TamagotchiI swear much of you heard and had it! This little toy was the first to teach me how to be responsible and how to look after an animal. Alright, a fake animal, but still. I remember how much time I spent on those, but I'll never regret that. It came in so many colours and pet variations. At that time, my mother bought me the first one when I was like seven or eight years old. It was a cat honestly, and the cutest thing I could've own!
Tuesday, right? And you surely know what time is it! Yeah, it's the time Iu comes with a new article, a nostalgic one I could add this time.
Childhood was such a beautiful part of our life, wasn't it? And we all had that toy we loved to death, I bet it! You know, that one we let only certain people to touch, that one we didn't want to be washed, even if we knew it was pretty dirty. When I hear „childhood”, I can't think of anything besides toys and much, much happiness. But, surely, the children we used to be are still here, in our hearts!
So today, as you can see, I'll talk about some toys that made my childhood wonderful, a part of my life I was really happy to live!
FurbyBesides the annoying „furby„ noises, this toy was like... what Heaven was made of for me. Every time I went somewhere, it was with me, no matter what. I loved the fact that it was, somewhat, resembling the process of learning a new language, and the fact that it was so fluffy and adorable! Like, what a girls' dreams are made of, right?
Polly PocketAlright, nothing bothered me more than losing my little Polly Pocket. As soon as I opened it, certainly it was long gone. Still, the little worlds I created myself with it were the most rewarding things for forming my imagination. I still have that picture with me playing happily with it. So far, so good.
So, what were some of your favourite toys? Do you still own some? If so, I'd be happy if you'll guys post photos with them!
So, that was for today's article. I'll catch ya later with a new one!
And thank DEAR for this absolute adorable layout!
GameboyI have more to say about this one. Even though I received a Gameboy at the age of ten or maybe eleven, I still think it made most of my childhood better. I learned so many things from playing with it, like how to coordinate myself better, how to improve my moves so I could win more and more games. I seriously didn't have much on it, but games like Tetris, Mario Brothers and Frogger kept my soul in control in the long journeys I had with my family!