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NT Magazine: October (by Private)

As we introduced in the September magazine, we would like to have a page in the magazine where we write a little feature on someone who is in one way or another doing something positive for the site. For this first month we have chosen Rochellette, as we have noticed how she always comments on blogs, compliments people in the forums and guestbooks, and overall gives off such a positive, kind and loving vibe, which easily spreads to everyone around her!

Rochellette, or Raquel as her name is, is a Mexican woman with a love for the arts, and especially visual arts like drawing and painting. She also strongly believes that we need to take care of our planet, and tries to live as eco-friendly as possible. She is an electronics and communications engineer, though she stopped working in that profession when her daughter was born as she wanted to raise her. Now she works as the manager of her family’s motorcycle custom shop, though, funnily enough, she doesn’t know how to ride a motorcycle herself. Some of her hobbies also include sewing, gardening and dyeing her hair in all different crazy colours!

Raquel made her fist VP account back in 2017, but told me that she didn’t really become active until last year when she discovered that a good friend of hers from another game was also active on VP. Now she is online daily and really enjoys reading blogs and forums, and admire all the art people showcase on the site. But her absolute favourite thing about VP, is everything that has to do with outfits and dressing up her avatar. Seeing new designs is something that gets her excited, and she loves playing with new items. To her, making outfits and playing around in her wardrobe is relaxing, just like drawing mandalas, she said. She continued saying that she can easily spend over two hours picking out items to wear and trying new combinations, and the final result can often end up being something completely different than what she originally had imagined. On the other side of the spectrum, she also enjoys playing the fast fashion contests where one have to get an outfit done in just fifteen minutes!

Thank you for being you, Rochellette! M: M4d

Who do you think we should write about in next month’s magazine? If you know of someone you would love to see us interview in the future, please nominate a them by sending a message to the NewsTeam account!
At the end of September, the Youtube Team announced that they are looking for some new members, 2 new vloggers and 2 new editors to be precise. Their applications end on the 3rd November at 00.00 CET so if you are considering applying then you need to hurry up because there are only a few days left now, you can read more about it here in their thread.

We in NT would like to wish the YT-team good luck in the application process and also wish all the applicants good luck!

- How did you discover VP? / How long have you been here?

I discovered VP through a friend, she has been playing for years but I only joined last December. I’m not online every day of the week and I’m also a bit shy, so I mostly read through the forums. I do really enjoy being in a team and working together with others to create something nice.


- What is your favorite thing about VP?

I like being creative, on VP that translates to making layouts with PhotoShop. I really enjoy doing that.


- What was your first reaction when you saw you made it into NT?

When I saw that I made in into the NT, I wasn’t at home! Libertas congratulated me on Discord, so I immediately went to VP to see what that was all about. I was really happy and excited that I made it into the NT, but because I wasn’t at home I couldn’t react to anyone or anything until the day after.


- What do you do in NT?

I am a layouter.


- What is your favorite thing about making layouts?

It always makes me happy when I can make a layout in colors that I like. Because the subject of a blog or article doesn’t always allow you to use the colors you want. Also, recently I’ve begun to learn some HTML and it’s nice to experiment with it in the NT articles. So far I haven’t done too much experimenting though, but hopefully that’ll come in the future.


- What is something new you are hoping to bring to the team?

I hope to bring a ton of layouts! No I don’t know, it’s a difficult question. I’d just like to help out wherever I can.


- What is one thing people on VP might not know about you?

There are probably tons of things. Though I’ll go with: I’m super precise! For example, with my layouts I want things to be perfect, down to the pixel. And I always think it’s a shame if I see layouts that are too big or too small or boxes that should be directly below each other and one of the boxes is a few more pixels to the side.


- How did you discover VP? / How long have you been here?

I discovered VP through a friend I used to play gSm with. They sent me a message on Facebook one day telling me about VP, and I made a user the same day! That was in the early February 2019.

- What is your favourite thing about VP?

My favourite thing about VP is that it’s a place that lets me be creative. I really missed having a creative hobby, but now I have a reason to be creative and make things. Especially as a Designer. 

F: 0f

- What was your first reaction when you saw you made it into NT?

When I first saw that I got into NT as a layouter, I was very confused, haha! I got a discord message from Libertas congratulating me before I saw the daily news on VP, and couldn’t wrap my head around what they meant! Of course, I was very happy once I saw the news.

- What is your favourite thing about making layouts? 

