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The Teams of VP | Designer Team (by Private)

It is time for the second article in our series ‘The Teams of VP’, where we get an inside look into what it is like to be a member of each team. If you missed the first article in this segment on BloggerTeam, feel free to check it out here after you have read this article! 

As you probably already guessed, the next team in line is DesignerTeam! DesignerTeam, or DT for short, is a team consisting of artists who create the clothing you see on the avatars around the site. You can easily recognise an official designer by the badge, but you can also find a list of all designers, current and previously badged, in the ‘show only’ filter in your wardrobe. Everyone have the opportunity to design clothes for vp, but by being an official member of DT you get a few other functions and responsibilities, which we will, tanks to the help of Lily, Ad0xa, Aeris and Moss, take a closer look into in this article. 


The main function and purpose of DT is to provide the site with clothing, and to make sure there always are designs available for system use, such and Game/HOF and DM. As a badged designer you are required to submit at least one design per month for this use, where at least every second month you have to submit a male design, as there tend to be a shortage of sets designed for males. Designs created especially for team use, like codes and competition prizes, comes in addition to the one monthly required design. To keep track of this, the designers have a Discord server where a lot of the planning with what sets goes where and who designs what, is discussed, and each member is therefore able to control what their own designs are used for.

On top of just designing, as a badged designer you also get access to the upload and coding functions. A huge part of being a designer that everyone might not realise, is that they have to upload all their own designs, as well as help with the uploading of the approved designs sent to the DT account by non-badged designers. Sometimes there are also minor fixes on already uploaded items that needs to be done, such as moving it one pixel up or down or change the colour category. This function may feel a little foreign and complicated at first, as there are a lot of steps and detail that goes into uploading a design, and for some, this process takes up a lot of time. 

However, some perks with having access to this function, is that each designer have full control over their own items, where they are placed, what categories they are put in. They get to tag their designs with their name so that everyone knows who made them, and can easily find all their designs via the sorting function in the wardrobe. Having access to the clothing management also includes an overview of all designs uploaded and set for different functions, which is why designers for example know what the weekly diamond member set is beforehand and can give hints in the speculation thread. 

Given that the sets used for the system requirements mentioned earlier are the same for all three servers, the DTs of each server have to collaborate in filling the needs. “The servers have a rotation of who's supposed to provide DM, HOF and WOF sets each week.” says Moss, who is a badged designer on the German server. Because the English server have more active designers than the others, some EN users have been asked to help out on DE and NL, and thus gotten a badge and access to all designer functions there.

- What has your experience being badged on a different server been like?

“It was a very exciting experience! In my case, I was invited to become badged on DE because they needed some help with their schedule. This made me really happy, as I saw it as a kind of validation that my designs were good enough to deserve the nametag and the responsibility that comes with the badge.”

But being badged on a server where you don’t speak the language fluently, has its challenges. Moss could tell me that Masilein, another german designer, kindly put together an English explanation of how uploading and coding works. “So, thankfully, the designer functions weren't too much of a hassle to learn! Some words are harder than others though, such as the ‘others’ category being called ‘anderes’ in the German wardrobe, but ‘verbleibende’ in the uploader. ”


By clicking on the nametags under, you can read more about the personal experiences of the three EN designers who helped with this article! 

How long have you been a member of DT?

Since 28th November 2018. Been on EN server's DT since 21st November 2019.

What should you know and prepare for if you aspire to become a member of this team?

It's a lot to keep track of and a complicated system to learn. How to upload, how to code and everything. You gotta have a lot of patience. :3

How much work and time does each member have to put into this team?

I can't answer for anyone else but me, myself, put a lot of time on it. Designing and uploading. While I was on NL DT I also uploaded a lot of sets for Solovey and that took a lot of time, lot of amazing parts.

What is the best or most rewarding part of being a member of this team?

Seeing the sets and parts before everyone else. Heh. :'3

Have the team experience taught you something that you will be taking with you to other aspects of life?

It's a lot of talented people, what's more is it to say? They are all amazing artists in this team!!

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MasileinDE wrote on 30-03 08:50:
MasileinDE wrote:
Noemie wrote:
Eifos wrote:
Chlorine wrote:
Preach woman 🙏
I couldn’t agree more, and for the designers that disagree: u can still design as a non-badge. 
I think the main problem is, that half or more of the En designers would quit DT, and stop designing for VP if we make a stricter than it is
But would it really be stricter? 
If we look at the female sets only.

