Features: – Copy Pasting formatted MP Sales List – Selling Items and Sets from almost any page – Wishlist Sort – Message Notifications – Buy Item/Set from MP – Realtime VP – Updated Blogs UI – Designer tools – Extension settings page – Remove item/set from WL
Details: – Copy Pasting beautifully formatted MP Sales List (Kinda niche thing but I like how it turned out)
You press on that new icon (right after the smiley face) and that's what you get: (It won't copy your direct sales, it's MP sales only)
– Selling Items and Sets from any page
Here's the button (I couldn't think of a better place)
You drag&drop items (single clothes and set images with info tooltip) into this area OR click 'Sell Item' text in the cloth info popup, specify where & for how much you want to sell every item/set and press Offer for sale. You'll get a message for every error if there'll be any.
Drag&drop is not working for your wardrobe page, 'Sell Items' is not working for sets
Red border means it's not a sellable item image
Green means Single item, Purple means it's a whole set
– Wishlist Sort, now sorts sets too
It just puts items/sets you own on the first page (Imagine checking 90 page wl in ~5 seconds, that's how fast it works)
– Message Notifications
That's how the notification looks, you can click on the topic text to read the message in new tab, mark message as read or delete it
– Buy Item/Set from MP
Click on the Find in Marketplaza text and you'll get a buy item/set popup
– Realtime VP (some parts at least)
These highlighted parts are being updated in realtime now (every 5 seconds), you don't have to reload page manually to see latest topics. Also this way you'll always see your real amount of credits while going on a shopping spree
– Updated Blogs UI
I hate how hidden blog controls are, so I moved everything in your profile page. You can Add new blog post, Edit your blog post (click on the edit icon on the left side) or Delete post (trash can icon) from your profile page now
– Designer tools, tools for designers
I made some tools to make designer's life a little better First, you can search for set (with setId you enter) to get a list of set part ids (click on any id to copy it into clipboard, it'll become blue) and link to the set info page (I heard it's useful for the voucher making process)
Enter item id to the same input field and click on the "Find Item" button to open item edit page (it will open if you uploaded this item or if you are a designer)
In the item edit page you can use keyboard arrow keys to move selected item pixel by pixel, which is useful for these little item fixes in the item fixing thread (no idea how you guys are doing it manually for ~10 years)
– Remove from WL via cloth info popup(part of the cloth info popup rework or smth)
There's no visual que (yet) but you can click on the green "Added to WL" text to quickly remove this item/set from WL
– Extension settings page You can disable any of these features in the settings. Click on the edit icon (next to the country icon) to open settings page