welcome to my first blog on the english virtual popstar. I am Abocado from the german VP and I want to start a self experiment. In the past I did several self experiments; most of them regarding nutrition like Paleo, vegan and vegetarian and 21 days without chocolate and sugar. After a while it got boring just doing self-experiments in nutrition. this is why I search for other topics where I could challenge myself more. In the end, I think I found the right challenge for me. I try to post about my life daily on social media. I try to recreate the lifestyle of an influencer, though without any advertisement (except for myself) As a little disclaimer: I'm currently not able to work due to illness, which is why I'm able to try this. I currently waiting for a treatment spot with a psychologistl. I'm at home and looking into self-employment. It's better than doing nothing at all. I have to say If the experiment is too stressful/burden for me, I will stop it. My health is more important than a experiment.
Of course, I currently don't have any reach even remotely comparable to a real influencer (364 follower on Instagram and nearly 500 on TikTok). But I will recreate the influencer lifestyle by posting something regularly.
What does this mean? I will post on 2 social media platforms: TikTok and Instagram and do daily posts. A C O N T E S T with a real win: a self-made basket with beauty products.
My project will not just mean the production and posting of daily content for those two social media platforms, but also weekly update blogs in German and English. The goal of this experiment is to reach a certain number of followers on both platforms. I tried to set my goals as realistically as possible.