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International star

it's so pretty! and the background omfg <3 <3

Freddie sighed quietly as he wondered into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of whiskey down from the cupboard. He poured himself a big glass and downed it, hoping it would help to calm him. He poured another and downed that before putting the bottle back and heading off to find Violet and Elin. He ran a hand through his messy hair and looked around, spotting them both in the living room. "There you are." He smiled and headed over, bending down to give Violet a kiss on her head before sitting beside Elin. He kissed her gently and forced a smile onto his face, "you okay baby?" He glanced down at her attire and smirked, "I love it when you wear my shirts."
World famous

your skirt is perfect :c gutted I missed it

Elin smiled when she heard Freddie's voice, feeling a bit happier to be near him. She wished things could be a lot more simple because she knew that if it was Freddie would be over the moon about the pup. She just didn't know what to do, she knew it would be so much harder for him if he knew. She kissed him back and frowned a little because she could smell the whiskey and it made her feel a bit sick, since being pregnant the smell of any alcohol made her feel incredibly sick. ''You smell like whiskey.'' she pouted.  She turned a head a little, hoping it would help her not smell the scent of the alcohol. ''I'm ok just tired, it's been a long day.'' he said as she yawned and gave him a small smile ''I love wearing them, they are so comfy. It's all I've been wearing lately. How was your day?'' she asked as she laid her head on his lap. 
International star

Oh nooo are there any in the MP? I love it :3

Freddie wrapped his arms around her and lifted her onto his lap gently. He pulled her close to his chest and finally gave a genuine smile. "Sorry, needed something to calm me down a little...It's just getting worse and worse. I can't even sleep anymore. If I do all I see is..." He couldn't even bring himself to say it as he glanced down at Violet. Seeing her parents like that had really affected him, even now after a year. It just made him think about his own parents, how they died the same way and how he was left alone. "Forget about my day, what have you and Violet been up to?" He rested his head on her shoulder and smiled as he ran his hands down her sides, pulling her closer. His wolf had missed her so much lately. 
World famous

Elin smiled when he lifted her onto his lap, feeling happy and content for the first time in a long time. They barley got to see each other with how much he was working so it was nice to get to spend time with him. She missed him so much. ''It's ok baby. I'm so sorry that your suffering so much because of this. I wish I could do something to help you baby. I can feel your stress and stuff and it's horrible. I feel horrible for not knowing how to help you.'' she said as she cuddled into him. ''We watched cartoons and had some cuddles this morning before going for a walk by the lake. We then both had a nap. I then showered and tried to find something to wear but I got fed up and just settled for your top and shorts. I missed you a lot today.'' she said softly, her eyes widening a little as she felt his hands on her sides. She hoped he didn't feel her small bump. She didn't want to push him away or anything though because she missed him so much. She missed his touch and being near him. She wished she could tell him but she knew it would make him even more stressed. ''why don't you get your beta to look after things for a few days and spend some time here so you can get some rest baby?'' 
International star

Matt? :3

Freddie moved his hands down a little more and felt a little rise. He didn't think much of it in the moment though and just pushed it to the back of his mind. "Don't you worry about me okay? I'll be fine eventually. I just want to find these hunters and kill them so they can't hurt anymore from our pack." He sighed and looked down, "I feel like a failure Elin...I didn't tell you about this yet but there was another attack. On our land, in the Hastings house." He closed his eyes as his anger grew, "All of them, the baby too. They killed a baby! An innocent child that hadn't done anything wrong and I couldn't even protect them." A tear rolled down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away, "Your day sounded lovely but I want you and Violet to stay in the house from now on. I have some men keeping guard for when i'm not here. If they got into their house they could get into someone elses. I won't let someone die again, especially not either of you." He kissed her cheek and sighed as he took her hand. "I wish I could but I can't stop now, they are planning something and I need to protect our people. I'm sorry for not being around a lot, you know I want to be with you more than anything..."
World famous

Elin flinched a little when he moved his hands further. His hands were now on her bump. She didn't k ow what to do because she didn't want to make him feel bad or anything if she moved away. She took his hands and held them so her hands were on her stomach and his hands were over hers. She just hoped he hadnt noticed anything. "I do worry about though, it's my job to worry about you. I know how you feel though. Well not as much but I would happily join in and kill those bastards. They've killef more? that's horrible, especially to kill a bloody baby. It makes me feel sick that they did that. They hate us because we apparently hurt people yet they go around killing innocent people who have never touched a human. It makes me so angry and sad. But baby you aren't a failure, it's not your fault that they attacked so don't ever think that it is ok? You are the best alpha this pack could ever ask for baby. I know you will find them and make them pay so that is not a failure. I'm sorry youve seen all this horrible stuff baby. I really wish there was something I could do." She said as she wiped his tears away and held him in her arms. "Ok baby. I need to go shopping one day though, I need to buy some clothes." She said, knowing she couldn't just live in his tops. "don't be sorry baby. I just want you to be ok that's all and I'm just worried about you, that your going to work yourself way too hard. You aren't sleeping and then you're woeking all day. It's a lot to do baby and it could make you poorly. I don't want that." She said as she looked over at violet who had fallen asleep. "I'm going to go and take Violet to bed. Go grab a bottle of wine and we can go put a film on and just cuddle ok?" she said as she picked Violet up. "Wait, a bottle of wine for you. Sparkling apple juice for me. I'm cutting down on drink." She said with a straight face, hoping je wouldn't question it. She rarely ever said no t a drink because she liked it so she hoped he wouldn't say anything. She went and took Violet to bed and then went into their room. 

