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Advent Calendar 2022 (by Private)


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Djinn wrote on 27-12 00:35:
Djinn wrote:
If anybody needs help with the Sudoku, DM me :)
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Private wrote on 26-12 11:02:
Kofod wrote:
Since a lot of users have had issues with the puzzles showing up behind the doors this year, I've taken the liberty to make it accessible for as many users as possible by giving them their own article.

They can be accessed through these links below:
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Private wrote on 26-12 02:12:
Lolinontot wrote:
Bruh I don't know how sodoku's work 💀
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Private wrote on 25-12 21:24:
Kofod wrote:
ACID wrote:
the mini puzzles get behind the boxes for me, so i can't see them properly.. anyone else having the same problem?
It seems that certain phones have that issue. If you message me personally I'll send you an image of the puzzles and you can send me the answers to get the code.
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Private wrote on 25-12 20:23:
ACID wrote:
the mini puzzles get behind the boxes for me, so i can't see them properly.. anyone else having the same problem?
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Private wrote on 25-12 12:12:
Kofod wrote:
Melody wrote:
ahh yes we apologize for the mistake in the 25th's layout! it should indeed be a zero and not an o 💕 we've made a note on the tumblr post to keep you informed 🤗
Ive noted it in the calendar itself as well ^^
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Private wrote on 25-12 12:04:
Melody wrote:
ahh yes we apologize for the mistake in the 25th's layout! it should indeed be a zero and not an o 💕 we've made a note on the tumblr post to keep you informed 🤗
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Private wrote on 25-12 11:44:
Melody wrote:
ahh yes we apologize for the mistake in the 25th's layout! it should indeed be a zero and not an o 💕 we've made a note on the tumblr post to keep you informed 🤗
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Pigeon wrote on 25-12 10:35:
Pigeon wrote:
Thank you very much for this calender, prizes were amazing!!
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Marosemnis wrote on 25-12 01:14:
Marosemnis wrote:
use a zero!
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Jarow wrote on 25-12 01:10:
Jarow wrote:
it doesnt work
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Private wrote on 23-12 14:50:
Kofod wrote:
Due to technical issues, the puzzle did not want to work with the calendar (on day 23) the code is for that reason now available directly behind the door.
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Private wrote on 23-12 13:44:
Kofod wrote:
Kanelie wrote:
why is this so f hard
Dont solve the sudoku for today. It's not the right puzzle
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Private wrote on 23-12 13:43:
Kanelie wrote:
got it now xd
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Private wrote on 23-12 12:48:
Kanelie wrote:
why is this so f hard
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Private wrote on 23-12 11:43:
AtlantaG1912 wrote:
Well guess I won’t be getting number 23 considering I can’t do maths at the best of times let alone sudoku 
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Private wrote on 23-12 01:31:
Eliah wrote:
0rl wrote:
''This coupon has already been redeemed on this account or your current IP address.'' i get this error, when i was the sudoku on the day 23th I
It's because it's the same puzzle as day 16, hence the same code. I'm sure it'll be fixed asap
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Private wrote on 23-12 01:23:
AtlantaG1912 wrote:
Well guess I won’t be getting number 23 considering I can’t do maths at the best of times let alone sudoku 
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Private wrote on 23-12 01:23:
AtlantaG1912 wrote:
Well guess I won’t be getting number 23 considering I can’t do maths at the best of times let alone sudoku 
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Private wrote on 21-12 00:44:
MoMh4t3sM3 wrote:
i am on a school computer I can't even get the codes that are on the links in the advent thing
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Private wrote on 20-12 14:13:
Kofod wrote:
TiredRen wrote:
where can i see all the things you get from the advent calendar
Nesta was so kind to make a thread, can be found pinned in the clothing category or in this link
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TiredRen wrote on 20-12 14:00:
TiredRen wrote:
where can i see all the things you get from the advent calendar
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December wrote on 19-12 02:31:
December wrote:
Kofod wrote:
December wrote:
I still haven't gotten it right on the sudoku, I've filled it all but it's always wrong
If you message me with how your sudoku looks, I can probably help you out a bit
I solved it! I'm so proud lol
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Private wrote on 18-12 10:53:
Kofod wrote:
December wrote:
I still haven't gotten it right on the sudoku, I've filled it all but it's always wrong
If you message me with how your sudoku looks, I can probably help you out a bit
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Private wrote on 18-12 10:52:
Kofod wrote:
0rl wrote:
Kofod wrote:
0rl wrote:
On the day 18th they didn't post it on IG but there is nothing 
I assume they'll post it when they are available, timezones are a tricky thing. Come back later to check ^^
ok, it's fine but nothing happens :3 any doubt i say just in care here 
Im sure you do, and we are glad to get the reminder! Because who knows someone might could have forgotten
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Private wrote on 18-12 08:16:
Libertas wrote:
Jarow wrote:
the code today aint working for me
Did you add F at the end of the code? 