- 6 MCW sets/ month (if there are no bonuses) > the 96e one is always covered by Sol, so not counting that > 60 sets per year
- 52 WoF sets per year
- 52 Hof sets per year
- 52 DM sets per year
- Like 5 Event prize sets monthly > 60 sets per year
- 1 shop update set weekly > 52 sets per year
So there needs to be around 328 Fem sets per year to be designed, if I didn't miss anything. :'D

Let's say, 50 sets are designed by random non designers.

278 sets left to be designed.

There are like 30 designers on all of the servers.
>  ~9,2 sets per designer per year got to be designed.

That's less than the monthly 1 set per designer you have now... 
And if instead of this server rotation things were divided between the designers and everyone designed for every purpose, we'd have more diverse content.

here comes in again that some don't want to design for a certain gender, some don't want to design for certain "events" like DM or MCW - so it'd be a bit more difficult to organise, but yes, overall it would be less to design
believe me, they had all the data and many still didn't want to
(because 9 designs per year is still more than the 3 some did back then)
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Private wrote on 30-03 08:42:
Nina wrote:
Eifos wrote:
Chlorine wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
to be fair, I don't know their reasoning
some thought they'd have to work more than they do now (which was proven wrong, but well). also there is a bunch of designers that don't want to design for DM or only want to design for a certain gender and basically there's a whole bunch of different opinions over how the job of the designer should be regulated, so it's easier to just do this by server instead of finding a common rulebook. There used to be a huge discussion about a fix plan being the worst thing ever, because you can't force creativity and forcing people to design will just block them and make them mentally ill. I still think being a designer is like a job: you want the badge, you have to deliver, no matter if it's conveniant for you to be creative right now or not. a bunch of the designers think like, others don't and this will always be a subject for huge discussions if we let it get to that point.
it's been a long time since the discussion was even on the table and we tried to find a way everyone was satisfied. unfortunately, you can't make everybody happy and some weren't able to make one design per year more so that others could make 4 less, so that's just how it is now
now, it's every server's decision to find a "worthy" DM set for the week they have to and for the german server for instance it's a fix plan with every designer needing to do DM once in a while. so we designers have to make sure our designs match the criteria and hope for the best
Preach woman 🙏
I couldn’t agree more, and for the designers that disagree: u can still design as a non-badge. 
I think the main problem is, that half or more of the En designers would quit DT, and stop designing for VP if we make a stricter than it is
But would it really be stricter? 
If we look at the female sets only.

- 6 MCW sets/ month (if there are no bonuses) > the 96e one is always covered by Sol, so not counting that > 60 sets per year
- 52 WoF sets per year
- 52 Hof sets per year
- 52 DM sets per year
- Like 5 Event prize sets monthly > 60 sets per year
- 1 shop update set weekly > 52 sets per year
So there needs to be around 328 Fem sets per year to be designed, if I didn't miss anything. :'D

Let's say, 50 sets are designed by random non designers.

278 sets left to be designed.

There are like 30 designers on all of the servers.
>  ~9,2 sets per designer per year got to be designed.

That's less than the monthly 1 set per designer you have now... 
And if instead of this server rotation things were divided between the designers and everyone designed for every purpose, we'd have more diverse content.
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MasileinDE wrote on 30-03 07:55:
MasileinDE wrote:
Eifos wrote:
Chlorine wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
to be fair, I don't know their reasoning
some thought they'd have to work more than they do now (which was proven wrong, but well). also there is a bunch of designers that don't want to design for DM or only want to design for a certain gender and basically there's a whole bunch of different opinions over how the job of the designer should be regulated, so it's easier to just do this by server instead of finding a common rulebook. There used to be a huge discussion about a fix plan being the worst thing ever, because you can't force creativity and forcing people to design will just block them and make them mentally ill. I still think being a designer is like a job: you want the badge, you have to deliver, no matter if it's conveniant for you to be creative right now or not. a bunch of the designers think like, others don't and this will always be a subject for huge discussions if we let it get to that point.
it's been a long time since the discussion was even on the table and we tried to find a way everyone was satisfied. unfortunately, you can't make everybody happy and some weren't able to make one design per year more so that others could make 4 less, so that's just how it is now
now, it's every server's decision to find a "worthy" DM set for the week they have to and for the german server for instance it's a fix plan with every designer needing to do DM once in a while. so we designers have to make sure our designs match the criteria and hope for the best
Preach woman 🙏
I couldn’t agree more, and for the designers that disagree: u can still design as a non-badge. 
I think the main problem is, that half or more of the En designers would quit DT, and stop designing for VP if we make a stricter than it is