Hes  coming in the next post :3 
International star

yay okay :3

Freddie kissed her hands gently as he thought it all through. He looked down at Violet and felt his heart pound. The thought of any child, especially Violet, getting hurt make him feel sick. But he was running out of idea's on how to protect everyone. He just hoped the local packs would respond to his beta and help out their pack. "Well, tell me when you want to go shopping and i'll go with you. I'm not letting you go alone. Maybe me, you and Violet can have a nice day away from all the madness. I don't mind leaving my Beta in charge for a day if I have everything under control." He stood up and kissed Violet's head gently when Elin picked her up. "No wine? Don't be silly I think we both need some. Just have a little with me. I'll grab it, go get comfy upstairs." He wondered off to the kitchen and grabbed two wine glasses, a bottle of wine and some apple juice in case she did still want some. He carried it all upstairs to their room and smiled, "Oh, I forgot, I brought you some of that chocolate you like. I'll grab that in a sec."
World famous

Elin smiled a little ''Could we go tomorrow? I need some new stuff pretty badly.'' she said as she bit her lip. She even needed new bras. She had feeling she wasn't going to be able to hide this from him for much longer and it scared her a little, she didn't want him to worry more than he already was. She wished that things could be different, that they could be happy about having their first pup together. She was also worried about Violet, she didn't want her to feel unwanted because that wasn't the case. ''Nah, I drink way too much so I better not.'' she said and then quickly left the room so he couldn't question her more. She put Violet in her room and said goodnight before going into their room. Her eyes lit up when he mentioned it ''Ohh yay! Can you grab the pickles for me too, please? I've been loving them lately.'' she said as she laid down on the bed. 

Alex shook his head and gave her a small smile ''You aren't crazy, your mate is still alive.'' he said softly and hugged her, wanting his sons mate to feel ok. ''Ok first things first, you have to stay here ok? I know that Mat wouldn't want to risk you getting hurt and since you are part of my pack I'm not going to let you get hurt either. Me and my men are going to dress as hunters and hide our scent. We will then go and make them think that their shifts are over and then we strike when they've left. we fight the remaining people. We will have a waiting car to bring Mat home in and we will get him straight to the pack doctor. He's very weak, he hasn't eaten in a long time and he wouldn't tell me what else they did. He's ok but it will take a while for him to get back to normal.'' 
International star

Cassie rested her head on his shoulder as she sniffled quietly. "No, Alex I have to come. He is my mate and I can't just sit around here doing nothing when he's dying. I don't care how dangerous it is, i'm going to help you get my mate and that's that." She pulled back from him and tied her hair up. "Just think if that was your mate Alex? You would do everything to get to her. That's just how I feel about Mat." She walked over to his desk and looked over his plans. "Your going to want to target the hunters that are on guard tonight. I know them all and they wouldn't think twice about you guys not being who you are. Their shift ends at 2am. You and your men can take over the shift. I will distract the group that are supposed to take over the next shift."

Freddie smiled and nodded, "Sure, I'll just inform my Beta and check that he's okay to handle everything on his own for a while." He kissed her head and set down the drinks before jogging back downstairs to the kitchen. He spotted a little apple juice he had spilt so he wiped it up and headed over to the bin. As he opened it up, something caught his eye. Using the tissue in his hand he reached into the bin and pulled out a pregnancy test. "Shit..." He was frozen on the spot, staring at the positive sign on the test. She was pregnant and had kept it from him all this time. 
World famous

Elin smiled happily "Yay. That will be nice. We can get Violet a few bits too. I can't wait to be able to spend more than a couple of hours with you. " she said as she gave him a kiss. She grabbed the TV remote and got under the duvet and turned on the TV, looking for something that they could watch. She just wanted to cuddle and forget about everything. She hoped that things would be back to normal for them soon. She grinned when he walked in "hey baby." She said, having no idea that he found the pregnancy test that she had accidentally put in the bin.