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Jarow wrote on 18-12 03:45:
Jarow wrote:
the code today aint working for me
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December wrote on 18-12 02:34:
December wrote:
I still haven't gotten it right on the sudoku, I've filled it all but it's always wrong
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Private wrote on 18-12 01:55:
Kofod wrote:
0rl wrote:
On the day 18th they didn't post it on IG but there is nothing 
I assume they'll post it when they are available, timezones are a tricky thing. Come back later to check ^^
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Private wrote on 17-12 13:10:
Kofod wrote:
Vetpas wrote:
i can't open the page from twitter on the 11th day . can someone help me plz?
It seems the issue lies with opening it on phone. At least I tested it earlier on my computer and had no issues, but also can't open on phone.
I'll find a link for you and send a pm.
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Vetpas wrote on 17-12 12:53:
Vetpas wrote:
i can't open the page from twitter on the 11th day . can someone help me plz?
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Private wrote on 17-12 12:36:
Kofod wrote:
It seems it is now time to keep your ears open and cozy up! Let's all listen to the story about the little match girl!
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Hira wrote on 17-12 12:12:
Hira wrote:
MoMh4t3sM3 wrote:
have any of you acaully solved sudoku
yes! been struggling with it, but finally did it 
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Private wrote on 17-12 10:45:
Kofod wrote:
Ausma wrote:
Hi! Today`s code isn`t uploaded yet, right?
Today's code will be found in a video. The video isn't published yet, but will be around noonish CET
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Ausma wrote on 17-12 10:19:
Ausma wrote:
Hi! Today`s code isn`t uploaded yet, right?
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Private wrote on 17-12 03:14:
Azriel wrote:
MoMh4t3sM3 wrote:
have any of you acaully solved sudoku
not yet
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Private wrote on 17-12 01:28:
MoMh4t3sM3 wrote:
have any of you acaully solved sudoku
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Private wrote on 17-12 01:24:
Kofod wrote:
0rl wrote:
i did not understand the one on the day 17th
It's because it's something you'll have to wait for a bit longer ^^
Youtube team has got something for you, but the plan of posting will be a bit later in the day.
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Private wrote on 16-12 20:09:
Hennastii wrote:
fuck yeah sudoku 
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Deathgrips wrote on 16-12 19:02:
Deathgrips wrote:
i got it finally though haha
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Deathgrips wrote on 16-12 19:02:
Deathgrips wrote:
turns out i'm not that good at sudoku if it's not color coded like the one in pou
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Private wrote on 16-12 12:15:
Limited wrote:
it was soooo fun to make that layout for sudoku 💃🏻 and it fits so well with this theme as well hehe
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Kaylee wrote on 16-12 11:55:
Kaylee wrote:
yea i literally dont know how to do sodoku lol so far this and the morse code one im not getting 
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Private wrote on 16-12 11:52:
Kofod wrote:
Malie wrote:
I really love riddles but whyyyy sodoku 
To get variation 😉
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Anaji wrote on 16-12 11:04:
Anaji wrote:
nice! thank you ;)
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Pigeon wrote on 16-12 11:03:
Pigeon wrote:
Thank you!
