Time show show us your heritage! Using any numbers of items in your wardrobes, use the colours within your home countries flag to create a fabulous outfit that represents your country.
Note: Please keep the outfits based on the flag of your country. If your flag doesn't have pink in, don't wear pink.
Proud of your country? Well we want to hear why! Either post in the comments below or sent a message to the Event Team account and give us a reason to why your country is the best!
Let us know the reasons, up to 5 max of why you are proud to be who you are because of your country.
Ends: 05/07/2014
Why are you proud to be a Brit? American? Australian? and all of the other countries that are in the world.
Everyone loves fireworks, and now is your chance to show us how creative you can be! Using any program you like, create us a creative piece of artwork and show us your fire display. This contest will be judge on creativity rather than skill, so have some fun and make that sky shine bright! -
Please send any entries to the Event Team
Ends: 05/07/2014
All winners will also receive a limited edition 4th July inspired outfit created by ShadowJess.
Dress up - 1st - 10c 2nd - 7c 3rd - 5c
Proud to be a --- 1st - 10k pd 2nd - 7k pd 3rd - 5k pd