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World famous

Elin smiled softly as he placed the hand on her bump ''I can feel the baby kicking.'' she said with a little grin on her face. ''Baby your everything is good enough, you are protecting this pack. There is literally nothing more that you could do. I will kill them before they hurt Violet or our baby anyway and try my best to not get myself killed. As long as the baby and Violet are ok though that's all that matters to me.'' she said as she cuddled into him. ''Baby if I didn't think you would be a good father we either wouldn't be together or I would make you wear protection every time we sleep together so I couldn't get pregnant. You will be the bestest dad to our baby. I honestly can't wait to see you with a baby. Your so big and the baby will be so small.'' she said with a grin. ''I agree though, we should get her use to the idea before the baby comes in a few months. I know, I love her like she's our daughter and I want her to feel like the baby is her real brother or sister.'' she said as she looked up at him. ''Well.. there is a boy and a girl.'' she said with a grin as she held his hand ''I can't wait either, I've almost bought stuff before but then stopped myself because I didn't know how to hide it.'' 

Yus maybe he could get killed? or would that be too much haha? 

International star

xD idk let's kill him...That sounds so mean but it would add some drama haha
You may start because you the bestest :d 

Freddie smiled and placed a gentle kiss on her stomach, he could feel them kicking beneath his hand. "No fighting. Your going to be protected 24/7 by myself or my best men. No one will lay a hand on you or any of our children." He chuckled and rested his head back on the pillows, "I can't wait either, i've always wanted to have a big family. Now were going to have 3 kids. This is amazing! I'm sure Violet will be excited to have a sister and brother to play with. When I was little I always wanted a brother or sister." He was already thinking about names and color schemes for rooms and toys. It completely distracted him from the madness he had been dealing with. "Tomorrow when we go shopping we can get some furniture and clothes and toys too. This is the most amazing news Elin. I'm honestly so happy right now, nothing can ruin this." 
World famous

Who should I start as and where haha?

Elin smiled ''Ok baby,'' she said softly and smiled happily at him, feeling properly happy about this since she first found. ''It's crazy isn't it? I couldn't believe it when the doctor told me that there were two of them! I've always wanted a big family too. I want our kids to be happy and to have siblings who love them. I do have a brother and a sister and I love them but they had to do what they were told and we didn't get the chance to have a relationship. I want our kids to have siblings and have a nice relationship with them. I'm sure she will be too, in fact it might even make things better for her, make her feel even more like part of the family.'' she said happily ''I can't wait to start shopping, honestly it's been so hard not to get them stuff. I'm so glad you're happy baby. I wish I would have told you sooner I just didn't want to make you even more stressed. I love you so much baby.'' she said as she snuggled into him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. 
International star

Maybe you start as her dad to capture her? :3 
 also shall I skip to the next day for them like when they tell violet? And do all there adorable baby shopping xD 

International star

Cassie had just split up with the group to go and get Mat whilst they dealt with the next set of guards. She stepped over the limp, knocked out bodies of the hunters surrounding the outside of the cell door and reached for the handle. As she pulled it open and sneaked inside, she realized that they had been tricked. Her eyes landed on her father who sat in the center of the room waiting for her. She turned to run but guards grabbed her arms and brought her back to her father. She felt sick at the thought that her own father would go through all of this to kill wolves that were innocent. "Dad let me go. Where is Matt?! Please just let me see him!" Her eyes met his as she begged for him to let her see him at least. She new once she was in there she would be able to break him free and hurt the guards.

Freddie was downstairs cooking breakfast for the three of them, or three and a half. He smiled happily as he thought about all the preparations for the babies, he was so excited to finally have his own pups. However, he still feared for the safety of his family due to the circumstances of the hunters. He plated up the food and set it on the table before wondering upstairs. "Elin? baby breakfast is ready" He called out as he headed into Violets room to see Elin brushing Violets hair for her. He smiled and kissed them both on the head, "how are my two beautiful girls/"
World famous