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Malie wrote on 16-12 09:11:
Malie wrote:
I really love riddles but whyyyy sodoku 
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Private wrote on 12-12 02:13:
Kofod wrote:
RedCrate wrote:
0rl wrote:
it failed again, on the day 12 there is nothing, it seems that a white screen put on, check again
yep c:
A little elf forgot to edit the coding for day 12...
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Private wrote on 12-12 02:13:
Kofod wrote:
AtlantaG1912 wrote:
Kofod wrote:
Kaylee wrote:
ya me either lol
Rest assured, we have no Morse code this year
Day 11 takes you to the twitter account and it’s morse code
Oh, well... I haven't communicated with SMT to see what they did, my bad
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O7Goner wrote on 12-12 01:33:
O7Goner wrote:
0rl wrote:
it failed again, on the day 12 there is nothing, it seems that a white screen put on, check again
yep c:
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Private wrote on 12-12 01:19:
AtlantaG1912 wrote:
Kofod wrote:
Kaylee wrote:
AtlantaG1912 wrote:
I most bne dreadful at morse code because i can't understand it
ya me either lol
Rest assured, we have no Morse code this year
Day 11 takes you to the twitter account and it’s morse code
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Private wrote on 11-12 21:56:
Kofod wrote:
Kaylee wrote:
AtlantaG1912 wrote:
I most bne dreadful at morse code because i can't understand it
ya me either lol
Rest assured, we have no Morse code this year
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Kaylee wrote on 11-12 19:41:
Kaylee wrote:
AtlantaG1912 wrote:
I most bne dreadful at morse code because i can't understand it
ya me either lol
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Bug wrote on 10-12 01:44:
Bug wrote:
Kofod wrote:
Bug wrote:
Bug wrote:
Whenever i flipped all the matching cards within the timelimit the code just goes away before i can even read it since its only up for a second :'))
wait nvm im dumb, i just clicked the image and it went away but if i dont touch anything we good lol
Bug is having a bug 
lol nothing new there
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Private wrote on 09-12 16:32:
Kofod wrote:
Bug wrote:
Bug wrote:
Whenever i flipped all the matching cards within the timelimit the code just goes away before i can even read it since its only up for a second :'))
wait nvm im dumb, i just clicked the image and it went away but if i dont touch anything we good lol
Bug is having a bug 
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Bug wrote on 09-12 09:57:
Bug wrote:
Bug wrote:
Whenever i flipped all the matching cards within the timelimit the code just goes away before i can even read it since its only up for a second :'))
wait nvm im dumb, i just clicked the image and it went away but if i dont touch anything we good lol
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Bug wrote on 09-12 09:54:
Bug wrote:
Whenever i flipped all the matching cards within the timelimit the code just goes away before i can even read it since its only up for a second :'))
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Private wrote on 09-12 07:16:
Rotte wrote:
Kofod wrote:
Angelica wrote:
RedCrate wrote:
Yep, checked on two browsers as well 
Also got this issue
Try now ^^
That helped, ty! What a cute game!
