Designer on NL since 30 - 03 - 2022 Moved to EN ; 7 - 03 - 2023
☾ † Remember those u have lost so they can live on in the after life † ☽
☾ † 13-12-2019 † ☽ My mother, My best friend
♪ ♫ ♪ How to rise from the floor? But it's not you I'm rising for Just do the next right thing Take a step, step again It is all that I can to do ~~ Frozen 2 ♪ ♫ ♪
Gonna drop som info on SAI V.2 some of these will be the same on sai V.1 if u have any questions feel free to ask i will be adding to this over time ~~
All the shortcut keys: The missing letters do not have a thing assinged to them for me~~
Tab - Show user interface [basicly f11 for sai] PageUp - Zoom in at cursor PageDown - Zoom out at cursor Home - Reset position view Delete - Erase layer Up - scrol up Down- Scroll down Left - Scroll left Right - scroll right
0 through 9 - Change brush density respecfully [0 is 100 9 is 90 and so on]
a - selecting pen b - deselect pen e - eraser c - Invert selection d - erase layer e - eraser f - airbrush g - move h - reverse horizantal [flip the canvas] i - blur j - switch to transpary [Make me able to erase with the brush i am currently using] k - temperarily ignore symitric ruler [custom setting to SAI v.2 l - lasso m - pixArt brush [binary brush, 1x1 pixel brush] q - bucket r - pencil s - selers t - pencil slow [the same brush as pencil but with a stabilizer set to s7 v - dilate 1 px w - wand x - Exchange forground color and background colour z - selection tool
numpad + - zoom in numpad - - zoom out
f1 - pick colour f11 - full screen
; - new floating vieuw [creates a second window ontop of existing file, will stay on top] , - rotate ccw - - switch to transparancy . - rotate cw [ - decresse brush size ] - increase brush size
ctrl + a - select all c - copy i - Brightness/contrast n - New file o - open existing file r - show ruler s - Save t - Tranfroms layer u - Hue/saturation v - paste w - close vieuw x - cut Right mouse button on layer - select all pixels on existing layer