quick disclaimer: i get that this is not for everybody. i choose believe in these things the same way i choose to believe in intuition & other spiritual things. if you don't, that's fine. if you do, i hope you'll find this somewhat interesting!So... For years I've dabbled with the thought of hiring an animal communicator, simply so I can understand my pets on a deeper level and provide for them in the best possible way. The woman I booked the appointment with is named Kaisa, and on her facebook page she writes "provides spiritual
(i think spiritual is the best translation?) guidance for mutual understanding between humans and animals".
Unfortunately, I did not go through with it for a long time, and my lil baby Sigge passed away of December 2023. I would have loved to be able to get an appointment for him, and even though it's not the best way of thinking, I can't help but wonder if maybe he would be alive today, had he been able to tell me what was wrong with the help of Kaisa. I will never know the answer. That being said, it felt really important to me to take action now; especially since my other cat, Snusan, has been alone for over a year. I wanted to see how she was doing, if there was something she wanted to change in her life, and I was also curious to see if she would be up for getting another family member, like a dog
(spoiler alert: she was not).
But let's rewind a little bit... How does this actually work?
To be honest, I don't know how this works. I don't have any "supernatural talents" myself. However, I started with reaching out to Kaisa on facebook and told her I was interesting in booking an appointment for my cat. She explained to me how she works with the animal so I'll insert that here:
"I work with two techniques, one is telepathy, I have a silent dialogue with the animal, where the animal is involved in a mutual conversation. The other is psychometry, where I read the animal's energy - everything that is alive radiates heat and energy, where I can get a lot of information about the animal but the animal does not notice it/is not involved in any form of dialogue. These two techniques complement each other in the information gathering."

Okay. I booked the appointment. Then what?
First we had a conversation over the phone a few days prior to her meeting with Snusan. During that phone call I was able to talk through all the things I wanted to know. I was allowed to ask a maximum of 8 questions, so we talked through them and she helped me phrase them in a way that Snusan would understand.
The day of the appointment was just an ordinary day, I was told to go about my day as normal, so I spent the morning at home before going to work in the afternoon. I didn't notice any change in Snusan's behaviour to indicate she was "bothered" by this supposed telepathy that was taking place.
The evening after the appointment we had a final phone call where she talked me through everything she found out, afterwards I was also given the written protocol with aaaaall of the notes.

So what questions did I ask and what answers did I get? I probably won't make as much sense to you, since you don't know Snusan, but let's get into it anyway! The were a looot of notes to, so I'll shorten a lot of it down.
Kaisa always starts by asking the animal
"who are you?"Sensitive individual, places a lot of focus on sensory impressions such as sight and hearing. Easily overwhelmed by these impressions and then willing to withdraw for a while until the feelings that the impressions arouse subside or decrease to a level that Snusan finds manageable.
Has a need to be able to connect strongly with one or a few people. In those relationships she can then become secure and dare to show more of her personality, here playfulness can also appear sometimes. She needs to feel calm and secure in order to be able to experience playfulness and release focus on her surroundings
How are you doing?
Would love to be able to move more and use her body to balance, jump, climb and run quickly without having to slow down or run away from things. She has a hunting instinct but she can't find a good way to express it. She likes when her family is home so that things are happening around her, it gives her some stimulation.
Suddenly she gives me very old feelings of very strong fear, these experiences are very old, because she does not see and my interpretation is that Snusan is so small that her eyes have not opened. *goes through the entire traumatic experience* My feeling is that she is being lifted by a human but Snusan cannot understand the experience, it just becomes frightening and she also feels the smell of a human in the situation and that she is stuck (held tightly in someone's hand.) These strongly unpleasant and frightening memories remain with Snusan and affect her to this day.Snusan likes routines, they give her security and she can understand what is supposed to happen during the day. Likes when her people can be with her without doing anything else in the meantime, that you are completely present in the moment, even if Snusan is not close. She experiences community even from a distance, as long as you are focused on her and not thinking about anything else at the same time. When this happens, Snusan feels a strong community and she would like to experience more of this.
How do you feel when we have guests over?Discomfort and worry, strong feelings and she wants to hide to listen and calm down. Strongly dislikes if someone tries to find her and bring her out even though she doesn't want to. Asks to avoid it and that guests and owner/master should show respect for her need to be alone when she feels scared or unsafe.Snusan has no need to have unknown people near her, but once she has calmed down, there is some curiosity about all the foreign scents that are brought into the home with the guests.
Your mom tells me that you chew on a lot of cords around the house, that is very dangerous. What do you need to stop?There is something special about chewing on the plastic, it gives a special feeling of pleasure when the teeth sink into the soft plastic. There is also the feeling of hunting that is awakened here and that is another positive feeling for Snusan.
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
*Snusan gives a sigh of relief* - she appreciates that she can tell you, that her people want to listen. She hopes that you will understand her situation and needs. You are important to her and she wants to be able to contribute to the well-being of the pack by expressing kindness and paying attention to you. She senses your stress and anxiety and then gladly comes close to try to distract you from all the thoughts and feelings you are then absorbed in. This is her contribution to creating peace in the pack.
To me, these answers explained a lot of why she behaves the way she does. We have always called her "a lil wuss", but now we know why she's so sensitive and reactive to things in her surrounding.
My conclusion to all this?
Snusan is autistic.Gets overstimulated easily?
CheckEnjoys the texture from chewing on things?
CheckDoesn't want people too close/to touch her?
CheckIs able to un-mask when her comfort people are home?
All jokes aside. She has always been a very particular individual, but now I feel like I know her a bit better. Since her buddy Sigge passed away she has been able to explore and expand her roll in the family and take up more space. So even though she gets lonely at times when we're not home, she is just fine as a single pet.
What will I do to help her get more stimulated at home? Well, the very same night of our last phone call I searched the internet and ordered a cat climbing wall and wall mounted bed. I've also been looking up a bunch of interactive toys. The last thing I'm planning on doing is starting clicker training! I actually had that thought like a month ago, kind of out of nowhere, but after this conversation I understand that it probably was intuition. I knew she needed something, this was just my confirmation.
I look forward to see how our relationship changes after this. Obviously I really hope she stops biting on all our cords, but it's not something that's going to stop overnight, and I have to do my part in giving her something else to do.
Anyway, I highly recommend doing this with your pet if you ever so slightly believe in these kinds of things. It was a little bit pricey; I payed about 1500 sek but I'm sure that everyone has a different price since there are no real regulations or anything. I had the money and I feel like it was worth it.
This has turned out longer than I expected and it's almost 3 am so I really hope this is cohesive enough to understand hahah. If anyone has any other questions of would just like to have a chat about this topic, please hit me up! I find this so interesting even tho I don't fully understand it.