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Private wrote on 09-12 07:06:
Kofod wrote:
Angelica wrote:
RedCrate wrote:
0rl wrote:
On the day 9th, the mini puzzle photo was rejected and I got an error such as " rejected the connection" it is broken or I don't know, check your connections if they are giving errors but mine did give me that message but I have it well connected omg
Yep, checked on two browsers as well 
Also got this issue
Try now ^^
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Private wrote on 09-12 04:25:
Rotte wrote:
RedCrate wrote:
0rl wrote:
On the day 9th, the mini puzzle photo was rejected and I got an error such as " rejected the connection" it is broken or I don't know, check your connections if they are giving errors but mine did give me that message but I have it well connected omg
Yep, checked on two browsers as well 
Also got this issue
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Private wrote on 09-12 02:18:
Rotte wrote:
RedCrate wrote:
0rl wrote:
On the day 9th, the mini puzzle photo was rejected and I got an error such as " rejected the connection" it is broken or I don't know, check your connections if they are giving errors but mine did give me that message but I have it well connected omg
Yep, checked on two browsers as well 
Also got this issue
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O7Goner wrote on 09-12 02:04:
O7Goner wrote:
0rl wrote:
On the day 9th, the mini puzzle photo was rejected and I got an error such as " rejected the connection" it is broken or I don't know, check your connections if they are giving errors but mine did give me that message but I have it well connected omg
Yep, checked on two browsers as well 
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Private wrote on 08-12 02:21:
Molecai wrote:
Clavicle wrote:
Sorry the male code should be fixed now! Shoot me a message if you claimed it and didn't get anything, and I'll re-code it for you for tomorrow as I'm away til then <3 
Sent a message
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Private wrote on 08-12 02:11:
Eliah wrote:
0rl wrote:
does the black square count or not? before i go wrong xd
The black square serves as an empty space between words
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O7Goner wrote on 08-12 01:17:
O7Goner wrote:
aight dont mind me lol
I just forgot to add the last letter of the puzzle lol
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O7Goner wrote on 08-12 01:12:
O7Goner wrote:
Kuunsirpale wrote:
RedCrate wrote:
Hmm... I dont think the code for today is working :/
Yes it does if you have the right words. You also need to add stuff after the right letters. Everything you need is in the blog post. Depending on your avatar you also need to add f or m
Yup, added the things I needed to. Guess Imma dummy instead. Thought my answer made a lot of sense lol
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Kuunsirpale wrote on 08-12 01:11:
Kuunsirpale wrote:
RedCrate wrote:
Hmm... I dont think the code for today is working :/
Yes it does if you have the right words. You also need to add stuff after the right letters. Everything you need is in the blog post. Depending on your avatar you also need to add f or m
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Private wrote on 08-12 01:11:
Eliah wrote:
RedCrate wrote:
Hmm... I dont think the code for today is working :/
Have you scrolled aaaaall the way down? 
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O7Goner wrote on 08-12 01:07:
O7Goner wrote:
Hmm... I dont think the code for today is working :/
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Private wrote on 07-12 10:06:
Clavicle wrote:
Sorry the male code should be fixed now! Shoot me a message if you claimed it and didn't get anything, and I'll re-code it for you for tomorrow as I'm away til then <3 
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Private wrote on 07-12 07:19:
Kofod wrote:
Nanami wrote:
this don’t work on phone. not for me. just load and say ”error” and then everything turns black.
Unfortunately there's nothing we can do with it. Some have issues with the calendar on phone, and some don't. I don't believe we have the tools to solve the issue
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Private wrote on 07-12 07:18:
Kofod wrote:
Molecai wrote:
Guys what do we get for today's code. I claimed it already but didn't get anything?
I seems the male code doesn't give anything. I've passed the issue on, hopefully it'll work soon.
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Private wrote on 07-12 07:03:
Nanami wrote:
this don’t work on phone. not for me. just load and say ”error” and then everything turns black.
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Private wrote on 07-12 06:45:
Molecai wrote:
Guys what do we get for today's code. I claimed it already but didn't get anything?
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Private wrote on 06-12 13:16:
Babel wrote:
Femme wrote:
Kuunsirpale wrote:
Femme wrote:
code doesnt work for me
As stated, you need to type it yourself. Sometimes codes don't work if you just copy + paste them. Try to type it , it should work (at least it worked for me)i
i have typed it out myself multiple times tho
You need to change the apostrophe into ' instead of ´, which it originally were in the code given in the calendar. It seems to be fixed now.
