I'm a huge Halloween fan and wanted to create something spooky, while also derailing from the normal Halloween article. I've always been interested in the supernatural (as some of you may know), but one thing I can't stand are ghost shows. I find them to be fake, and unrealistic. I'm here today to talk about debunking some of the things that you see on shows such as 'Ghost Hunters'.
They all start the same, they get a call (pretty ironic, huh?) and someone needs their help. Their hotel built in the 1800's is haunted and they want to know by whom (or what). And if you're lucky, in some episodes they will get to investigate two places at once!
As the team gears up, they head on over to the location and meet up with the owners and get a brief tour of the location. Once night hits, that's when the magic starts to happen. The crews 'locks' themselves up in the building for the entire night where they are able to roam free and communicate with the spirits. But just like we know, things aren't always what they seem...
A former member of Ghost Hunters, (Donna LaCroix) has even hinted that the show isn't what it seems, and has accused the producers of mistreating her. Although, so far there haven't been reports of them purposely trying to fake a paranormal experiences, there are somethings that could be mistaken as some. Although, any link I find to the podcast no longer works, you can find several articles and youtube videos where she talks about it.
My first point is, you often see a small group 2-3 investigators in the room. most times, this is not the case! On reality, there can be as many as 10 crew members in the room that you don't get to see on camera. How is the audience supposed to know that they aren't the ones who are making the sounds and acting as if it's a ghost trying to communicate with them?
Continuing onto that thought, if a crew member accidentally makes a sound. How are we to tell the difference between the two. There have been times where the cast and crew have accidentally made noises, or shined lights and haven't even noticed. And in the rules of the paranormal, if you can't recreate them it must have been a ghost.
Another thing ghost hunters love to flaunt off is the fancy equipment that can supposedly detect ghost. Lights go off on the machines, and even some faint sounds are made. But what exactly does that mean? When experts are asked to go into detail, they usually just give off a vague answer along the lines of:
"It's claimed, or thought that ghosts use this way to communicate."
So once again, no proven reason that this is what is truly happening. As for right now, the shows deny that they are not hiding anything, but them having to say stuff along those lines does not make me believe them any more... what are your thoughts on this situation?
Although this is only my opinion on shows like this, I respect all opinions and if you are a believer I would love to hear your take on things! Are you a believer of the paranormal? Have you ever had a paranormal experience, if so I would love to hear about them!