(So stressed right now so I'm replying now :3 down side is, I'm not getting wifi until next Thursday :cry2: good thing is my data renews on Saturday so I can use that woo woo) 
Elin smiled as she sat with Violet in her newly decorated room. They had painted it pink and purple with Disney princesses on the walls and she had a white bed with pretty pink bedding on it. Right now they were sat at her dressing table doing her hair. Violet had asked her to do the tangled plait with flowers in it again. When she heard Freddie's voice she grinned over at him, almost beaming. She felt so much happier since she told him about the babies and she was actually excited. Her outfit today even showed off her already pretty big bump. She wasn't too far along but the fact that there were two pups was making her bigger. She was wearing a summer dress that showed off her bump nicely. "Morning handsome. I'm brilliant. I felt so happy in a long time." She said as she smiled up at him "You ready for some breakfast, vi? Me and Freddie need to tell you something after as well." She said as she stood up, after placing the last flower in her beautiful long hair. 
Michael smirked as he sat in the middle of the room, arms folded as he looked at his daughter. "Nice try but you should have known that this was coming after the way you treated me. And I know that the only way to make you really suffer is to take away the one you love. You see it's agony for the mate who's still alive, they feel their mate die and then the loss and sadness will fill your entire being. It will be the worst thing you will ever feel. Although I won't feel guilty because you deserve it." He said with a little chuckle. He smiled "You want your mate? Ok. Guards, bring him in." He said and watched as his men brought a beaten up Mat who looked one more punch away from being dead. "There he is." He said with an evil laugh. 
International star

What's stressing you out? sad 
OMG, noooo how did that happen? At least you have data though so it's all good :3

Cassie stared at her father in shock and disgust. She never thought that her own father could be so heartless. He wanted to hurt her in the worst way possible, He wanted to break her. She sniffled sadly and looked up as she saw two men dragging Mat in. Her heart sank as more tears burned her eyes. She tore out of the grip of the men holding her before running to Mat. She pulled him into her arms gently as she cried. "Mat...i'm-i'm right here...I have you." She wrapped her arms around his fragile body as she kissed his cheek gently. He looked like a punch away from being dead and that broke her heart. She wasn't going to let him die. "Dad please rethink this. You have to. He never did anything wrong, he's innocent. Please!!"

Freddie smiled and lifted up Violet as he kissed her nose. "Hello my beautiful little princess." He grinned and gently set her down before taking Elin's hand in his. "I'm glad your happier now baby, I don't like seeing you so sad." He kissed her lips gently before pulling back. "Now both of you come on, your breakfast will get cold." He smiled as he watched Violet skip out of the room happily. That little girl really meant so much to him and he hoped she took the news of them having the babies well. 
World famous

Elin grinned as she watched Freddie lift Violet, her heart swelling with love and happiness. She loved how good he was with Violet and it made her even more excited to see him with their own pups. She had a good feeling that the news of the pups would be exactly what Freddie needed to get his confidence back and take down the bastards also known as hunters. ''I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder now I've told you. I was so worried about how you would react with everything going on. It was the best reaction I could ask for though.'' she said as she flashed him a huge smile and kissed him back. As they kissed she couldn't help but smile as she felt the twins move around. They obviously knew when their daddy was around. She took his hand and followed Violet down to breakfast. She hoped that Violet would be happy with the new of the twins and that she knew that they loved her just as much as they would love their pups. She was their pup. Once they had all eaten breakfast she scooped Violet up into her arms and took her into the living room. She sat on the sofa next to Freddie and sat Violet on her lap so that her bum was on Elin's lap and her legs were on Freddie. ''Princess me and Freddie want to tell you something. Before we tell you I want you to know that we love you with all our hearts and the changes that are going to be happening won't change that at all ok? We love you more than you will ever know Violet.'' she told her softly as she smiled softly down at Violet. She loved Violet more than she could have ever imagined. She was such a strong and beautiful little girl that it made her feel almost honored to be the woman who got to bring her up. She knew she would always be there for the little girl and knew that she would do anything to keep her safe and happy. She would make sure that Violet never, ever felt alone. Even though they weren't her real family they were her family and they always would be. 

Mat didn't feel the pain. He was to numb to feel it. The only thing that was keeping him alive was the thought of his beautiful mate. He missed her so much and his heart ached without her. He opened his eyes as he felt himself being lifted. He wondered where they would be taking him. He was rarely moved from his cell. When they entered the room his eyes stung from the bright light but there was something different. His wolf was going mad and he didn't really understand why until he heard the voice that sounded like heaven to his ears. ''Cassie?'' he whispered as he felt someone wrap their arms around him. ''I'm in heaven aren't I?'' he whispered. He felt like he was dead or at least on his way to being dead and thought that that would be the only way he would be able to see her. 