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Private wrote on 06-12 13:15:
Earl wrote:
Kuunsirpale wrote:
Femme wrote:
code doesnt work for me
As stated, you need to type it yourself. Sometimes codes don't work if you just copy + paste them. Try to type it , it should work (at least it worked for me)i
i have typed it out myself multiple times tho
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Private wrote on 06-12 13:14:
Earl wrote:
Kuunsirpale wrote:
Femme wrote:
code doesnt work for me
As stated, you need to type it yourself. Sometimes codes don't work if you just copy + paste them. Try to type it , it should work (at least it worked for me)i
i have typed it out myself multiple times tho
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Kuunsirpale wrote on 06-12 12:17:
Kuunsirpale wrote:
Femme wrote:
code doesnt work for me
As stated, you need to type it yourself. Sometimes codes don't work if you just copy + paste them. Try to type it , it should work (at least it worked for me)
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Private wrote on 06-12 12:07:
Earl wrote:
code doesnt work for me
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Private wrote on 06-12 03:32:
Eliah wrote:
0rl wrote:
''This coupon code does not exist'' for the day 6 code but i hope they fix it again like they did on day 2 something like that
@0rl It works if you type it out yourself
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O7Goner wrote on 06-12 03:29:
O7Goner wrote:
Man I wish I was smart enough to just write the code out myself lol. Funny thing is, I actually deleted and entered my own ' when I copied it, and it  didn't work.  Oh coding, mortal enemy to lovers
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Private wrote on 06-12 03:23:
Clavicle wrote:
Hazee1 wrote:
Hazee1 wrote:
Clavicle wrote:
Apparently it works if you type it out, but not if you copy and paste it. I'm not sure how to fix that though
yeaa it worked now thx! i think the wrong apostrophe is written in the code. this one works ' but this one ’ doesn't
so sorry instead of an apostrophe someone accidentally added a single quotation mark in the code
Ohhh I see! It will be fixed in the morning then :)
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Private wrote on 06-12 03:19:
Hazee1 wrote:
Hazee1 wrote:
Clavicle wrote:
Hazee1 wrote:
copied the female code directly too (no spaces) and it didn't work
Apparently it works if you type it out, but not if you copy and paste it. I'm not sure how to fix that though
yeaa it worked now thx! i think the wrong apostrophe is written in the code. this one works ' but this one ’ doesn't
so sorry instead of an apostrophe someone accidentally added a single quotation mark in the code
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Private wrote on 06-12 03:18:
Hazee1 wrote:
Clavicle wrote:
Hazee1 wrote:
copied the female code directly too (no spaces) and it didn't work
Apparently it works if you type it out, but not if you copy and paste it. I'm not sure how to fix that though
yeaa it worked now thx! i think the wrong apostrophe is written in the code. this one works ' but this one ’ doesn't
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SkyeTwilight wrote on 06-12 03:17:
SkyeTwilight wrote:
The code worked for me when I typed it out instead of copying it
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Private wrote on 06-12 03:15:
Clavicle wrote:
Hazee1 wrote:
copied the female code directly too (no spaces) and it didn't work
Apparently it works if you type it out, but not if you copy and paste it. I'm not sure how to fix that though
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Private wrote on 06-12 03:04:
Clavicle wrote:
RedCrate wrote:
Day 6 code doesn't exist
Tried with and without the '
A few people have claimed it already, make sure there are no spaces before or after and don't forget the numbers :) (should be a 3 and a 0)
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Chat0yant wrote on 06-12 02:42:
Chat0yant wrote:
same as redcrate 
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O7Goner wrote on 06-12 02:17:
O7Goner wrote:
Day 6 code doesn't exist :o
Tried with and without the '
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Atencia wrote on 05-12 20:57:
Atencia wrote:
ElaVampire wrote:
i don't understand how it reveals the code?
Click on the doors and then the code (or instructions for how to get to the code) will show up in the text box at the top ☺️
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ElaVampire wrote on 05-12 20:33:
ElaVampire wrote:
i don't understand how it reveals the code?
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ElaVampire wrote on 05-12 20:32:
ElaVampire wrote:
i don't understand how it reveals the code?
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Bug wrote on 04-12 04:20:
Bug wrote:
Bug wrote:
I think I might be braindead
I legit cannot find a 10th word
nvm i am in fact braindead, i just found it
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Bug wrote on 04-12 04:18:
Bug wrote:
I think I might be braindead
I legit cannot find a 10th word
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Atencia wrote on 03-12 15:30:
Atencia wrote:
to those of you who can't get the word search to work - message kofod or myself with the words you have and we'll be able to help 💜
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Catchingthoughts wrote on 03-12 13:03:
Catchingthoughts wrote:
still can't find the 10th word :c
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Private wrote on 03-12 03:05:
Jollu wrote:
Can someone help me with word hunt?
