Did you remember to wear green today? Our wonderful members of ET remembered at least, and they have decided to play a little game with you.
Here's how this works: 1. Pick any ET member's name as your choice. Post your choice in the comments below. 2. Each ET member can be picked by three people. 3. This means that eighteen people can play at once. 4. Once each ET member's name has been picked, an ET member will post that this round is closed. 5. Pay attention to the list at the bottom so that you know what/how many spots are left over. 6. After all of the spots are filled and the round is closed, the pictures of the ET members will disappear and you will see various CR/PD prizes in their place. 7. If there is enough time and/or interest, we will start all over again so that people who come on later in the day or night can play.
Below is the list of spots left and who has filled them:
Chandelier: (Kaitlin,)
Legohouse: Full (SpecialSauce, Savage, Karla34)
Beholder: Full (Sugr666, ChoiSooyoung, Ribs)
Frisk: (Night, Zodiac)
Encephalic: (Girlinthemirror, Malecetel, )
Ceylin: (Mice, Cherry12150, )
Competition Two: Dress-Up Competition
Would you like to dress up in your own St. Patrick's day outfit too? Wear lots of green and head over to show us your best look!
Click hereor the picture below to enter the dressup competiton.