to be fair, would it really be that bad to have these three designs per year less?
I mean, we had the same issue on the german server a few times and then the designers quitted and stopped designing for VP either forever or for a very long time until they decided to come back. And sure it's tough finding sets, but it's tougher if there's one or two designers who have to make a set every week, because some people can't be bothered to channel their creativity in two months.Of course this is more of an issue if you are fewer, but it's why I had so strong feelings about a whole cross-server team instead of what we have now.
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Platin wrote on 30-03 05:00:
Platin wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
Noemie wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:

tried that
many designers don't want a serverwide rotation
so we had to try the next best thing
Hmm, would you mind telling their reasoning? 
Currently I feel like we don't have enough variety... if all the designers had equal chances of having their designs used that would be better. But since on the other servers there are less designers, they can have their sets as hof, wof, dm like 2-3 times by the time an en designers design is used...  Couldn't there be like a yearly schedule with everyone included? So we wouldn't have eg. 10 dm/ hof/ wof sets from the same designer, but eveyone would have a week and we could have a set from everyone. 

to be fair, I don't know their reasoning
some thought they'd have to work more than they do now (which was proven wrong, but well). also there is a bunch of designers that don't want to design for DM or only want to design for a certain gender and basically there's a whole bunch of different opinions over how the job of the designer should be regulated, so it's easier to just do this by server instead of finding a common rulebook. There used to be a huge discussion about a fix plan being the worst thing ever, because you can't force creativity and forcing people to design will just block them and make them mentally ill. I still think being a designer is like a job: you want the badge, you have to deliver, no matter if it's conveniant for you to be creative right now or not. a bunch of the designers think like, others don't and this will always be a subject for huge discussions if we let it get to that point.
it's been a long time since the discussion was even on the table and we tried to find a way everyone was satisfied. unfortunately, you can't make everybody happy and some weren't able to make one design per year more so that others could make 4 less, so that's just how it is now
now, it's every server's decision to find a "worthy" DM set for the week they have to and for the german server for instance it's a fix plan with every designer needing to do DM once in a while. so we designers have to make sure our designs match the criteria and hope for the best
You are so right about that! 
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VirgoElf wrote on 30-03 04:26:
VirgoElf wrote:
Amazing Designers!
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Eifos wrote on 29-03 16:05:
Eifos wrote:
Chlorine wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
to be fair, I don't know their reasoning
some thought they'd have to work more than they do now (which was proven wrong, but well). also there is a bunch of designers that don't want to design for DM or only want to design for a certain gender and basically there's a whole bunch of different opinions over how the job of the designer should be regulated, so it's easier to just do this by server instead of finding a common rulebook. There used to be a huge discussion about a fix plan being the worst thing ever, because you can't force creativity and forcing people to design will just block them and make them mentally ill. I still think being a designer is like a job: you want the badge, you have to deliver, no matter if it's conveniant for you to be creative right now or not. a bunch of the designers think like, others don't and this will always be a subject for huge discussions if we let it get to that point.
it's been a long time since the discussion was even on the table and we tried to find a way everyone was satisfied. unfortunately, you can't make everybody happy and some weren't able to make one design per year more so that others could make 4 less, so that's just how it is now
now, it's every server's decision to find a "worthy" DM set for the week they have to and for the german server for instance it's a fix plan with every designer needing to do DM once in a while. so we designers have to make sure our designs match the criteria and hope for the best
Preach woman 🙏
I couldn’t agree more, and for the designers that disagree: u can still design as a non-badge. 
I think the main problem is, that half or more of the En designers would quit DT, and stop designing for VP if we make a stricter than it is
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Helmi wrote on 29-03 12:32:
Helmi wrote:
I love the animal crossing shirts in the group picture lol, cute
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Private wrote on 28-03 11:32:
Chlorine wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
to be fair, I don't know their reasoning
some thought they'd have to work more than they do now (which was proven wrong, but well). also there is a bunch of designers that don't want to design for DM or only want to design for a certain gender and basically there's a whole bunch of different opinions over how the job of the designer should be regulated, so it's easier to just do this by server instead of finding a common rulebook. There used to be a huge discussion about a fix plan being the worst thing ever, because you can't force creativity and forcing people to design will just block them and make them mentally ill. I still think being a designer is like a job: you want the badge, you have to deliver, no matter if it's conveniant for you to be creative right now or not. a bunch of the designers think like, others don't and this will always be a subject for huge discussions if we let it get to that point.
it's been a long time since the discussion was even on the table and we tried to find a way everyone was satisfied. unfortunately, you can't make everybody happy and some weren't able to make one design per year more so that others could make 4 less, so that's just how it is now
now, it's every server's decision to find a "worthy" DM set for the week they have to and for the german server for instance it's a fix plan with every designer needing to do DM once in a while. so we designers have to make sure our designs match the criteria and hope for the best
Preach woman 🙏
I couldn’t agree more, and for the designers that disagree: u can still design as a non-badge. 
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Private wrote on 28-03 10:46:
Nina wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
Noemie wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:

tried that
many designers don't want a serverwide rotation
so we had to try the next best thing
Hmm, would you mind telling their reasoning? 
Currently I feel like we don't have enough variety... if all the designers had equal chances of having their designs used that would be better. But since on the other servers there are less designers, they can have their sets as hof, wof, dm like 2-3 times by the time an en designers design is used...  Couldn't there be like a yearly schedule with everyone included? So we wouldn't have eg. 10 dm/ hof/ wof sets from the same designer, but eveyone would have a week and we could have a set from everyone. 

to be fair, I don't know their reasoning
some thought they'd have to work more than they do now (which was proven wrong, but well). also there is a bunch of designers that don't want to design for DM or only want to design for a certain gender and basically there's a whole bunch of different opinions over how the job of the designer should be regulated, so it's easier to just do this by server instead of finding a common rulebook. There used to be a huge discussion about a fix plan being the worst thing ever, because you can't force creativity and forcing people to design will just block them and make them mentally ill. I still think being a designer is like a job: you want the badge, you have to deliver, no matter if it's conveniant for you to be creative right now or not. a bunch of the designers think like, others don't and this will always be a subject for huge discussions if we let it get to that point.
it's been a long time since the discussion was even on the table and we tried to find a way everyone was satisfied. unfortunately, you can't make everybody happy and some weren't able to make one design per year more so that others could make 4 less, so that's just how it is now
now, it's every server's decision to find a "worthy" DM set for the week they have to and for the german server for instance it's a fix plan with every designer needing to do DM once in a while. so we designers have to make sure our designs match the criteria and hope for the best
Oh, I agree with you on basically everything there. Especially on the part where you say being a badged designer is like a job.
Would be good if the topic was brought up within the team again. It just doesn't seem fair some got to do so much more than the others... but of course those who want to work less will never want changes. u.u

Thank you for taking the time and answering me. :)
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Worldglobe wrote on 27-03 20:01:
Worldglobe wrote:
OMG this lay-out and I think this thread is amazing to show all the different teams. 
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MasileinDE wrote on 27-03 19:50:
MasileinDE wrote:
Noemie wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
Noemie wrote:
Oh, the layout is so pretty! And the interviews are interesting!
I love Era's layouts and Atencia's writings. 

As for DT, I don't understand why the server rotation thing is neccessary. The other servers have a lot fewer desiners... sets always should be chosen from all the available sets from all the servers, so eg. there wouldn't be disappointing DMs... 