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Private wrote on 03-12 02:32:
Vintage wrote:
I have the 10 words, 2 with plural, and it's still not appearing?
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Private wrote on 02-12 22:07:
Kofod wrote:
BlackCatGirl1 wrote:
Can someone help me? Who can I message I can't find one word
Feel free to message me
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Private wrote on 02-12 21:58:
BlackCatGirl1 wrote:
Can someone help me? Who can I message I can't find one word
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Private wrote on 02-12 20:01:
Nina wrote:
Oh, so glad we're having a calendar this year again! Love the layout! And the gifts were so cute so far. :)
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Jarow wrote on 02-12 20:01:
Jarow wrote:
i also foudn 10 words but no code sad
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Reaper wrote on 02-12 19:59:
Reaper wrote:
im gonna give up with my 9 words cause 10th is too hard for me to find 😍
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Feminist wrote on 02-12 14:41:
Feminist wrote:
can´t find the last one... have searched for like 10 minutes haha
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Atencia wrote on 02-12 14:21:
Atencia wrote:
0rl wrote:
Lovelin wrote:
i found 10 words but the code didnt appear !! how am i suppose to know which is wrong :c
same I found 10 words and for me not working idk what happens 
if you've ensured two of your words are plural and it's still not working - message me!
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Atencia wrote on 02-12 12:50:
Atencia wrote:
TiredRen wrote:
i cant find the last word :c
feel free to message me!
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TiredRen wrote on 02-12 12:47:
TiredRen wrote:
i cant find the last word :c
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Ario wrote on 02-12 09:58:
Ario wrote:
omg can't wait for tomorrow
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Bunnyykoko wrote on 02-12 09:05:
Bunnyykoko wrote:
it worked tysm! Its ADORABLE im in love
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LeleDE wrote on 02-12 09:04:
LeleDE wrote:
thank you<3
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Atencia wrote on 02-12 08:58:
Atencia wrote:
AtlantaG1912 wrote:
Have the ten words but no code 
check that tow of your words are plural, and if it still isn't working, message me!
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5sar wrote on 02-12 08:49:
5sar wrote:
Atencia wrote:
Lovelin wrote:
i found 10 words but the code didnt appear !! how am i suppose to know which is wrong :c
two of the words should be in plural, so that's the first thing i'd check! if it still isn't working for you feel free to message me ❤️ 
i found the missing s 
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Atencia wrote on 02-12 08:48:
Atencia wrote:
Rainbowskeletons wrote:
how many extra words are there? i've found 10 words but i don't seem to have the right ones, but i can't find any more either :/
same to you as i wrote to lovelin; check that two of your words are in plural, and if it still isn't working, message me!
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Atencia wrote on 02-12 08:47:
Atencia wrote:
Lovelin wrote:
i found 10 words but the code didnt appear !! how am i suppose to know which is wrong :c
two of the words should be in plural, so that's the first thing i'd check! if it still isn't working for you feel free to message me ❤️ 
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Private wrote on 02-12 08:46:
Rainbowskeletons wrote:
how many extra words are there? i've found 10 words but i don't seem to have the right ones, but i can't find any more either :/
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5sar wrote on 02-12 08:40:
5sar wrote:
i found 10 words but the code didnt appear !! how am i suppose to know which is wrong :c
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Atencia wrote on 02-12 07:53:
Atencia wrote:
Bunnyykoko wrote:
what should we do after we find all 10 words?
once you have the correct 10 words, the codes will appear on your screen ✨
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Bunnyykoko wrote on 02-12 07:52:
Bunnyykoko wrote:
what should we do after we find all 10 words?