Alex sighed "Ok. You can come but if something happens I tried to stop you from helping."'He said as he walked back over ton his desk "That sounds like a brilliant plan, they will be distracted by you being there anyway so let's just do that. Then you and me can get into where mat is while the others keep gaurd and get the car ready to get Mat to the hospital." he said and called his men in ready to tell them about his plan.

International star

Freddie looked at her from where he stood in the door way. He threw the pregnancy tests across the room and watched it shatter. "You lied to me. You've been lying to me for weeks! How could you keep something like this from me! I'm your mate and you lied to me!" He was shaking in frustration. He had a thing about lying. He was always honest with her, always honest to everyone because he knew lies only ended up hurting people. Just like this. "When were you going to tell me? Did you even plan on telling me at all? Is that why you've been wearing all my shirts to hide your bump from me?" He shook his head and paced around the room. He was so happy to have a pup but not like this. Not with everything going on with their pack and not with a mate that lied to him. 

Cassie nodded and helped inform everyone of the plan. "We should get going now." She pulled open her bag and grabbed one of her hunting guns. It was fairly small and was able to tuck it into the waistband of her jeans so it was hidden. "Alex, even if i get hurt or something you still focus on Mat. You get him out and you get him to safety straight away." She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach but wasn't going to admit that. Something didn't feel right and she was afraid for all of their lives in that moment. 
World famous

Elin jumped in surprise when she heard the smash of the pregnancy test. Shit. Shit shit shit she though. As he spoke she shook her head and stood up "I haven't lied to you. I would never lie to you. Im really really sorry for not telling you but it's not because I didn't want to. God I wanted to. But I know that you knowing will make things even worse. You're stressed enough as it is and you have the pack, me and Violet to worry about so I know that if you knew I was having your pup you would be even more stressed. I was hoping that things might calm down a bit and then I could tell you but things have just gotten worse. It is why I've been wearing your tops, none of my clothes fit me anymore." She said as she took his hand and placed it on his bump "I also didn't want to say anything because I don't want Violet to feel like she isn't wanted. Im sorry." She said as she looked up at him, hoping he would calm down. She was beginning to feel like she had done the wrong thing.

What are we going to do, are we going to make it so her dad also has a plan?
International star

Freddie let his hand rest on her small bump and instantly felt his heart warm. His senses picked up the sound and feel of the tiny heart beat of their pup. He let out a quiet sigh as he calmed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get angry with you." He leaned down and kissed her bump gently. "This is the most amazing news, truly amazing. But it's just happening all at the wrong time." he pulled away from her and sat himself on their bed. "How can I protect you, I can't even protect my pack. You deserve a better mate and alpha. This child deserves a better father." He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm going to find a way to fix it all and make our home safe. And as for violet I'm sure she will feel excited to have a little brother or sister. She's such a caring child you know she would enjoy the company." 

Ummm mm in not sure :3 but yeah we could do it so the dad has a plan to trap Cassie or Alec or something 
World famous

Elin nodded ''it's ok handsome. I really am sorry though. I just didn't know what to do because I didn't want to make you feel even worse and even more worried.'' she sad as she sighed happily when he kissed her bump, excitement growing inside her. She hadn't had the chance to feel properly excited about the baby and she did feel excited now. 'I know.'' she said softly and sat down next to him, sliding her hand into his. ''Ok, ok stop right there mister. You can protect me, you are protecting me and the rest of the pack. You can't help these attacks but you are working yourself so hard to stop them. That is you protecting me and the pack. This child couldn't ask for a better father Freddie. You are the most caring, wonderful man I know and you are the only person I would ever want to be the father of my pup. Please don't say stuff like that because it isn't true and if you think like that then things will stay like that now won't they?'' she said as she looked at him ''You will be the bestest dad this baby could ever ask for. And I hope so. I just don't want to make her feel left out or anything. Not that we will but she could feel left out and I don't want her to. I know what we're having.'' she said as she gave him a smile before she got into bed, grabbing the chocolate and pickles. 

Yea, maybe he could get Cassie? Or he could try and kill Mat in front of her maybe? 
International star

Ooo yes:3 Maybe he captures Cassie and tries to kill Mat infront of her but then Alex could get hurt instead because he protect's Mat?

Freddie slid into bed beside her and wrapped his arms around her, placing a hand on her bump. "It's okay, I understand you don't have to be sorry" He kissed her head and looked down at her bump. "I guess but I just feel like i'm giving my everything and it's not enough. I'd never ever forgive myself if something were to happen to the three of you..." He smiled slightly and looked into her eyes, "I'm glad you have all this faith in me, it helps me believe that maybe I can actually be a good father. I think tomorrow we should sit her down and tell her, get her used to the idea. We just have to make sure that she still feels included because I really do love Violet as my own child and i don't want her to feel like she isn't part of our family." His eyes lit up with excitement, "You do? Is it a boy or a girl? this is so exciting. I can't wait to buy all the baby stuff and do up a room!!" 

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