The thing I like the most about making layouts is experimenting. It’s interesting to see how it all comes together or sometimes scrambles into one big mess. 

- What is something new you are hoping to bring to the team?

I hope to bring good layout skills, and to help the other layouters with any questions that they might have for me, and to learn from them too.

- What is one thing people on VP might not know about you?

Hmm... One thing VP users might not know about me is that I can’t draw at all, even though I make designs.

- How did you discover VP? / How long have you been here?

Many many years haha. I first joined in 2014, quit for like 6 months, then rejoined on this account in 2015. I first discovered VP after Cosmo GSM shut down. I logged on to the German server after a couple months and a friend of mine told me about VP.

- What is your favourite thing about VP?

I like being a part of the behind the scenes things, like seeing people happy when they get a code or win a contest. I like the planning aspects of it all, especially whenever we play games like Town of Salem. I also like how close I've become with people I've met online, like Hypoxic. She travelled half way around the world to see me haha. It's crazy how I can feel so close to people I've never met in person yet I feel like we've known each other for many years. 

- What was your first reaction when you saw you made it into NT?

I was relieved and excited. This is my third time on NT and I really missed it! I was relieved because I'm real impatient and hate waiting for things, especially results haha. I'm excited because I can’t wait to write again and bring you guys some fun content! 

- What do you do in NT?

I'm a writer. 

- What topics do you like to write about?

I like to write about pop culture like movies, video games, board games, and DIY things. I'll occasionally do research style articles as well but I just generally like to write things that interest me. It's not fun if you have to write about stuff you don't enjoy. 

- What is something new you are hoping to bring to the team?

I'm hoping to bring some new ideas and fun ways to incorporate various writing styles. I'm also hoping to introduce people to new media (see examples in question above). I can’t wait to get started.

- What is one thing people on VP might not know about you?

I thought a lot about this question. I couldn't really think of anything interesting enough that people would care about reading. I thought about which hobby I could include and discovered I'm kinda a serial hobbyist; I'm constantly switching hobbies. I'll get really interested in something for a couple weeks and then I'll get bored and switch to something new. Here are some of the things I've done so far:

- Knitting and most recently crocheting

- Baking

- Glass etching (my most recent project)

- Sewing (clothes, felt animals, etc)

- Painting

- Colouring adult colouring books

- Doll customizing (realized I stuck. Though I did do a hair re-rooting on one doll that looked real nice if I do say so myself)

- Coding

- Cross Stitch

If anyone has any ideas on what I should try next, let me know hahaha.

M: Hatt3r

To celebrate Halloween, the teams on VP hosted a number of competitions this month for everyone to participate in. The Event Team continued their series of dress-up competitions inspired by Greek mythology, this month focusing on Hades, the god of the underworld. Taking inspiration from Hades' story, users created hellish outfits for a chance to get their hands on this diabolical set made by Kieren.

The Event Team also hosted a Halloween-themed dress-up competition, in which users had to pair up and create twinning outfits inspired by Halloween costumes. Users created a broad range of different matching costumes in order for a chance to win these two lovely Shrek-inspired sets designed by Gravitation.

The Forum Team hosted a Google competition where users had to submit an image from Google fitting the theme: Disney Horror. The team received a ton of bone-chilling entries, making it hard to decide the winners. In the end, 10 female winners and 5 male winners were chosen to receive an unsettling Alice in Wonderland-inspired set made by Lily, Gravitation and Crown. To view all the creepy entries, click here.


The Forum Team (and Event Team) also hosted a writing competition, in which users had to share their scariest experiences. Many users submitted their entries, and wrote pieces about anything from menacing creatures to real-life experiences. Fifteen female winners and four male winners were chosen to win these sinister sets designed by Lily and Mikkelrev. To read all the scary entries, click here.


F: Ph4ntom
The Blogger Team hosted a combined dress-up and writing competition, where users had to create Halloween outfits and write a backstory for their avatar. The outfit and text then had to be posted as a blog in order to enter the competition. Seven female and five male winners were chosen to receive this witch-inspired set made by Masilein, and this terrifying set made by Pearlivian.


In the middle of October, the Social Media Team hosted their usual Who Wore It Best-competition where users had to make an outfit using hairs available in the fashion shop. 18 female and 8 male winners were picked to receive these lovely hairs made by Solovey and Lily. To see the winning outfits, check out the official VP Facebook page! 