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Atencia wrote on 02-12 07:04:
Atencia wrote:

the elves have been busy this year and did a little oopsy
but the gifts have now been added behind the letters, if you can pick out the right words 🎁 
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O7Goner wrote on 02-12 02:15:
O7Goner wrote:
Clavicle wrote:
RedCrate wrote:
I can't find the last word :c
But I did find the word Salsa, although that doesnt seem to count
"We wish you a Merry Salsa" 
I will ONLY use that the rest of the season
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Private wrote on 02-12 02:07:
Clavicle wrote:
RedCrate wrote:
I can't find the last word :c
But I did find the word Salsa, although that doesnt seem to count
"We wish you a Merry Salsa" 
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O7Goner wrote on 02-12 02:06:
O7Goner wrote:
RedCrate wrote:
I can't find the last word :c
But I did find the word Salsa, although that doesnt seem to count
It has been found and I do be a bit stupid on this one -.-
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Private wrote on 02-12 01:49:
Limited wrote:
Nuola wrote:
Limited wrote:
Nuola wrote:
will it likely be fixed before we go to bed?
I can’t promise anything. We will work as fast as we can 💪🏻 but remember it’s not LE, so if you are going to bed. You can claim it later 🥰
i thought it said LE in parentheses then female code here, maybe i remembered incorrectly whoops! thank you!
Oh right, my bad XD anyway we will try our best to solve this 🙏🏻
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O7Goner wrote on 02-12 01:43:
O7Goner wrote:
I can't find the last word :c
But I did find the word Salsa, although that doesnt seem to count
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Private wrote on 02-12 01:34:
Nuola wrote:
Limited wrote:
Nuola wrote:
Limited wrote:
I will tell the team it, so they can fix it 🙏🏻
will it likely be fixed before we go to bed?
I can’t promise anything. We will work as fast as we can 💪🏻 but remember it’s not LE, so if you are going to bed. You can claim it later 🥰
i thought it said LE in parentheses then female code here, maybe i remembered incorrectly whoops! thank you!
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Private wrote on 02-12 01:31:
Limited wrote:
Nuola wrote:
Limited wrote:
Babooshka wrote:
There's no code in the mini puzzle (Day 2). 
I will tell the team it, so they can fix it 🙏🏻
will it likely be fixed before we go to bed?
I can’t promise anything. We will work as fast as we can 💪🏻 but remember it’s not LE, so if you are going to bed. You can claim it later 🥰
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Private wrote on 02-12 01:29:
Nuola wrote:
Limited wrote:
Babooshka wrote:
There's no code in the mini puzzle (Day 2). 
I will tell the team it, so they can fix it 🙏🏻
will it likely be fixed before we go to bed?
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Private wrote on 02-12 01:18:
Limited wrote:
Babooshka wrote:
There's no code in the mini puzzle (Day 2). 
I will tell the team it, so they can fix it 🙏🏻
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Private wrote on 02-12 01:10:
Babooshka wrote:
There's no code in the mini puzzle (Day 2). 
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Private wrote on 01-12 17:38:
Kofod wrote:
Kaito wrote:
everyone can claim all codes right? so like.... i can claim on a male side? 
If it's not stated they are LE then they will be retrievable for all
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Private wrote on 01-12 16:51:
Kaito wrote:
everyone can claim all codes right? so like.... i can claim on a male side? 
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Private wrote on 01-12 16:05:
Kofod wrote:
It's working everyone!
If you notice any other errors within the calendar feel free to contact any team member! Or just write here. Then we'll do our best to fix it!
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Private wrote on 01-12 15:45:
Rotte wrote:
Are their any le in this years calender? 
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Private wrote on 01-12 15:43:
Sylvan wrote:
oh noo
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Private wrote on 01-12 12:46:
Kofod wrote:
Luminescence wrote:
Sokol wrote:
i think your code is broken, the actual advent calendar isnt showing up ^^;
Yeah, sadly :/ It will hopefully be fixed later today when someone who can code is available to do it
We're working as hard as we can to solve the issue. Hopefully it'll actually be fixed today.
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Private wrote on 01-12 08:37:
Luminescence wrote:
Sokol wrote:
i think your code is broken, the actual advent calendar isnt showing up ^^;
Yeah, sadly :/ It will hopefully be fixed later today when someone who can code is available to do it
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Sokol wrote on 01-12 07:53:
Sokol wrote:
i think your code is broken, the actual advent calendar isnt showing up ^^;

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