Racism is the act of negative judgment and stereotyping towards someone or an ethnic group because of their ethnicity.
Whether we like it or not, racism is all around us. You’ll probably hear racist slurs most places you go; on the streets, in your classroom, at the movies, even in the movies. You may even find yourself thinking racist thoughts from time to time.
To err is human, to notice when you do it yourself, well that, that is truly divine. To make this easier for you all to read, I want you to know that I find myself thinking racist thoughts subconsciously almost daily, and when I bring it up with people in my life, they admit that they do too. It’s not abnormal to think racist thoughts because racism is molded into our brains every day; by the media, by the shape of your community, by friends and family, and so on and so forth. You may not like to admit it, but most of you probably have had a racist thought at some point in your life, even if it’s as small as clutching your bag when you see a black man on the street or not making eye contact with someone because it makes you uncomfortable.
Luckily for all of us, thoughts aren’t harmful, it’s the actions and words that are. It is still good to take a step back and realize when we personally are thinking racist thoughts and assess them and if they are really true or not (the answer is no, they are not). What’s amazing about this all is by tackling our own racism instead of handing it off to others and saying you aren’t part of the problem, you are admitting your flaws- this is a very brave and great thing to do.
Occasionally thinking racist thoughts is nothing to be ashamed of, and you don’t even have to discuss it with others as long as it’s just a thought (unless you want to, which is also great because it will help them think about their own subconscious racisms). By admitting your own flaws, you are accepting that everyone is part of the problem, and it will help you be part of the solution.
Each time you catch yourself thinking racist thoughts, and you correct yourself, you are allowing yourself to not be dismissive to your own actions. You are taking your own wrong-doings and you are defeating them. Go you!