the first buffet I was like "how can I stuff any more food in me?"  Especially when each buffet is good so even on the first one you grab everything that looks good to you.
I probably did, but Salem was just Salem and I think I had a regular cat as well, but I don't remember for sure. I remember shortly after that I found Neopets and I was so addicted for years.
Yes, along with lizards too! It doesn't matter the size, it's a deadly killer in my book lol Same goes for butterflies too. Feel free to laugh at the latter, I am not ashamed.
I'm from Ga and I've never been to either of those states. I imagine the heat in Texas is crazy.
Although you're dieting, do you allow yourself a cheat day? And if so, what's your favorite cheat food/meal?
I'm like that at this sushi all you can eat restaurant. It's one of my fave things but also on the pricey side so I like to get my money's worth.
Although I've heard a lot of talk about it, I never had one.
What brought you to VP?
And I'm spamming the hell out of your gb...oops
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