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Game | Endling: Extinction is forever (by Atencia )
Recently I discovered a game called ‘Endling: Extinction is forever’ and after considering it for a little bit I decided to play it with you guys. So if you want to watch the gameplay click the video attached to this article or go to VirtualPopstar’s youtube channel. The game is a very aesthetic game with a very sweet storyline. It shows the story of a fox mom trying to survive with her little cubs. At the very beginning you are shown how she is chased away from her home in the forest and forced to live in the area of a big factory. The game shows you how the humans working at the factory ruins nature and it is your job to find a way to protect your cubs and have them survive in those tough circumstances. While you have to go hunt for food so your cubs won’t starve you also need to be aware of both predators and hunters out to catch you and your cubs. How will they survive?
Even though it is quite an easy-going survival game to play, there is also a lot to unfold from the universe these foxes live in. While the game doesn’t show you how tough reality is for these animals living in areas where human inventions have taken over, it still gives you a great idea. If you aren’t careful both you and your cubs will die, either from starvation or from getting killed one way or another. In your daily life you might not consider how such industrial areas might seem to the wildlife, or perhaps you do, either ways the game definitely puts the whole matter of climate change into perspective because now you don’t have to just sit and watch the change, you have to find a way to survive in an environment where it isn’t easy. I find the game quite interesting on multiple levels, but one of the things I enjoyed the most was to see the cubs grow up and get better at surviving in the world of the factory. If you like an easy-going game with a sweet storyline I definitely think you should check this one out.
Keep an eye out, there is a code hidden at either the first few or last few minutes of the video!