Maija wrote:
Hey, just wanted to say that I struggle with chronic depression and chronic pain and I heard you were having a tough time today
I'm so sorry that you feel so low right now, but I wanted to tell you that I am wishing you all my best thoughts and all the healing, positive energy in the world your way! I know it may not mean much, but I assure you that you can and will get through this and that you are doing so very well no matter what place you are in right now. Better days are coming, better moments will come, and you are so very strong just for surviving at this very moment. Good luck with everything and if you need someone to vent or talk to I'd be happy to listen c: (Although I don't always reply promptly because of my chronic pain and disabilities)
Hope this somehow gave you even a little bit of hope. And if not, I hope that you will still be gentle and kind to yourself as much as you can! You can do this! You're incredible!