Areximache wrote:

welcome back to a dress-up journey through the world of pokemon by matching the beautiful patterns of vivillon wings by dressing yourself up

Today we are going to match the Continental patern

Price for both fem & males
Designed by Areximache_EN
Everyone who enters and makes a look matching the wings will recieve the price of the wings
there will be 20 variations of these wings to collect so make sure to catch them all
~~Using other wadrobes allowed, say whose~~
~~No side accounts~~
~~Do not edit entry, delete and post a new one~~
Open wardrobes
- Areximache
- Kofod
- Babel
- Helia
- Duchess
march 21 - 23:59 cet

welcome back to a dress-up journey through the world of pokemon by matching the beautiful patterns of vivillon wings by dressing yourself up

Today we are going to match the Continental patern

Price for both fem & males
Designed by Areximache_EN
Everyone who enters and makes a look matching the wings will recieve the price of the wings
there will be 20 variations of these wings to collect so make sure to catch them all
~~Using other wadrobes allowed, say whose~~
~~No side accounts~~
~~Do not edit entry, delete and post a new one~~
Open wardrobes
- Areximache
- Kofod
- Babel
- Helia
- Duchess
march 21 - 23:59 cet