Hello My name is Yellie I was born on the 10th of February and I like Drawing, the legend of Zelda, looking different purple hair dark blue hair, purple eyes and Anime and I love VP, Smosh, Angry Birds and Death Note!<br /><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">I have Blue eyes and brown hair</span> (You didn't need to know that...)<br />I live in England (barley anyone their is posh!(I know im not(actually I don't know anyone who is posh)))<br />Im rubbish at spelling so spell check corrects most things even though I think it just Wright barely as barly ahhhh whitch is witch.<br /><br />If you want you can read my blog full of randomness and please vote for mep ^_^ dose clicking on my name make a vote ahhh IDK messages at the top are confusing mep oh well i have finaly found the link!<br />http://en.virtualpopstar.com/vote/yellie/<br /><br />Thanks for reading<br /><br />^_^ Yellie ^_^<br /><br />MY SPELLING FAILS!!!
I had a creepy dream last night that I was stalking Ian and Anthony from smosh (A youtube channel) and I hid in the bathroom and the door kept on opening so I thought this all ways happens in dreams then I lined up with some strangers (they were meant to be in my school) the teacher said you go with the person opposite you I went forward and the person opposites friend said no your going with me and I thought forever alone and went to my BFF and said "everyone disowned me" then miss told up get your key board and go to that room going their I through the stuff on the stairs and I was slipping but I went to the computer and some dude from my school finished and asked me is your name Abby and I just said what the FU... (My names not Abby) then I woke up. ^_^
What wired dreams have you had? Tell me in the comments.