Hello there, everyone! Iu here. Even though I'd rather not start to think about school at this time, here we are! I bet you all are a little bit excited for the new school year, so let's talk about that a bit now!
What really is important is to start everything out by being positive! Even though school may be on the top of your hate list, try and think about what you can improve until then, and don't forget that it's never too late to change some things about yourself and the way you perceive things!
School supplies are very important for everyone and for your own good through the year. Don't postpone any of your planning, but try and get everything you need ahead of the others! You'd be surprised to actually get what you want cheaper, as a part of various promotions!
Also, for a new start, get yourself a journal! This will help you in many ways. There you can stack up your insecurities, thoughts, ideas and scribble-scrabble here and there. If you feel stressed, this will surely help you!
Now, let's get to the more helpful part: more tips and tricks! Everyone may have some problems getting up in the morning, right? Well, to prevent failing this task, drink water before going to bed; this way, your body will stay hydrated more. Sleeping in total darkness will also help, so be sure to turn off all the lights and your phone too! Also, don't put your alarm how close you can. Put it across the room, so this way you'll have to get up to turn it off.
Studying may be hard, but it'll help you more if you work hard 25 minutes and then have a break of 5 minutes, it won't be the same! Also, keep in mind that every third break should be 20 minutes long.
Chewing gum while studying it's also good, because when you are taking a test, chewing the same kind of gum will improve your memory.
Ever got that feeling when you just can hold yourself anymore? Well, when asking a teacher about going to the bathroom, try and look sick. In this case, he or she would let you surely, because, you know, no one wants an accident to occur.
If you are searching for certain things and Google won't help you as much as you expected, then go to „scholar.google.com”. This way Google will provide you more helpful information about anything you are searching for.
Organizing is quite an easy thing to do, but I have one app that'll help you much! Plan: Organize your life is a platform that will surely take care of your plans the right way, a bonus being the fact that is simple to use and a clever app.
Having problems focusing? Then Noisli is here for you! Basically, Noisli is an interactive platform that provides various „noises”, such as rain, coffee shop noise, thunders and more! You can combine sounds how you like, and there is also a notepad where you can write, then save the thing if you want to keep it!
I wish you guys all the best in this school year! If you got any other tips and tricks, share them here! See you in the next article! Many many thanks to DEAR for making this extremely beautiful layout!