Michael couldn't help but chuckle ''My god you are pathetic. He may not have done anything wrong but you, his mate did. And I know that by doing this to him it will hurt you more than anything else. You deserve this for the way you have treated me and the way you have disrespected me and your mother. She would be so disappointed in you. Now say good bye to your mut. You won't know him for much longer.'' he said as he smiled evilly. He gestured for his men to finish Mat off and sat back in his seat to watch. 
International star

Cassie shut her eyes as she sniffled, try to keep as controlled as she could but it was so hard. Seeing him this way broke her heart and the thought of loosing him had her anger level rising even more. She pressed her lips to his cheek gently. "No baby i'm right here with you. I'm going to get you out of here. I promise you. Just hold on." She turned and looked at her father just as he ordered his men to finish Mat off. Rough hands grabbed her arms and tore her away from him, holding her back to watch her mate die. As hard as she fought against them and cried out for her father to stop they wouldn't let her go. Her eyes settled on one man who held a gun in his hand. He was loading silver bullet's into it. "Please, you can't do this to him!! Please!" Her desperation grew as she watched the man aim up the gun towards Mat. As the piercing sound of a gunshot filled the air her heart sank as she screamed. 

Alex had been watching from the doorway and was beyond furious. How could a father do this to his own child. Cassie was innocent and was only fighting for her mate. He was not going to let his son die and he wasn't going to let Cassie go through the pain of loosing her mate. There was only one thing he could do and he knew that the moment he spotted the man aiming the gun at Mat. As he heard the gunshot, he jumped forwards, throwing his body in front of his son. 

Violet giggled as Elin lifted her onto her lap on the sofa. She smiled and rested her little leg's on Freddie's lap as she snuggled into Elins arms. "I love you to, your the bestest mummy and daddy in the whole entire world!" She grinned up at them both. Having only been young when the accident happened, the easiest way for her to cope with the new situation was to call them her mother and father. It was sad really, that she didn't remember much about her parents but Freddie and Elin were everything to her. She was so lucky to have them. "What do you want to tell me?" Her eyes settled on Freddie waiting for him to speak. "Is it about this?" She poked Elin's stomach gently and giggled as she felt something wiggle beneath her finger. 

Freddie gently took her hand in his and smiled down at her, "Your going to have a brother and sister Violet. Elin is pregnant, that's why she's got a bump now." He gently took her hand and placed it on Elin's stomach. "Feel that? It's your brother and sister." He looked down at her happily as he waited to see her expression. He hoped with all his heart that she would accept this and be happy because he didn't want her to feel left out.
World famous

Elin's heart melted as she listened to Violet say that she loved them too and her heart warmed even more when she called her mummy. It made her feel funny at first when Violet started to call them mummy and daddy, they weren't her mummy and daddy and they didn't want her to forget her parents but she was getting use to it now and actually kind of liked it. She likes that Violet loved them just as much as they love her. She held Violet close and smiled when she poked her belly and asked if it was about her bump. She nodded as Freddie spoke, a smile on her face. "You're going to be a big sister Violet. I'm having twins so that means that you get a little sister and a little brother. You will be the besteSt sister these twins could ever ask for." she said as she leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She just hoped that Violet would be happy with having the twins around. She didn't know what to do if she wasn't. She didn't want her to feel left out, she wanted her to feel like she was part of the family. She bit her lip gently and waited to see her reaction.  

Mat  stood there, eyes closed as he waited for the gun shot. He was scared to death and he didn't want to lose his beautiful, beautiful mate. He didn't want her to got through the pain of losing him because he knew it drove people mad and it was even worse for humans. He heard the gun go off and he tensed, waiting for the pain of the silver bullet. It never came. His eyes flickered open and he couldn't help but scream at the sight in front of him. His father was laid dead in front of him "NO!" He yelled as he knelt down in front of his dad and tried to put some pressure on the wound to help him but it was no use, the wound was too bad and Mat's hands weren't strong enough. The next thing he knew men from his pack came rushing in and got rid of all of the men in the room. They were being taken to their packs dungeons. The rest of the men took him, Cassie and his father's body to a car that would take them to the pack so they would be able to get medical assistance. 
International star

Maybe Violet is okay with it now but when the babies come and she has less attention she could start acting up and stuff? :3
Or do you want her to not be okay with it xD I don't know haah - will reply once I know :3

Cassie stared at the blood splatter on her jeans as her hands shook. It was all her fault, she basically killed her own mate's father. Looking up she glanced over at Mat as a tear rolled down her cheek. She sat next to him and gently took his hand, "i'm so sorry Mat...I tried...I'm so sorry it's all my fault." She burst into tears and looked away from him. She didn't even feel worthy enough to sit beside him right now. Even though she felt some relief that her mate was still alive she couldn't help but feel like he wouldn't want her anymore after what just happened. Especially as she new her father had gotten away and would be back to try again. She couldn't risk loosing him again, or having anyone else hurt because of her. "I get that you probably hate me right i will leave. That way you won't get hurt and neither will your pack...I just can't tell you how sorry I really am." She sniffled and slid away from him as she rested her head in her hands. 
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