The Social Media Team also hosted another WWIB competition, this time with a twist. Users had to pair up to create outfits in two of the team members' wardrobes. To add another twist, users were required to use items from the beautiful prize sets to create their outfits. The female prize was designed by Mikkelrev, and the male prize was designed by Luminescence and Chalya.

Breaking news! We now go live to our reporter in the field to bring you this exclusive announcement about what this month on VP has brought you. 

It has been a crazy month here in the world of Virtual Popstar and I am here to bring you the news we've all been waiting for... What were the Credit and Auction sets this month? Well let me tell you it was nuts!

This months auction was on October 5th and as always ran for 24 hours. The female PD set was designed by Crown. It was created for ShadowJess' "Design A Pokemon Gijinka" contest where Crown chose to use the pokemon Lampent. The female Cr set was designed by Solovey. I think we can all agree it was hard to escape this deal! 
Crown's PD set
Solovey's Cr set

The male sets were equally as lovely as our female sets. The PD set was designed Eveonite, a non-designer. I hope to see more designs from them in the future, especially if they make more male designs! The Cr set this month was designed by Eifos with an adorable fall themed design. 
Eveonite's PD set

Eifos' Cr set

The results are in! According to the FT poll, the female credit and PD set were tied for the most liked set for this months Auction.

F: The

This months Mega Credit Week included not only some amazing designs by talented designers, but also bonus sets!! It started on September 30th and ran until October 6th. The bonus sets were all designed by Solovey and were based off the popular cartoon "The Powerpuff Girls". The designers this month, in order of each pack, were: ShadowJess, A collab between Ad0xa and sixsixsix, Solovey (who also did 2 other sets and the bonus sets), and a very popular piece by Snailman, who received the most amount of votes in the poll! The males were equally as blessed with the sets this month, receiving ones designed by Lonika, ShadowJess and Solovey with Lonika receiving the popular vote! Sorry boys, no bonus sets this time. Hopefully sometime in the future there will be someone who designs only for males and you can have your bonus sets!!

Pastel horror - shop event Sometime during this month, we in NT received some strange messages from... The Void? This mysterious messenger had some news to share with you all; a horrid portal had opened, and made some designers go insane and design some crazy horror sets. But there were no dark and bloody sets waiting... they were all... pastels! M: And

Turns out, Saturday 19 October was pastel horror shop event day! A total of eighteen sets, including both female and male, were being released in the shop once an hour starting from 3 pm UK time (GMT +1). The portal even managed to sneak out both a female and male set some hours before the scheduled time, but thankfully our hero got it under control quickly. Ad0xa and Shadowjess were like in a trance designing multiple stunning sets for the horrid pastel portal, but our beloved designers Crown, River, Eifos and Masilen were also highly affected by its influence. The portal had even managed to get nondesigners Eve, January and Helmii to design horrifyingly amazing pastel sets. The sets were all LE, and there were both pd and cr sets available throughout the event so that there would be something for everyone.

Everyone enjoys a good shop event day, and we would like to thank all designers who took part in this event, as well as the genius mind behind it and to those who made it all possible! 

For this spooky edition of the magazine, we decided to do something different! We have taken the codes you usually find here and hide the parts of the codes on different pages throughout the magazine! Find all the parts of the codes and then put them together and claim your prize! There is a set for both male and female, however, the codes are both limited so make sure to be quick!

1. Where does Halloween come from?
a) The start of the pumpkin season
b) The Satanism
c) An ancient festival to celebrate the dead

2. Who did youtuber Liza Koshy dress up as for Halloween 2019?
a) David Dobrik
b) Anna Wintour
c) Ariana Grande

3. Before people used pumpkins for their Jack O´Lanterns what vegetable did they use then??
a) Watermelon
b) Turnips
c) Basketballs

4. Who dressed up their daughter for Halloween 2019 to look like their mother?
a) Kylie Jenner
b) Kim Kardashian
c) Beyoncé

5. How heavy was the world’s largest pumpkin?
a) 3000 kg
b) 500 kg
c) 1 ton

6. Where is Transylvania?
a) Romania
b) USA
c) Belarus

7. When is Día de Muertos celebrated?
a) 31st October
b) 2nd November
c) 1st November

8. What symbol is often connected to Día de Muertos?
a) Pumpkins
b) Skulls
c) Bats

9. In which state in the USA is it illegal to dress up as priest or a nun?
a) Texas
b) California
c) Alabama

10. What was the original purpose behind dressing up in different costumes?
a) To scare people so they could steal their candy
b) To not recognized by friends and neighbours
c) To protect themselves from evil spirits by disguising as one
To flip the pages, press the bottom corner of the page, or use the drop-down menu at the top.