But thanks to all of them for all the work they put into the things. They're the souls of VP.

tried that
many designers don't want a serverwide rotation
so we had to try the next best thing
Hmm, would you mind telling their reasoning? 
Currently I feel like we don't have enough variety... if all the designers had equal chances of having their designs used that would be better. But since on the other servers there are less designers, they can have their sets as hof, wof, dm like 2-3 times by the time an en designers design is used...  Couldn't there be like a yearly schedule with everyone included? So we wouldn't have eg. 10 dm/ hof/ wof sets from the same designer, but eveyone would have a week and we could have a set from everyone. 

to be fair, I don't know their reasoning
some thought they'd have to work more than they do now (which was proven wrong, but well). also there is a bunch of designers that don't want to design for DM or only want to design for a certain gender and basically there's a whole bunch of different opinions over how the job of the designer should be regulated, so it's easier to just do this by server instead of finding a common rulebook. There used to be a huge discussion about a fix plan being the worst thing ever, because you can't force creativity and forcing people to design will just block them and make them mentally ill. I still think being a designer is like a job: you want the badge, you have to deliver, no matter if it's conveniant for you to be creative right now or not. a bunch of the designers think like, others don't and this will always be a subject for huge discussions if we let it get to that point.
it's been a long time since the discussion was even on the table and we tried to find a way everyone was satisfied. unfortunately, you can't make everybody happy and some weren't able to make one design per year more so that others could make 4 less, so that's just how it is now
now, it's every server's decision to find a "worthy" DM set for the week they have to and for the german server for instance it's a fix plan with every designer needing to do DM once in a while. so we designers have to make sure our designs match the criteria and hope for the best
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Private wrote on 27-03 19:11:
Appealingly wrote:
Thanks for a great article. Really liked to get some inside tell on how the whole designing and uploading process works :) Keep up the good job!
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Private wrote on 27-03 18:30:
Nina wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
Noemie wrote:
Oh, the layout is so pretty! And the interviews are interesting!
I love Era's layouts and Atencia's writings. 

As for DT, I don't understand why the server rotation thing is neccessary. The other servers have a lot fewer desiners... sets always should be chosen from all the available sets from all the servers, so eg. there wouldn't be disappointing DMs... 

But thanks to all of them for all the work they put into the things. They're the souls of VP.

tried that
many designers don't want a serverwide rotation
so we had to try the next best thing
Hmm, would you mind telling their reasoning? 
Currently I feel like we don't have enough variety... if all the designers had equal chances of having their designs used that would be better. But since on the other servers there are less designers, they can have their sets as hof, wof, dm like 2-3 times by the time an en designers design is used...  Couldn't there be like a yearly schedule with everyone included? So we wouldn't have eg. 10 dm/ hof/ wof sets from the same designer, but eveyone would have a week and we could have a set from everyone. 
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Private wrote on 27-03 17:53:
Saekki wrote:
Omg this layout is everything Really interesting to get a look on how it works in the teams we have here, huge respect for everyone who put so much time into making this site enjoyable!
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Private wrote on 27-03 17:50:
Chlorine wrote:
Amazing layout and well written 💕
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Private wrote on 27-03 17:38:
Amren wrote:
It's super interesting to read this and I loveeee this layout and the colours hehe
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Moss wrote on 27-03 17:29:
Moss wrote:
MasileinDE wrote:
I love seeing how the others think of the "job" this series really is much fun!

btw @Moss the Verbleibende - Anderes issue messes with my head too and I know German  
Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one then 
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MasileinDE wrote on 27-03 17:28:
MasileinDE wrote:
Noemie wrote:
Oh, the layout is so pretty! And the interviews are interesting!
I love Era's layouts and Atencia's writings. 

As for DT, I don't understand why the server rotation thing is neccessary. The other servers have a lot fewer desiners... sets always should be chosen from all the available sets from all the servers, so eg. there wouldn't be disappointing DMs... 

But thanks to all of them for all the work they put into the things. They're the souls of VP.

tried that
many designers don't want a serverwide rotation
so we had to try the next best thing
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Private wrote on 27-03 17:25:
Nina wrote:
Oh, the layout is so pretty! And the interviews are interesting!
I love Era's layouts and Atencia's writings. 

As for DT, I don't understand why the server rotation thing is neccessary. The other servers have a lot fewer desiners... sets always should be chosen from all the available sets from all the servers, so eg. there wouldn't be disappointing DMs... 

But thanks to all of them for all the work they put into the things. They're the souls of VP. :)
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MasileinDE wrote on 27-03 17:25:
MasileinDE wrote:
I love seeing how the others think of the "job" :d this series really is much fun!

btw @Moss the Verbleibende - Anderes issue messes with my head too and I know German :d
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Private wrote on 27-03 17:12:
Libertas wrote:
I love everything with this article, the layout is so pretty and it's a real nice interview 
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Private wrote on 27-03 17:04:
Era wrote:

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