Hey guys, Georgia here :)
Me and the rest of the News Team have some good news for all of you who applied for the team. You are all going through to the second round. Congratulations!
So, what do you have to do for this second round? Well, that's simple. You will be put into teams with two or three writers and each team will have an assigned layouter. You must all work together to create a magazine like
this. Each writer will have to create their own mini article to go in the magazine and the layouters will have to create a layout that can fit in each mini article. These magazines can be on anything you like. An example you could do is nature, like we did in the magazine linked above.
To complete this task you will have the amount of time we have in between articles, one week.
You will have to post your articles in one of your team members blogs and then mail
ThePaparazziCrew with a link to it.
Finally, once you have created the magazine, you will have to individually write a report about what you did and how well you worked with your team. This is so we can see how you work together as a team, as team work is vital on this team. Once you have created your report you will mail it to
You have until 23:59 GMT on Wednesday the 4th of May to get in your magazines. One week exactly. On Saturday the 7th of May you must have sent in your reports.
We wish you the best of luck and if you have any questions then please send me a mail.
You will find your teams below.