Place reaction

Comment on the article NT Magazine: October.
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Private wrote on 05-11 15:03:
Libertas wrote:
Appealingly wrote:
Has the code expired?
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 05-11 13:05:
Appealingly wrote:
Has the code expired?
Report | Quote | X
Mely wrote on 03-11 02:39:
Mely wrote:
Yay I'm so happy for this article she is a great person and is always so helpful and positive. It is well deserved!! 
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 02-11 11:36:
Nina wrote:
Omg, and I just see this now?
Congrats Rochellette!!!!!!! Well deserved! 
Report | Quote | X
VirgoElf wrote on 02-11 11:31:
VirgoElf wrote:
The one time i'm busy and I freaking miss it!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Report | Quote | X
Filip wrote on 01-11 11:25:
Filip wrote:
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George2014 wrote on 01-11 09:32:
George2014 wrote:
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 01-11 07:39:
Libertas wrote:
The code is maxed! 
Report | Quote | X
Baileyyrosee wrote on 31-10 21:38:
Baileyyrosee wrote:
Libertas wrote:
Yo mods! Come here and enjoy the M badge!!! @baileyyrosee @Hypoxic @Hennastii  
Aww I love it 
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 21:35:
Hennastii wrote:
Libertas wrote:
Yo mods! Come here and enjoy the M badge!!! @baileyyrosee @Hypoxic @Hennastii 
aww this is a dream 
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 21:34:
Libertas wrote:
Chlorine wrote:
The code didn't work ):
Feel free to message one of us in the team if you are having problems!
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 21:31:
Hennastii wrote:
Libertas wrote:
Yo mods! Come here and enjoy the M badge!!! @baileyyrosee @Hypoxic @Hennastii 
aww this is a dream 
Report | Quote | X
DandelionMarie wrote on 31-10 21:12:
DandelionMarie wrote:
Arhh I cannot find the 4th part!! My eyes are soon turning green lol But lovely magazine Nt <3
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 21:11:
Chlorine wrote:
The code didn't work ):
Report | Quote | X
Laboratory wrote on 31-10 21:00:
Laboratory wrote:
Report | Quote | X
December wrote on 31-10 20:58:
December wrote:
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Private wrote on 31-10 20:27:
Rochellette wrote:
Thank you so much NT was so nice to read the magazine
Love every layout and the gift is really nice.
I also love the outfit you choose for the interview
Report | Quote | X
Sirenita wrote on 31-10 20:25:
Sirenita wrote:
how much parts have the conde?
Report | Quote | X
Sirenita wrote on 31-10 20:21:
Sirenita wrote:
how much parts have the conde?
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 20:18:
BloomCissi wrote:
Sirenita wrote:
how much parts have the conde?
There are four parts!
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 20:17:
Fillory wrote:
I really like the pictures. Well freaking done.
Report | Quote | X
Sirenita wrote on 31-10 20:16:
Sirenita wrote:
how much parts have the conde?
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 20:01:
Libertas wrote:
Rochellette wrote:
Cedence wrote:
I have found all parts I believe but it doesn't work : / 

Same TT_TT
Feel free to message a NT member for help!
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 20:00:
Rochellette wrote:
Cedence wrote:
I have found all parts I believe but it doesn't work : / 

Same TT_TT
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 19:59:
Rotte wrote:
Ty! such cute set
Report | Quote | X
Reaper wrote on 31-10 19:59:
Reaper wrote:
BloomCissi wrote:
Vissy wrote:
Libertas wrote:
I think the scroll bar is where the next page button is :/
yes x(
It should work if you keep your cursor further to the left.
yes it does at one point, but if i go too further left my whole page scrolls down hahaha
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 19:58:
BloomCissi wrote:
Vissy wrote:
Libertas wrote:
Vissy wrote:
social media team box doesn't work on competition overview page
I think the scroll bar is where the next page button is :/
yes x(
It should work if you keep your cursor further to the left.
Report | Quote | X
Annie wrote on 31-10 19:57:
Annie wrote:
oh damn i figured it out
Report | Quote | X
Reaper wrote on 31-10 19:56:
Reaper wrote:
Libertas wrote:
Vissy wrote:
social media team box doesn't work on competition overview page
I think the scroll bar is where the next page button is :/
yes x(
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 19:55:
Libertas wrote:
Vissy wrote:
social media team box doesn't work on competition overview page
I think the scroll bar is where the next page button is :/
Report | Quote | X
Reaper wrote on 31-10 19:54:
Reaper wrote:
social media team box doesn't work on competition overview page
Report | Quote | X
WRENCH wrote on 31-10 19:53:
WRENCH wrote:


Report | Quote | X
Reaper wrote on 31-10 19:52:
Reaper wrote:
Report | Quote | X
WRENCH wrote on 31-10 19:50:
WRENCH wrote:


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Private wrote on 31-10 19:48:
Hotshot wrote:
Libertas wrote:
Tokai wrote:
MeNoS wrote:
code doesnt work for me, but maybe im just dumb hehe but lovely magazine
It doesn't work for me too :c
Read the text over the quiz! There is an explanation there. You have to find the other parts of the code that is hidden in the magazine! 
Oo okey! 
Report | Quote | X
MeNoS wrote on 31-10 19:48:
MeNoS wrote:
MeNoS wrote:
Libertas wrote:
Tokai wrote:
It doesn't work for me too :c
Read the text over the quiz! There is an explanation there. You have to find the other parts of the code that is hidden in the magazine! 
thank you! read through the magazine and somehow only saw M: words 🤔 
edit: the first time around anyways
Report | Quote | X
MeNoS wrote on 31-10 19:47:
MeNoS wrote:
Libertas wrote:
Tokai wrote:
MeNoS wrote:
code doesnt work for me, but maybe im just dumb hehe but lovely magazine
It doesn't work for me too :c
Read the text over the quiz! There is an explanation there. You have to find the other parts of the code that is hidden in the magazine! 
thank you! read through the magazine and somehow only saw M: words 🤔 
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 19:46:
Horcrux wrote:
This is very cute thanks everyone ! ♡
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 19:45:
Libertas wrote:
Yo mods! Come here and enjoy the M badge!!! @baileyyrosee @Hypoxic @Hennastii 
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 19:44:
Hotshot wrote:
Libertas wrote:
Tokai wrote:
MeNoS wrote:
code doesnt work for me, but maybe im just dumb hehe but lovely magazine
It doesn't work for me too :c
Read the text over the quiz! There is an explanation there. You have to find the other parts of the code that is hidden in the magazine! 
Oo okey! 
Report | Quote | X
Reaper wrote on 31-10 19:44:
Reaper wrote:
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 19:43:
Libertas wrote:
Tokai wrote:
MeNoS wrote:
code doesnt work for me, but maybe im just dumb hehe but lovely magazine
It doesn't work for me too :c
Read the text over the quiz! There is an explanation there. You have to find the other parts of the code that is hidden in the magazine! 
Report | Quote | X
Private wrote on 31-10 19:41:
Hotshot wrote:
MeNoS wrote:
code doesnt work for me, but maybe im just dumb hehe but lovely magazine
It doesn't work for me too :c
Report | Quote | X
MeNoS wrote on 31-10 19:40:
MeNoS wrote:
code doesnt work for me, but maybe im just dumb hehe but lovely magazine
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Private wrote on 31-10 19:31:
Libertas wrote:
Happy Halloween! 👻

News archive
News Team Applications: New Members!10-05-2021 17:00
Destination: New Zealand05-05-2021 18:00
NT Magazine: April30-04-2021 19:00
News Team Applications12-04-2021 18:01
Announcement from NT04-04-2021 21:00
NT Magazine: March01-04-2021 17:00
Designer Appreciation | Melk25-03-2021 18:00
Childhood Nostalgia: Websites20-03-2021 23:30
NT: The Migration of Birds15-03-2021 20:00
ABBA - Thank you for the music11-03-2021 00:59
Destination: Malta05-03-2021 20:30
NT Magazine: February28-02-2021 18:00
Mars 2020: Landed!24-02-2021 18:00
UN: Sustainable Development Goals19-02-2021 19:07
Destination: Barbados - Paradise on Earth09-02-2021 17:00
Fastelavn04-02-2021 21:00
NT Magazine: January31-01-2021 18:00
Pseudoscience25-01-2021 23:56
Designer Appreciation | Misjel20-01-2021 19:00
The Capitol Hill Riot15-01-2021 19:01
Northern lights: a dance across the night sky10-01-2021 22:00
TikTok05-01-2021 18:00
NT Magazine: December31-12-2020 17:00
The Nutcracker25-12-2020 21:01
End of year review: Looking back at 202020-12-2020 23:45
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